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Chapter 4 - Beyond life-and-death
General Popov, the Russian officer, and Field Marshal Dogski, the Polack, are discussing courage with General Peckerhead.
"Let me demonstrate real courage," barks the Russian officer. "Climb up that telephone pole," he commands one of his men, "and jump straight down." The soldier obeys immediately, and is carried away by the medical team.
Not to be out-done, the American general yells, "I'll show you courage! Climb that telephone pole and jump down backwards," he screams at his soldier. The man does and is also carried away, broken and battered, by the medical team.
"That's nothing," says Field Marshal Dogski, the Polack. "Watch this. Hey, Klopski!
Climb that telephone pole, jump off, do a double-flip, and land on your head." The soldier looks at the general, then yells back, "Fuck you, you stupid bastard!" "You see, gentlemen?" replies Dogski, proudly. "Now, that is courage!" Nivedano ...
(Drumbeat) (Gibberish) Nivedano ... (Drumbeat)
Be silent. Close your eyes.
Feel the body to be completely frozen.
Look inwards ... to the very roots of your being. Deeper ... and deeper,
as if you are digging a hole in the earth.
To reach to the roots is to discover the buddha within you, the eternal principal of life. A little more ... a little more ...
Sometimes one returns from only one step away -- if he had taken one step more, he would have found the roots. So until you find the roots go on digging -- they are there.
One thing is absolutely certain, that you have roots in existence. It is only a question of digging deep enough to find them. And you are prepared to reach to the roots and to reach the universal nourishment which is our eternal life.
Only once you have experienced this can you say, aham brahmasmi, I am the divine.
Before this experience you are just an emptiness. Osho - The Language of Existence
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