The Madman’s Guide to Enlightenment
Talks given from 1/6/78 to 30/6/78 Darshan Diary
Talks given from 1/6/78 to 30/6/78 Darshan Diary
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 19 19 June 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Anand means bliss, sahajia means one who believes in spontaneity. The full name will mean: one who trusts in spontaneity and bliss. And they always go together; they are two aspects of the same coin. Bliss is always spontaneous – it is never manufactured, there is no way to put it on the assembly line....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 2 2 June 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Deva means divine, sarla means innocence divine innocence. That is the way to know god. Knowledge is not the way, but innocence, a quality of childlikeness. We cannot approach reality through our calculating mind, because it is not a problem to be solved, it is not a problem at all. So mathematics, logic, can’t help....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 20 20 June 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Deva means divine, sarlo means simplicity divine simplicity. And simplicity is one of those things which cannot be cultivated. If cultivated then it is simplicity no more; it is already complex. If cultivated, it is already calculated. If cultivated, it is projection of the mind. Simplicity is something that cannot be manufactured by the mind....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 21 21 June 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Deva means divine, vismayo means wonder – divine wonder. And there is nothing more divine in life than wonder. Just as knowledge prevents one getting in tune with god, wonder bridges one. Wonder is the polar opposite of knowledge. Knowledge kills wonder. The more a man becomes knowledgeable, his capacity to wonder becomes less and less....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 22 22 June 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Anand means bliss, nirakar means formless. Misery has a form, bliss has no form. Misery is definable, bliss is not. You can pinpoint where misery is; you cannot do the same with bliss. Misery is small; bliss is vast. Misery is smaller than you; bliss is infinite. Misery is always in you; bliss never in you....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 23 23 June 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium [Prem Niradha – a cloud of love] And the cloud represents freedom. It has no roots anywhere. It is utter freedom. It has no direction either, no destiny, because any kind of destiny is bound to become a slavery. Then it is fate, not freedom. If there is a direction, then the freedom is narrowed....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 24 24 June 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Prem means love, Hamido is a name of god, so it will mean god of love. Only love gives the quality of being divine. All else is mundane, all else is just trivial. Only love is something of the beyond, non-material. In the world, except for love, there is no proof for god. So the man who does not know what love is will be incapable of knowing god – not only incapable of knowing but incapable of trusting, not only incapable of trusting but even incapable of comprehending the fact of god....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 25 25 June 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Deva means divine, hasid means a disciple a divine disciple, a disciple of god. Disciplehood is always of god; the master is only a link. One does not become a disciple of a master; one becomes a disciple through the master. The master is a door, a bridge, but the disciplehood is always of god....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 26 26 June 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium It means ‘only consciousness’. Nothing else exists but consciousness, and all else that appears to exist is only appearance. Just one hundred years ago Friedrich Nietzsche declared ‘God is dead.’ Those were the days of great enthusiasm for materialists. Science was evolving, exploding, and man was full of great hope that now he had come to the solution of all problems, god was no more needed, man had come of age....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 27 27 June 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Soma means the moon, and deva means god – moon god. It is one of the most pregnant symbols. The moon represents the feminine energy, just as the sun represents the masculine energy. Masculine energy is out-going; feminine energy is in-going. It is like inhalation; masculine is like exhalation. Inhalation is life, exhalation is death....