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Chapter 15 - This is the last dance

predicting the end of the world; it is simply becoming so certain, so logically certain, that there seems to be no possibility to avoid it.

But my interest is not in avoiding it -- if it can be avoided, it will be avoided -- my interest is to make it so clear to you that it cannot be avoided, and that you don't have any future to invest your energy in, that you have to pull all your energy back to the present moment. And the moment the whole energy becomes a pool, here and now, the explosion of light happens and you are, for the first time, absolutely yourself -- an eternal being, an immortal being, who knows nothing of death, who has never come across any darkness.

You are saying, "So let us do it now. Let us dance." But your dance has to be total --

because you can dance and still think of the future; you can dance and still think that tomorrow we will be dancing again.

Dance as if this is the last dance.

Dance with abandon, holding nothing back.

That will bring transformation to your being, and a possibility of transformation for other people too.

A politician is making a speech and says: "Fellow electors, we must restore the status quo." A man shouts from the audience, "What does 'status quo' mean?"

The politician replies, in a rare fit of honesty, "Actually, it is Latin for 'the mess we are in.'"

On the surface it seems everything is going perfectly well, but deep down there is great turmoil in the unconscious layers of human beings. You are not even aware of your own unconscious nightmares, but humanity is suffering as it has never suffered before.

It is restless as it has never been before. It has forgotten the language of relaxation, it has forgotten the language of totality, it has forgotten the language

of intensity. And all those qualities are needed to make your meditation a revolution in your being. It is not a question of morality, not a question of character, not a question of virtue -- religions have been concerned with all those things for thousands of years, and they have not been successful in changing man. It is a totally different approach, a different dimension: the dimension of energy and the concentration of energy.

And just as atomic energy is the explosion of a small atom into its constituent of electrons, protons and neutrons -- it is not visible to the eyes, but the explosion is so vast that it can destroy a great city like Nagasaki or Hiroshima -- exactly parallel is the inner explosion of the living cell. The atomic energy is outside and destructive -- objective and destructive. The inner energy, the subjective cell of your being, has the same qualities, the same tremendous power once it explodes

-- but it is creative.

It is a chain reaction: one cell inside you explodes, and then other cells inside you start exploding in a chain. The whole life becomes a festival of lights. Every gesture becomes a dance; every movement becomes sheer joy. My emphasis that there is no future has nothing to do with gloom; it has something to do with you. If you can drop the idea of future completely, your enlightenment becomes immediately possible. And it is a good opportunity to drop the idea of future because the future itself is disappearing. But don't even in any corner of your mind, go on carrying the idea that perhaps this too is a device. These are the strategies of the mind to keep you the same old zombie.

Osho - The Hidden Splendor 158



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