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Chapter 3 - Seek nothing outside
neither are you the mind. You are simply a watcher.
Just watching, you become more and more centered.
Just watching, you come closer and closer to the universal center.
Just watching, and you have got it:
the eternity of it,
the immortality of it,
the tremendous rejoicing of it.
A man who has experienced buddha within himself, his whole life becomes a festival,
a festival of lights.
Each moment a ceremony, each moment a dance,
each moment thousands of flowers blossom in the consciousness.
The deeper the watcher goes,
the more hidden treasures open their doors. Nivedano ...
Come back. But come back as a buddha, remembering the space in which you have been. Bring that joy with you,
that peace, that silence, all those flowers. Sit for a few seconds just like a buddha. Okay, Maneesha?
Yes, Beloved Master.
Can we celebrate the meeting of the buddhas? Yes, Beloved Master.
Osho - The Language of Existence 37
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