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Chapter title: None
3 June 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
Archive code: 8006035 ShortTitle: IMPRIS03 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been scanned and cleaned up. It is for reference purposes only.]
Truth can't be reached by thinking. Thinking can only arrive at a theory, at a hypothesis, it cannot know the truth itself. The truth can be known only when thinking ceases, when one becomes absolutely silent -- in a state of utter awareness, but of utter thoughtlessness too. That's why very few people have arrived at the ultimate truth. Many have strived, many have struggled, many have desired, but they were all working through the mind. The mind can spin and weave beautiful fictions but it cannot give you that which is. Mind is made of the stuff dreams are made of.
Dreams and thoughts are not different. Dreams are pictorial thoughts, dreaming is a primitive way of thinking. That's the way children think. That's why in children's books you have to have many many pictures, colourful illustrations,
because they are less interested in the text and more interested in the pictures, Slowly slowly as they grow up, pictures become less and less, by the time they reach their post-graduation in the university pictures disappear; now they are not needed. They have moved from pictures to words.
Thinking is a more sophisticated way of dreaming, a more evolved way of dreaming, more eccentric, more mathematical, more philosophical. But deep down it is the same process. Whether you think in pictures or words makes no difference.
There are ancient languages like Chinese which are pictograms; they don't have any alphabet. They are the most ancient languages, they must be the first languages ever developed. Still they carry that ancient primitive mind.
For example, I have heard that if you have to write 'war' in Chinese you have to make a pictogram: a roof with two women sitting underneath -- that means one man and two wives. That is war, when one is enough -- two is too much!
Thinking has its own limitations, and the greatest limitation is: it can always go round and round in circles but it can never reach to the centre of things. And the truth is that which is. You are not to fabricate it, you are not to think about it. It is already there -- you have just to look at it. And if you are thinking you cannot look, you are occupied with it. You need an unoccupied consciousness. That's the whole process of meditation, becoming an unoccupied consciousness -- no dreams, no thoughts, just a silent awareness, nothing to hinder and disturb, nothing to interpret, interfere. Then you see that which is. And that is satyam, the ultimate truth.
Andreas means literally courageous. Truth is only for the courageous. The greatest courage is to drop your own mind because that is the most precious thing we think. We don't know anything higher than that.
Our whole education teaches us to be more and more refined minds; it is a process of refining our mental processes. We devote almost one third of our life to the universities and all that we do in that one third of our life -- the most precious time, because you will never be that young again. you will never be that fresh again, you will never be that intelligent again, you will never have that much energy, strength again...
The most precious time of life is devoted single-heartedly to a simple purpose,
single purpose: the refinement of the mind. Then one day when somebody says 'Drop it,' it seems impossible. We have acquired it through such hard effort, all those years of training and those examinations and all the nightmares that one goes through in those examinations. Just think of all that. And then you come to a master and he says, 'Drop it.' He says, 'It is all rubbish. It is just junk.' It is junk!
The whole function of the master is to help you get rid of your own mind. Great courage is needed to efface all those twenty-five years and the training and the achievements, and all your degrees, Ph.D's and D.Lit.'s. Just to close that whole chapter certainly great courage is needed. It is becoming ignorant again, it is becoming innocent again. Losing that grip of knowledge, losing all that you have learned means you will 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
be in a state of not-knowing again. But that's what is required for knowing the truth. The state of not-knowing is the basic requirement for knowing the truth because only the innocent ones can know it; the knowledgeable ones are going to miss it,
One thing more to remind you of -- Andreas was the first disciple called by Jesus. It may have been just a coincidence that it happened that the man's name was Andreas, but not it has become significant. Such coincidences become significant. Now the significance is that only a man like Andreas, a man with great courage can be called by a master like Jesus to be his first disciple, because courage will be needed.
Andreas never looked back. He did not even ask, 'Where are you leading me?' -- he just threw his net into the lake. He was a fisherman. It was early morning, the sun was just rising on the horizon. Jesus came, put his hand on Andreas's shoulders and Andreas looked back at him. There is a moment of silence, a moment of communion, a moment of a great heart-to-heart meeting. Something transpired.
Jesus said, 'What are you doing? How long are you going to go on catching fish?
Come with me. I will teach you how to catch man.' He threw his net without uttering a single word, not even asking 'Who are you? And what do you mean?' He was so enchanted with the man and his presence that no question was needed, no answer was needed. He had looked into those two beautiful eyes -- they were far deeper than the lake.
This is the way of the disciple, not to ask why. But this certainly needs courage. The man must have been courageous. The name may have been just a coincidence but the man was really courageous.
Otherwise one thinks a thousand and one times before following such a madman like Jesus.
And what a crazy thing he said, 'How long are, you going to catch fish? Come with me and I will teach you how to catch men.' And in fact that very moment he taught him the first lesson because Jesus has caught Andreas. Andreas followed him and never he asked anything and never ha looked back.
Remember this beautiful incident. It is one of the most beautiful incidents in Jesus' life, in the lives of his disciples.
Bliss is possible only through great intelligence. Misery needs no intelligence; any stupid person is capable of being miserable. That's why there are so any miserable people in the world -- because there are so many stupid people in the world.
People have asked me again and again, 'Why don't we see many blissful people?' For the simple reason that very few people allow their intelligence to function in their life. They live in stupidity. Stupidity pays in certain ways, it is a good investment.
Intelligence has always been a trouble. If you are intelligent you will constantly be in trouble because you will be surrounded by unintelligent people, there will be no communication between you and them. And they are in the majority -- you will be all alone. They can crush you, they can kill you. They can force their ideas upon you, they can manage to torture you in a thousand and one ways. They don't allow individuality.
The more the crowd wants you to be part of the crowd. It wants you to surrender your intelligence to the crowd.
Whatsoever the crowd believes in -- Communism or Christianity, Hinduism or Mohammedanism -- it wants you, to follow that. It wants you simply to be a believer -- and belief is one of the poisons that kills intelligence. The crowd wants you to become a yea-sayer to all kinds of nonsense, superstitions, rotten ideas which have no meaning, no significance, which are so ridiculous and absurd that any person who thinks twice will immediately see the point, what he is believing in.
For example, Christians go on believing that Jesus is born out of a virgin mother. Now it is sheer nonsense, there cannot be anything more absurd. But millions of people go on believing it. In fact if you take their belief in the virginity of Mary, the whole of their Christianity topples down, It is based on that foolish idea.
Millions of people go on believing in such things that if you just ponder over them a little bit you will laugh, how is it possible that so many people go on believing in them? It is because of fear -- the fear of the crowd, the rear of the violence that the crowd can do to you.
The crowd wants you to conform. That's the root cause of peoples' intelligence being destroyed. And when intelligence is destroyed you cannot know what bliss is.
Every child is born with intelligence and almost every child is poisoned. Before he can even understand what he has brought with him he is paralysed, crippled under beautiful names. They may call it baptism, circumcision. Now they are utterly foolish ideas. Mm? A fool is just sprinkling water on you and you become a Christian. The child is crying because the water is cold and the child cannot understand what is 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
happening. But he has become Christian without his consent., without his even knowing what is happening to him.
Now he will be conditioned and all kinds of things will be forced upon him. By the time he is a grown-up man he has lost all his intelligence on the way
somewhere, he has become stupid. And he is going to remain miserable.
The religions exploit your misery, first they make you stupid -- that creates misery, then they exploit your misery. They say, 'If you are miserable that is because you don't believe in god, because you have sinned in your past lives, because you are not virtuous. If you are miserable then confess, if you are miserable then pray. If you are miserable then come to the church regularly, then become more religious, become a monk or a nun, so that you can be forgiven by god. And again these things have certain appeal because people want to get rid of misery so they are ready to follow any idea.
But a stupid person cannot understand what he is doing, why he is doing it, where he is going. The first thing that is needed is release of his imprisoned intelligence, then bliss is very simple; it is a by-product.
Once you know your intelligence you immediately start feeling a showering of bliss.
Eckhard is made of two words. 'Eck' means the edge of the sword and 'hard' comes from hearty, which means victorious spirit.
Intelligence is certainly like the edge, the sharp edge of the sword. It is a sword; it cuts out all the problems of life like a sword, in a single blow. It is the only way to attain victory, to become victorious.
And Eckhard is also beautiful because that is the only man Germany has produced who can be called a Buddha -- the only man. Germany has produced many other geniuses, great men of letters, great mathematicians, great scholars, great scientists, great poets, great painters and many great musicians, great dancers -- geniuses in all fields. But as far as enlightened people are concerned, Eckhard seems to be the only one. That too makes the name significant.
The Imprisoned Splendor
Chapter #4
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