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Chapter 3 - Seek nothing outside
Now, Nivedano ... Boom! (Drumbeat)
(Gibberish) Nivedano ... (Drumbeat)
Be silent. Close your eyes.
Feel your body to be completely frozen. Look inwards.
This is the way to your innermost being. As your look centers,
you become slowly aware of your real nature. The real nature we have called the buddha.
In this moment you are all buddhas.
And this moment can be carried all around the day. Not as a tension, not as a thought, but just as a fragrance, as a remembrance, an undercurrent. It will show in your practical life.
The buddha is your beyond. It will show in your actions, in your responses, in everything that you do -- the buddha will be present.
And this is the greatest experience in the world, to have buddha present twenty- four hours inside you, like a burning torch radiating light all around, filling you with a deep contentment, making you aware of all the blessings of life that are continuously showered on you, but you have been blind.
To make it more sharp and clear, Nivedano ... (Drumbeat)
Relax, let go.
You are just a watcher.
The mind is there, the body is there, but you are not the body,
Osho - The Language of Existence 36
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