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20 June 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
Archive code: 8006205 ShortTitle: IMPRIS20 Audio:
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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been scanned and cleaned up. It is for reference purposes only.]
Divine rejoicing is precisely the definition of my sannyas.
Misery is evil, joy is divine. To be miserable is the greatest sin in the world because the miserable person creates misery for others. He cannot help it, he is bound to create misery. The blissful person creates bliss, spontaneously, effortlessly. Wherever he moves a paradise moves with him, wherever he is there is paradise.
The whole art of religion is the shifting of consciousness from misery to bliss. Both are our possibilities.
They don't come from the outside. Misery simply means our energies are upside-
down, they are not in harmony. Bliss means our energies are functioning in harmony, humming in harmony, attuned to each other.
Once our energies are in harmony within, suddenly you find that you are in harmony with the whole too: the inner harmony brings you to the outer harmony. when there is music inside, you fall in tune with the universe, with tao, then you are part of this organic unity.
In misery ego exists, in bliss ego disappears. Being my sannyasin simply means rejoicing.
Misery is dark, it is gloomy. It is a dark night with no moon, with no stars, not even a candlelight; it is utter darkness. That's where millions of people are living and they have accepted it as if this is the only way life is supposed to be. They are born not for this life, they bring a great potential for light, but they never make that potential actual, they never go through a transformation. They remain seeds. They contain flowers, they contain great perfume. But if you dissect the seed you will not find the flowers or the perfume.
The seed has to find the right soil, the right gardener, water, sun, the right climate. When everything is helping the seed, creating a confidence in the seed so that it can allow a let-go, it can disappear in the soil, then the potential starts becoming actual.
Bliss is light. That's why another name for bliss is delight -- it is delight. But one has to go through a great radical change; one has to learn how to die like the seed dies into the soil. And that's what sannyas is all about: a death, and then the resurrection follows.
The master is only a gardener; he can only help you. All that will happen will happen within you. It is yours, it has always been yours -- nobody can give it to you. And the filed, the energy field of the master is the right soil. If one can disappear into it, if one can become anonymous, a nobody in it, then miracles start happening. All darkness disappears and the whole being becomes full of light. Then there is no death.
Once you have learned how to die as far as the ego is concerned, then there is no death. Then you are eternal, then you are part of eternity.
Only a man of peace can attain to bliss. Peace is the foundation. Without peace
there is no possibility for bliss. Peace prepares you to receive bliss. Bliss cannot happen in a disturbed state. It needs a calm and quiet and still being; hence the importance of meditation.
Meditation does not create bliss, it only creates a peaceful state, a tranquil state. But once that tranquility is there, bliss starts descending of its own accord. When you are ready then not even a single moment is missed, there is no delay; the universal law functions immediately. But we have to show our preparation, we have to show that we are ready.
Existence is very fair, very just. It never gives bliss to anybody who does not deserve it and it never delays bliss for anybody who deserves it, not even by a split second.
My path is the path of bliss. It is not to be confused with the so-called religions.
The so-called religions are all rooted in a sad attitude. Their approach towards life is very serious. they 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
don't take it as fun, they don't take it as a cosmic joke; they are very serious about it -- and that seriousness becomes a cancer in the soul. Life becomes a burden because for centuries these so-called religions have been teaching people how to renounce life, not how to live it. They have not taught the art of loving; their whole concern is how to commit slow suicide. and your so-called saints are nothing but suicidal people. to me they are all pathological, ill, they are not healthy and whole. They are lopsided; their vision is not clear.
And they are not really religious.
A really religious person will say yes to life joyously, dancingly. His whole being will be a celebration.
He will not act out of fear, he will act out of love. He will not be worried about hell and heaven, he will not be worried at all. He will live moment-to-moment,
but he will live each moment with utter totality. and that total living brings bliss, that total living is the path of bliss.
I don't teach that you have to live some other kind of life, some monastic life. I teach: live the ordinary life but live it with extraordinary awareness and love, with extraordinary totality, intensity, passion. And then you will find something growing in you each moment. Slowly slowly you will see clearly that a peak is arising in you. When that peak comes to a culmination you realise what life is all about, the meaning of it, the purpose of it. You can call it god, you can call it tao
-- any name will do. In fact it is a nameless experience, but tremendously ecstatic.
Love is the only experience in life which defies death, which transcends death, which gives you a glimpse of immortality; it opens a door into eternity.
Love is the basic religious experience. It is the most sacred phenomenon on earth. All true spirituality has arisen out of the experience of love. Of course it only opens the window, and that too, only for a moment, but once you have seen the vast sky, the splendor of that moment, then you can never remain confined in small, mundane concerns. You will start finding more and more ways to jump out of all confinement. You will start finding the door.
Without love one never becomes aware of the beyond. And unless one is aware of the beyond why should one seek and search for it? The question, the very question does not arise. One simply lives in a prison cell believing that this is all there is to life, there is no more to it, because one has no consciousness of anything beyond the four walls of the prison.
Love is the key, the magic that uplifts you and gives you an opportunity to see the sky full of stars, the flowers, the trees, the wind, the sun, the moon. And suddenly a great longing arises in you to transcend those limits, to go beyond the four walls of the prison.
It is this longing that has brought you here; it is this longing that has made you take the jump into sannyas.
Religion is nothing but the science of love. it has nothing to do with Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Mohammedanism. Its whole concern is with love, and only with love. And love cannot be Christian or Hindu or Mohammedan or Christian, neither can you.
Trees are trees; the sun is not Christian, the moon is not Hindu. Existence knows nothing of all this nonsense. It is only the stupidity of man that goes on dividing; and all divisions create conflict, fight, continuous chaos. Man has lived in this chaos for centuries, but because the chaos has beautiful names --
Christianity, Hinduism, Mohammedanism -- because of these beautiful names one is deceived, one is utterly deceived. Once we take those labels away you can see the reality; it is naked violence, hatred, masquerading as love.
Love cannot divide, love unites. Love is the only way of becoming one -- not only with humanity but with all life as such and ultimately with all existence as such. And when you start feeling one with the whole, how can misery exist, how can anxiety or worry exist?
All these things become possible because we feel ourselves as separate from the whole. It is the separation from the whole that creates hell, it is union with the whole that creates paradise. And love is the bridge!
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
The Imprisoned Splendor
Chapter #21
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