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4 June 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

[Osho gives a couple an ‘energy darshan’]

Good. Come back. This is the best way to say something of the heart. And there is much the heart wants to say but the mind is incapable of saying it. It can be said only through the energy. Words are inadequate; only vitality can be adequate for it. You cannot translate it into linguistic, conceptual forms; language is not meant for it. But there is another kind of language, existential, that consists of the vibration of the energy. It is far more profound. It can say things which cannot be said... at least it can show things which cannot be said.

I am happy – you are both moving in a beautiful space. And much more is on the way. Become more receptive. It all depends on your receptivity. The more receptive you become, the more you will be getting. One has to go on expanding. One has to go on expanding so much that one can contain the infinite. Then only is god known... and not only known but lived.

The journey has started. You have taken the most important step: you have begun it. Now it will go on accelerating.

Cooperate, relax, trust.

[A sannyasin says he is confused about his reasons for going to the West.]

All the reasons may be true. And man is very complex. Our life does not depend on one cause, it is multi-causal. Even a small act has many causes to it. Science has given an idea to everybody that each effect has one cause. That is not true, at least not true about man. Each effect has many causes maybe one is predominant or predominant one day, another day not. But every effect has many causes, so there is no need to be confused: all those causes may be true. They are true.

When you are here a great fear is bound to come one day or other. That indicates that now you are coming closer to me. So on one hand it is a happy phenomenon; on the other it is very confusing because then the mind starts finding ways to escape from here. You are on that boundary line where a decision has to be taken. The mind hesitates, and the hesitation is natural. Nothing wrong about it; it is not a sin. Don’t feel guilty about it.

It is confusing, because your whole past pulls you back. And the future is insecure: you cannot be certain about it, about what is going to happen. You may lose your past, and you may not even get something in the bargain, hence the fear. This is one part of it.

The other part of it – a great desire to go into the unknown – will arise too. The adventurer will start raising its head and it will say ‘It is worth it; the risk has to be taken’, because even if the past is secure, comfortable, what have you gained out of it? It has become a dull kind of routine; you are moving in a circle. You will do those same things again. Even if they are pleasant, they are boring.

You can find a woman, another woman, another woman, and you know it is pleasant but soon it wears out, soon the agony sets in and you feel bored. And it is the same woman you were so thrilled by it was such a great challenge! In fact, the moment you have possessed the woman, the woman is finished, because the whole excitement and ecstasy was in possessing her, in conquering, and now you have conquered her. And now the same games, whether they are of sex or love or money or... and one goes on and on and one gets more and more fed up. So you know that too!

So both these things are there – the fear of losing the past and the excitement of losing it and entering into something new – hence the hesitation, hence the confusion. But my suggestion is: this time you have to go, otherwise you will remain stuck at this point. This time you have to go – that will teach you many things.

With this going back, with this experience of going back, you will be really finished with the past because you will see the futility of it. And you have to see it; just my saying it is not of much help. Even if intellectually you understand it, it is not of much help. You have to go and see it, experience that it is futile. You have to go back and see that it was pointless. You have to see the stupidity of it; that will make you wise.

So I am not suggesting that you stay. My suggestion is: go, find a woman, find a job, be secure... and within a few months the call will come to come back. Then it will be worth coming. You will be coming with less hesitation, you will come with a more certain step.

So this time it is perfectly right – go – but when the call is heard, come back again. And I will give you the call in the right moment.

[Osho asks another sannyasin if he has anything to say. He replies: Words seem so empty.]

Words are empty but you are full of something. It is just a beginning – a small small fountain has started sprouting. Your conscious mind may not have even heard about it, because there is a distance between the unconscious and the conscious. The thing is happening in the unconscious. It is like a fountain, a stream of water deep down in the dark earth: on the surface we don’t hear the sound, you cannot see that something inside Is flowing. It takes time for the conscious to recognise

it, but something is flowing. I can hear the first flowing sound of the stream. It is very very still, very silent, but soon it will flood your consciousness.

This is going to be your fulfillment, but much work is needed to connect the conscious with the unconscious. Much earth has to be dug up. Many things have to be unearthed, many rocks have to be removed, but the source is there. And it will not be futile. You can dig and the well will be found. Just continue to meditate.

[Osho gives an ‘energy darshan’ to a sannyasin who is an art teacher in America.]

The energy is ready and much can be done. You have come at a very very right moment. And much depends on the moment. Sometimes people come but their energy is not ripe. Sometimes people who have passed that moment of ripeness come; then it takes a long time, much work, unnecessary work. But that work can be avoided with you. You have come exactly at the right time. This is the season for you to bloom; it is a spring for you. And once you start opening up, all the reservoirs of creative energy will start functioning.

I teach art... religion is another name for it. My religion is more aesthetic than religious. It is much more akin to art, poetry, painting, dance, music – than it is to ritual. To me, religion is the greatest art. And god cannot be contacted through a scientific attitude – that becomes a barrier – because god is not an object. God can be contacted only in a subjective way, through subjectivity, because god is our innermost subject. And that’s the way of art.

The artist has to be non-objective. The moment the artist is objective, art is lost. Then he may be just a photographer It is simply depicting the object outside; then the work is mechanical When you create the object it comes from your subjectivity, from your very inner source – it is your creation. A painting does not represent nature – not at all. If it does it is not painting, it is photography. It represents the artist. It represents his vision, it represents his dream of reality. It represents how he feels the reality should be. It represents a value, not a fact.

And that’s what religion is in the ultimate sense: it does not represent any facticity. God is not a fact but the ultimate value – the value of all values, the value behind all values, the beauty behind all beauties, the song behind all songs.

So just become more and more available, open, and don’t resist in any way. Just go with the wind here, and instantly things will start happening.

[A young sannyasin says: I’ve been feeling quite a lot lately... that things have been happening very fast... ]

They are happening and they are happening quite fast. And the difficulty will be there – you cannot keep pace with them, mm? They are running and you are as yet unable to run with them, you are lagging behind. Things are going faster than you, but it happens sometimes; then you have to speed up. You have to keep pace with things, otherwise they will stop. You have to run with them, you have to remain constantly parallel to them. In fact, the best way is to be a little ahead of them... but you are lagging behind.

That may be just because you have never believed in your life that these things would happen to you. You had never dreamt about them. They are just happening out of the blue they are incomprehensible. You are simply bewildered By the time you have settled with one thing, another happens, and it keeps you unsettled.

But this is beautiful; this is what is expected of every sannyasin. Evolution has to be speeded up; then it becomes revolution. That’s the only difference between evolution and revolution: evolution goes at an ant’s pace – it takes millions of years for a small thing to happen. Revolution means a quantum leap – a jump from one state to another state, a discontinuity with the old. And once you have learned how to leap, life takes on such vitality, such joy that you cannot imagine it can be so beautiful, that life can be so alive!

Just raise your hands, close your eyes, and feel pulled towards me as if you are being pulled towards a magnet – irresistibly pulled, you cannot help it, there is no way to hold yourself – and if your body starts moving, allow. If your body starts leaning, allow.

[Another sannyasin says: there’s a lot of fear but I’m not scared any more... It’s as if love is just killing me.]

Love kills! It kills and gives no opening to escape. Fear is natural – all that is needed is not to be scared by it. It has to be taken for granted, it has to be accepted. It will remain by the side, like a shadow. Soon it becomes impotent. If you don’t give much attention to it, it loses all power over you. It goes on lingering by the side. It is just as in the morning when you wake up, the dream lingers a little while. You are drinking your tea and the dream is still lurking by the side. You are taking your bath and something of the dream is still hanging around, a hangover, but you are not paying attention to it. Soon it disappears. Like that, fear will disappear one day. Just don’t pay much attention to it.

Love is a killer. This whole field is a love field and you will be killed from every side. There is no way to escape, so fall flat on your back (chuckling), say ‘Yes!’ and be killed! (laughter) Right? Good!



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