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Chapter 27 - Harmony is your reality
I have seen only the photographs of it, but it is so alive, as if Jesus is going to wake up any moment. And he has used the marble with such artfulness that you can feel both things -- the strength of Jesus and the fragileness. And the tears are in the eyes of Jesus' mother, Mary.
A madman, just few years ago, hammered the rock that Michelangelo had made, and when he was asked why he had done it he said, "I also want to become famous. Michelangelo had to work one year; then he became famous. I had only to work for five minutes, and I destroyed the whole statue. And my name has gone around the world as a headline on all the papers."
Both men worked on the same marble rock. One was a creator, another was a madman.
After one year, when Michelangelo had finished the work, he asked the shopkeeper to come to his home, because he wanted to show him something.
He could not believe his eyes. He said, "From where did you get this beautiful marble?"
And Michelangelo said, "Don't you recognize? It is the same ugly rock that waited in front of your shop for twelve years." And I remember this incident, because the shopkeeper asked,
"How did you manage to think that that ugly rock could be turned into such a beautiful statue?"
Michelangelo said, "I did not think about it. I have been dreaming of making this statue, and when I was passing by the rock I suddenly saw Jesus, calling me, I am encaged in the rock. Free me; help me to get out of this rock.' I saw exactly the same statue in the rock. So I have only done a small job: I have removed the unnecessary parts of the rock, and Jesus and Mary are free from their bondage."
It would have been a great contribution if a man of the same caliber as Sigmund Freud, instead of analyzing the sick people and their dreams had worked on the dreams of psychologically healthy, and not only healthy, but creative people. The
analysis of their dreams will not show that all dreams are repressions. The analysis of their dreams will show that there are dreams which are born out of a more creative consciousness than ordinary people have.
So don't be worried about being a dreamer. All the people who have gathered around me are dreamers. They are dreaming of a higher state of consciousness, they are dreaming of a possibility to find the eternal source of life. They are dreaming of God. And their dreams are not sick, their dreams are authentically healthy. The whole evolution of man and his consciousness depends on these dreamers.
Amrito, you are saying, "This morning before discourse, sitting on the marble, I felt as if we were one mouth singing, one heart beating, one breath breathing. I felt so much love in my being, as if we were all one being.
"I feel like giving a lot, I feel as if I am taking so much from everywhere, and my being wants to be useful for developing eternal love. I have the feeling we are holding each other's hands and starting to flower all together in the spring."
It is not a dream. It is a dream that is becoming real, a dream that is transforming itself into reality.
And it is not only you. Many people have written to me; in different ways they have felt it, and what they have felt is not their projection. It is our reality, it is our discovery.
Osho - The Hidden Splendor 273
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