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Chapter 1 - The Hidden Harmony

your enemy," and he upsets the whole temple -- he is rebellious. A man who talks of love seems to be inconsistent.

Bertrand Russell has written a book, Why I am not a Christian. In that book he raises all these inconsistencies. He says, "Jesus is inconsistent and looks neurotic. Somewhere he says love your enemy, and then he behaves in such an angry way -- not only with persons, even with trees -- he curses a fig tree. They came near the fig tree and they were hungry, but it was not the season at all for figs to come. They looked at the tree and there were no fruits, and it is said Jesus cursed the tree. What type of man is this? And he talks of love!"

He has a hidden harmony, but Bertrand Russell cannot find it because he is the modern Aristotle. He cannot find it, he cannot understand it. It is good that he is not a Christian --

very, very good. He cannot be a Christian, he cannot be a religious man. He is a moralist; each act should be consistent -- but with what? With whom? With whom should it be consistent?

With your past? My one assertion should be consistent with another -- why? It is possible only if the river is not flowing.

Have you watched a river? Sometimes it is going left, sometimes it is going right, sometimes to the south, sometimes to the north, and you will see that this river is very inconsistent -- but there is a hidden harmony: it reaches the ocean. Wherever it is going, the ocean is the goal. Sometimes it has to move towards the south because the slope is towards the south; sometimes it has to move just the opposite way, towards the north, because the slope is towards the north -- but in every direction it is finding the same goal: it is moving towards the ocean. And you will see that it has reached.

Think of a river which is consistent, which says, "I will always move to the south because how can I move to the north? -- people will say I am inconsistent." This river will never reach the ocean. The rivers of Russells and Aristotles never reach the ocean; they are too consistent, too much on the surface. And they don't know the hidden harmony -- that through opposites you can seek the same goal.

The same goal can be sought through the opposites. That possibility is completely unknown to them -- that possibility is there.



... But difficult, you will be in constant difficulty. People expect consistency from you and the hidden harmony is not a part of the society. It is part of the cosmos, but not of the society.

Society is a manmade affair, and society has worked out the whole plan as if everything is static. Society has created moralities, codes, as if everything is unmoving. That's why moralities continue for centuries together. Everything changes and dead rules continue.

Everything goes on changing and the so-called moralists always go on preaching the same things which are absolutely irrelevant -- but they are consistent with their past. Absolutely irrelevant things go on...

For example: in the times of Mohammed, in Arabian countries there were four times more women than men, because the Arabians were warriors and continuously warring and killing each other, murderers. And women have never been so foolish, so they survived four times more; then what to do? In the whole society, if there are four times more women than men, then you can understand it will be too difficult for any morality to exist there. Many problems Osho - The Hidden Harmony




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