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Chapter title: None
26 June 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
Archive code: 8006265 ShortTitle: IMPRIS26 Audio:
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No 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been scanned and cleaned up. It is for reference purposes only.]
The real victory comes only through meditation. All else that looks like victory -
- money, power, prestige -- is only a deception, a mirage. Even Alexander the Great remains a beggar and dies a beggar, because the outer riches cannot make you inwardly rich and the outer victories cannot fill your inner emptiness. He also became aware of the fact, but then it was too late. Just before he died he realised it, that his whole life had been a sheer wastage. In trying to conquer the world he had completely forgotten himself.
And now death was knocking on the door, no time was left, He was going as empty-handed as he came into the world.
He confessed it -- that is one of the most beautiful things about him, otherwise
rarely do people like Alexander ever confess their failure. His last wish was that when he was taken to the cemetery his hands should be left hanging outside the coffin. His ministers and generals were puzzled. They said, 'What do you mean? It is not done?' He said, 'Whether it is done or not, that is not the point. Thousands of people will see mo being carried to the cemetery and I want them to know that I am going empty-handed. Let my hands hang out of the coffin so everybody recognises the stupidity that I have committed.'
Meditation means an inward journey. It is moving from the circumference to the centre. The moment you reach your centre you are victorious. When you reach the innermost core you are victorious, and now you know that there is no birth, no death, you are immortal. Only the circumference goes on changing, with each birth it is a different circumference, but it is the same centre. As far as the centre is concerned nothing ever changes, it is unchanging. It goes not belong to the world of time, it transcends time, it is part of eternity.
Meditation makes you a really loving one. Without meditation one only pretends to love. It is pseudo, it is a mask; it is not your real face. Behind the mask other things are hiding; sometimes even hatred is hiding behind your love. And it is almost always an effort to exploit the other as a means -- and love cannot exploit, love cannot use the other as a means. Love respects the other as an end unto himself or herself.
Love cannot possess, love respects the freedom of the other. Possession is one of the most ugly things. It cannot exist with love. To possess someone means you have reduced the other to a thing. Only things can be possessed, not persons, not beings. You can share but you cannot possess. But that love is possible only when you have become rooted in your own being, when you have become grounded, when you are so grounded in yourself that you can enjoy your aloneness. Then there is no need to possess the other.
The need to possess the other arises out of your incapacity to enjoy yourself in your aloneness. You are afraid: if you don't possess the other you may be left lonely, the other way move away. So you create all kinds of barriers and chains -
- legal and social. You create a kind of slavery for the other and naturally, the other is doing the same to you. Hence lovers become gaolers for each other; they start destroying each other.
They don't help growth. They are afraid of the other's growth, because who
knows? -- if the other starts growing, he may love you, he may not love you because he will be a totally different person, He has to be stopped, wherever he is, so that he goes on loving you. With any change in his life you feel afraid, shaken, And you immediately start destroying all possibilities for growth.
That's why peoples' psychological age is very retarded near about thirteen. They may be seventy years chronologically but only thirteen years psychologically, And then there is trouble because the gap between their psychology and their physiology is so vast, so unbridgeable, that they become two persons: psychologically they live very childishly, physiologically they are grown-ups, so there is a split in them.
Almost the whole of humanity lives in this kind of split for the simple reason that we don't know how to first get rooted in our being.
Love is a flowering of meditation. Meditation is the art of being alone, and love is the art of being alone together. But your aloneness remains intact and you keep the others' aloneness unhindered, untouched. It is so sacred, it is so divine, it cannot be destroyed... if you love the person. But this kind of love can grow only out of meditation. Hence to me, meditation is the foundation; and then only you can make the temple of 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
Query:- love.
People are making sandcastles -- but they call it love -- because they are missing something very fundamental: the foundation is not there.
Start with meditation, and as you go deeper into meditation you will find love arising in you, a totally new quality of love, a new flavour of love, a love that you have never known before, a love that is synonymous with god.
There is a vast difference between satisfaction and contentment. The dictionaries will not say there is any difference -- if you look up contentment the meaning 'satisfaction' will be given, and if you look for the meaning of satisfaction you
will find 'contentment'. They are not synonymous at all... but dictionaries are not made by buddhas.
Satisfaction is a negative state, contentment is a positive state. Satisfaction is like the famous Aesop's fable, the fable about the sour grapes.
The fox wanted to reach the grapes but they were too far away. The fox jumped, tried hard and fell on the ground many times, but they were beyond his reach. Utterly frustrated he went away, but before he went away he looked all around to see that nobody was watching.
Hidden behind a bush a small rabbit was watching.
He said, "Uncle, what happened?" And the fox changed his face; there was no more any frustration, no sign of failure.
He laughed and said, "Those grapes are sour. Let them become ripe. We will have to wait a little."
That is satisfaction. You can deceive others, you can also deceive yourself. It is a strategy to survive as an ego, otherwise there are so many problems in life. You don't have enough money, you don't have enough power, you don't have enough fame. The ego feels wounded and hurt, and slowly slowly you have to create a certain kind of satisfaction, you have to create many rationalizations: "Who cares?"
Nirupa is sitting there -- she is my medium. Before she became a medium she used to think, "I don't want to be a medium -- who cares?" That was satisfaction: trying to satisfy herself -- "I am not interested in it." But now she knows what that was; now she understands that that was not contentment, that was satisfaction. That is a strategy to hide your wounds. It is a negative state.
Contentment is a positive phenomenon. It is not that you are trying to rationalize some failure, it is simply that you are enjoying a certain blissful moment inside. It can happen only through meditation, otherwise you will know only satisfaction. It is through meditation that you start experiencing bliss, peace, silence, joy, and then there is tremendous contentment; you are so overfull, in fact so full that you would like to share. You are overflowing.
Satisfaction is a poor man's effort to keep his face smiling, somehow.
Contentment is the joy of inner richness. It is the aura that surrounds a meditative person. It is the fragrance that naturally comes to those who go beyond mind. Satisfaction is of the mind, contentment is of no-mind. And that's what meditation is all about: a shift of your consciousness from thought to no- thought, from constant chattering to an inner silence.
And unless one knows contentment one is not really alive. One is somehow dragging, somehow keeping oneself together. But the moment you experience contentment you need not keep yourself from falling apart.
You become integrated, you become crystallized.
You are not only a union, you become a unity; you are one. And that oneness is the goal of sannyas.
Knowledge can be acquired in two ways. Either you acquire knowledge from others... Then it is superficial. You become knowledgeable but you don't become wise. You become more informed, more learned, but you remain the same old person with no inner change, with no radical transformation. All your knowledge becomes just an addition to whatsoever you were. It does not affect you, it leaves you intact.
The other way to find knowledge is to go deep into your own being, to dig deep. That's what meditation is: a method of digging deep within yourself so that you can find the real source of your life. From there arises a totally different kind of knowledge -- that is wisdom. It is not just an addition to whatsoever you were before, it is a transformation. You are no more the same person, you become new through it. You are reborn; it is a rebirth.
And unless one is reborn one cannot understand the mystery of existence. One can know much about 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
god, but to know about god is not to know god. One can know much about love,
but to know about love is not to know love. To know about love is fallacious. We need not to know about god, but to know god, to know love, to know life, to know light, to know who we are. It is not a question of about; the word 'about'
means around.
The so-called knowledge goes around and around, never touching the centre; it goes in circles.
Meditation leads you directly to the centre of the very source of your being -- and it is also the source of the whole existence. Having a taste of it changes you completely, changes your perspective. Everything else remains the same but you are no more the same. And because you are no more the same, nothing is the same any more. Now you have new eyes to see, new ears to hear; a new heart to love, new hands to touch and reel. Now you have a new being, a new heart-beat. And with this newness, life becomes a dance, a song, a celebration.
Sannyas is a celebration of life. It is not renunciation, it is rejoicing.
The Imprisoned Splendor
Chapter #26
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