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Chapter 24 - All our doings are disturbances
nightmare. This is not what you are thinking -- a "unique experience" -- it is simply a humbug experience. And there is no need to be worried about such experiences. They are just dreams, soap bubbles.
But it is good to understand one's mind, that you have made it just a wastepaper basket.
You go on throwing into it anything. You never think, "Is this novel worth reading? Is this film worth seeing?"
Whatever you see is going to be collected in your memory. You are not very intelligent about what kind of information should be allowed to enter into your mind. That information is going to make your dreams; it can even affect your actions.
I have been reading data that in California, whenever there is a football match or a boxing match, crime rates rise up to fourteen percent higher, immediately. It takes seven days for them to come back down slowly to the average. And what kinds of crime rates? -- murders, suicides, rapes. And not only young people but even children, seeing the boxing or seeing the football match, are getting a certain feedback and they start behaving in the same way.
And in fact you cannot make a successful film without murders, without racing cars at a dangerous speed, without suicides, without rapes. If you make a film without all these things, nobody is going to see it, it is going to be a flop. If you want it to be a full-house success, then make it as criminal, as ugly as possible. But you don't know that you are feeding all that to the people who are seeing it.
And there are special blue films for rich people who can afford a theater in their own house and can invite their friends to see sex orgies, perverted sexual scenes, pornography. But a simple thing is not understood: that all this is going inside your brain. You are poisoning yourself: your dreams will reflect it, your actions will reflect it. Your life will be molded by what you collect in your memory.
So if you come across such dreams, it is an indication that you have to be more careful of what goes in your mind, because it will come out in some way or
other. In fact, its coming out through dreams is the most harmless way, because it does not harm anybody. But it can come out through your actions, too.
Stopping to pay a call on some of his suburban flock, the priest discovered they were having a party and offered to come back at a more convenient time.
"Don't go," implored the host, "we are playing a game you might like. We blindfold the women and then they try to guess the identity of the men by feeling their genitals."
"How dare you suggest such a thing to a man of my dignity and stature!" roared the priest.
"You might as well play," said the host, "your name has been guessed three times already."
You are living in a society which is one thing from the outside and just totally different from inside. This is not just a joke. These kinds of games have been happening down the ages, but they were happening only at the highest level of society -- the super-rich, the kings, the priests. They have a beautiful facade to show to the world. They will teach morality and they will teach everything against obscenity, pornography, but in their own life, hidden behind the curtains, totally different things are happening.
It is a very hypocritical world. In this world, to be interested in truth, to be interested in the search of your own being, should be conceived of as already a great blessing. A Sufi saying is Osho - The Hidden Splendor
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