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Chapter 13 - Truth is not divisible
will reach to commitment -- and that commitment will not be death. Out of spontaneity, death cannot grow -- only more life and more life and infinite life.
But you have to be alert, just a little conscious...
Two criminals were caught and went to jail. They became friends, and most of the day they were talking about how to escape. One morning, George looked so blissful that his friend Arthur asked, "Hey, what happened to you last night?"
"Well," said George, "first tell me how you spent the night."
"Okay," replied Arthur. "I had a beautiful dream: The gate opened by itself and I walked out. In the street, there was a racing bike with ten gears and I jumped on it and rode away.
Great, was it not? But now, tell me about you?"
George answered, "In my dream, the door also opened and two very beautiful young girls came in, stripped, belly dancing.
"At this point, Arthur could not hold back and said, "George, but why didn't you wake me up?"
"Impossible," replied George. "Don't you remember? You were gone on the bike!"
Our lives are not different from our dreams. Have you ever observed that even in your dreams, the dream also looks real? as real as the life when you are awake -- perhaps more real because when you are awake, you can doubt.
You can doubt -- right now you can doubt; perhaps this is real or perhaps it is just a dream.
There have been great philosophers in the world, like Shankara in the East, and Bradley in the West, whose whole philosophy consists of a single, significant statement: that the world is illusory. There is no way to prove that it is real. One thing is certain, that you can doubt it. But in the dream, you cannot even doubt.
The reality of the dream is so tremendous that you cannot dream and wonder if perhaps it is a dream. No, the dream overwhelms you completely.
We are living, although with open eyes, in different dreams. And those dreams don't allow us the alertness to see simple things: how we are being exploited, how our dignity as human beings is destroyed, what very stupid and idiotic people become our religious saints -- those who have no sharpness of intelligence. But we find strange excuses...
Just a few days ago, one young Jaina nun escaped from a Jaina monastery with a young man. The whole Jaina community in that area near Indore was in such a turmoil, and the turmoil became even more significant because the girl gave a statement to the press and wrote letters to her parents saying that "Now I am twenty-one years of age and I have the right to choose my lifestyle. I don't want to be a nun, and if you insist..." Because they were trying in every way to catch hold of her, to find where she was hiding. And Jainas are rich people. The government was supporting them, the police officers were supporting them.
She gave the statement to the newspapers: "If they insist that I have to remain a nun, then I will expose the reality, the inside story of the monastery and what is going on inside there.
Nobody is following the teachings that they teach to the layman outside. There are all kinds of corruption. Monks, who are not supposed to have money, have accumulated money. Monks and nuns who are not supposed to have any sexual relationship are having sexual relationships. And I have been tortured in so many ways that if you insist, I will expose it to the whole world." She said, "My younger sister is still there. She also wants to come out of the monastery but she is only eighteen years of age."
Osho - The Hidden Splendor 135
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