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Chapter title: None
9 June 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
Archive code: 8006095 ShortTitle: IMPRIS09 Audio:
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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been scanned and cleaned up. It is for reference purposes only.]
(To Ulrike) This is your name: Ma Anand Ulrike. Anand means bliss.
The mystic approach towards life is the search for the ultimate bliss. It has no concern with god as such, directly. Of course, god comes into the experience of the mystic, but his search is for bliss. When he finds bliss, he finds god too, as the other side of the coin. Hence mysticism has no ideology of atheism or theism, It does not have any beliefs; it is simply an enquiry into truth, into the very truth of existence. Anybody can be a mystic -- no belief is required.
Buddha is a mystic without any belief in god, without even any belief in the soul. If one looks from the outside, Buddha is one of the most atheistic persons who has ever walked on the earth. But if one looks from within his being, then he is the greatest theist ever. That is the mystery of mysticism.
Ordinary religion believes -- the mystic experiences. And about bliss there can be no quarrel, no 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
argumentation everybody is seeking it. The theist, the atheist, the Christian, the Hindu, the Mohammedan, the Catholic, the communist -- everybody is seeking it. And only man, animals, birds, trees -- all that is, is moving towards bliss, knowingly, unknowingly. The mystic moves knowingly -- that's where the difference comes in, the difference that really makes a difference, because is you are moving unknowingly it is almost impossible to achieve it. It is only through deep deep consciousness that one can attain to the ultimate peak of bliss.
Ulrike (her name) is beautiful. It means wolf. It represents three things. The wolf is one of the most wild animals. The person who wants really to be blissful has to get rid of the so-called civilisation. He has to be wild, wild, like a wolf. He has to drop all the conditionings that culture has imposed upon him, culture means conditioning; civilisation means creating something artificial in you, against nature.
Jesus says 'Unless you are a child again, you will not enter into my kingdom of god.' It would have been far more true if he had said, 'Unless you are an animal again...' because an animal is far more innocent than a child. It is really difficult to find a child who is really a child, absolutely innocent, because even with the first breath we start conditioning him. The moment he opens his eyes the conditioning begins. In fact, the conditioning begins even in the womb.
Now they have found that a child can be taught many things while he is in the womb. And they are working on it, particularly in Soviet Russia. They are developing the whole technology of how to condition the child while he is in the womb so he is a born communist; communism comes in his blood and bones and in his marrow. It is possible, it is not difficult -- it can be done. And in fact for centuries we have been doing it in certain unconscious ways.
For example, whatsoever the mother goes through while the child is in the womb becomes part of the child's mind. If she continuously prays, then that attitude becomes part of the child's inner structure. If she is argumentative, quarrelsome. always fighting, nagging, if she is mean, full of anger, jealousy, then those things are bound to enter into the child because the child functions almost as part of the mother for nine months. Whatsoever happens to the mother is happening deep down in the being of the child too. He is very vulnerable, absolutely vulnerable, very delicate.
The wolf represents the wild state, and man has to be wild again. D.H. Lawrence proposed one thing -- I absolutely support it -- that for one hundred years all educational systems should be closed: all schools, colleges, universities should be closed for one hundred years so that man can become uncivilised again.
That will release the natural in man. We have become so suppressed, burdened, by the unnatural, and the unnatural is quantitatively so much that we have started thinking that that is our nature.
Now our habits appear to be our nature and our nature seems to be just a second habit, something secondary. Our values have turned upside-down.
Traditionally the wolf also represents two other things: one is courage, the other is loyalty, And both are essential for a sannyasin. One has to be courageous, courageous to drop all traditions, all the conventions, all the nonsense that centuries have imposed upon us. One has to drop out of history -- that's what courage is. And loyalty,.. not loyalty to an Adolf Hitler, not loyalty to Pope Paul not loyalty to Ayatollah Khomeiniac (sic), but loyalty to existence itself -- not to anybody in particular, not to any dogma, not to any church, but to existence itself. Loyalty to the flowers, loyalty to the trees, to the rivers, to the mountains, a deep trust in whatsoever is -- that's what makes the inner-most core of a sannyasin.
These three things have to be remembered, then bliss is not far away, it is just by the corner. If one can manage to be natural, loyal, courageous, if one is capable of trust and surrender to nature, then bliss happens of its own accord. It starts showering on you -- it pours dogs and cats! One cannot contain it. And I am saying dogs and cats because a wolf can understand that language!
How long will you be here? Two months.
That's good. You will meet many dogs and many cats -- beware!
The Imprisoned Splendor
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
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