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Chapter 16 - Love is always an emperor

head on the steps of Jamma Masjid in New Delhi. And his only crime was... Mohammedans have a prayer which consists of a simple sentence: "One God; one holy book, KORAN; one messenger of God, Hazrat Mohammed." These three names come into that prayer.

But Sufis simply repeat the part which talks about one God. They don't bring "one holy KORAN" and "one messenger of God" into their prayer. They say that there have been other messengers, it is not a monopoly; and there are other holy statements, the KORAN cannot be the only one. And in the future there will be other messengers and there will be other holy statements. All that we can say is: Existence is one God.

That was their crime, and the orthodox Mohammedans forced Sarmad: "You have to say the whole prayer; this is sacrilegious to pray only half the prayer."

He said, "You cannot force me. As far as prayer is concerned it is my freedom, it is my individual concern with God. If I am answerable, I am answerable to God, not to you. I am not praying to you, I am praying to God, and if I am praying wrongly, it is a matter to be settled between me and God. Who are you?" But they were powerful -- the king was Mohammedan --

and they were all angry, and they cut off his head.

There are many steps in the mosque in New Delhi... and when they cut his head he laughed, and his head rolled down the steps. And a strange phenomenon was witnessed by thousands of people, because thousands of people had gathered to see: the head was coming down the steps... the blood was flowing from the head, and the body was standing on top of the steps -- and the head was still repeating the half-prayer.

That does not seem to be historical; it seems to be a mythology, but there are so many contemporary reports about it -- from people who were not Mohammedans

-- that they have seen it and they have heard it...

Perhaps love can speak even without the body. Perhaps love does not need the body as a necessary medium. Whether it is historical or not is insignificant to

me; to me, what is significant is that although he was killed by cutting off his head, there was no anger, no complaint, no ill-will, no curse.

And he was absolutely innocent; to pray is absolutely an individual affair. But even while his head is rolling down the steps, there is only prayer, the half- prayer.

Love knows how to forgive.

Love cannot hurt and cannot be violent.

Devam Kranti, these violent feelings will not disappear unless their energy is transformed into love. And the true love knows nothing of jealousy. Any love that is followed by jealousy is certainly not the true love, it is biological instinct.

The higher you move -- from body to mind, from heart to being -- all these crude feelings disappear. Love from being to being knows no jealousy.

And how are you going to find such love?

It is a radiation of your silence, of your peace, of your inner well-being, of your blissfulness. You are so blissful that you want to share it -- that sharing is love.

Love is not a beggar.

It never asks, "give me love." Osho - The Hidden Splendor 167



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