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Chapter 20 - Your longing is the seed

When the master initiates the disciple, he touches the disciple's third eye with his fingers.

The fingers are the most significant parts as far as energy is concerned. Energy cannot move from anything that is round -- for example, energy cannot move out of your head. In the whole body, energy can either move through the toes of the feet or through the fingers of the hand.

Energy needs finger-like, pointed instruments to move out.

The disciple touches the master's feet -- that is one of the places where the master's energy is available. And the master touches, with his hand, the disciple's head. In this way, the bioenergy of the master and the disciple becomes a circle. And this circle has a tremendous feeling of blissfulness, of sweetness; of love that is not biological, that is spiritual.

The West has missed it completely. Now it is recognized, at least by Western science, that human energy is also a special kind of electricity. It is bioelectricity; its specialty is that the electricity you see outside is material, and the electricity that moves in your body is spiritual.

It is alive, it is a living energy; hence they have given it a name: bioelectricity, living electricity.

It is your third eye... and the morning is the most potential time for it to be receptive. You should be more alert now when it happens. Close both your eyes so that no energy moves out, and the whole energy becomes available to the third eye. And when it is happening, allow it without any fear, because it cannot do any harm to you. It has never done any harm to anyone, ever.

If you give your whole support, the third eye can make you related with the whole existence. Your center of being will come, for the first time, in touch with the center of the universe. It is a great ecstatic experience.

At first it will happen only in the morning. Then slowly, slowly, as you become accustomed to it, it may happen at other times. But whenever it happens, allow it

without any reluctance, without any resistance, because just a little fear and the door will be closed. Be loving and be trusting and the door will remain open.

And you have to bring this experience to the middle of the night. When you reach the same experience in the middle of the night, as it happens in the morning, you have conquered almost a new world, a new space. Now twenty- four hours a day, you will remain available to that which is beyond you.

A subtle current of freshness, of music, of dance, will go on moving within you. A joy will pervade your twenty-four hours. Even in sleep it will be there. You will go to sleep full of joy and you will wake up with the same fullness of joy.

A simple secret has to be remembered: your last thought in the night when you go to sleep is always your first thought in the morning when you wake up. You can watch it and you will be surprised -- why is it so? You have been asleep for six hours, seven hours or eight hours.

The last thought, whatever it was, the last mood, the last feeling is always going to be the first feeling in the morning. You may be asleep, but that which you have left while you fell asleep remains standing at your door. When you wake up, that visitor is still there; it has not gone.

It is because of this reason that many religions have chosen a time for prayer just before you are going to fall asleep. Because if you can fall asleep with a prayerful mood, peaceful, silent, that mood will pervade your night. Your whole night will become prayerful. If you fall asleep meditating, your whole night becomes a meditation.

Osho - The Hidden Splendor 201



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