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21 September 1976 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
Prem means love and moradhi is one of the names of the god, Krishna. It means god, god of love. And to me the god of love is the only god. In fact love itself is the only god – all else is ritual. Love is the only true religion; and if you can love, you start growing. You can forget God, you can forget the church, you can forget the temple; you can forget everything. If love remains, then everything is there and will grow in its own time. But if you forget love, all the temples and all the churches and all the bibles and all the vedas are not going to do anything whatsoever.
So love is the essential religion. If you can become more and more loving, that is your prayer. And love does not need any preparation. It is not that you will love tomorrow. You can love right now, this very moment; it needs no preparation. It is our intrinsic capacity, we are born with it – it is our natural fragrance. We can destroy it, we can create hindrances, obstacles, but we cannot produce it. We can only remove the hindrances and then it starts flowing.
So this name will become a remembrance to you – that love is the only growth there is, the only maturity. When a child is born, he receives love. He cannot give it back. He does not know what it is. He is so helpless, he is so dependent. So he learns how to receive love from the mother, from the father, from the family, then from the society. Many people then remain in that childish state. They are always asking for love. That is immature.
A man becomes mature when he starts giving love. And when you start giving love, you start growing. If you simply go on asking and asking and asking.And everybody is asking: the husband
is asking from the wife, the wife is asking from the husband. Everybody goes on asking, ‘Give me love!’ and everybody goes on complaining that nobody seems to be loving.
The whole world is in tremendous misery because people ask for love and they have completely forgotten that unless somebody gives, it is not going to help. This happens because of the natural
situation. The child receives love without giving anything on his own. He simply learns how to receive; he becomes receptive. By and by he completely forgets that love has to be given also. So start giving unconditionally. Even if you are passing by the rock, give love to the rock. It is real energy. If you start sharing it, you will feel that you are becoming fresh and new every moment. It actually happens that when you look at somebody – maybe a rock, a tree, a person, anybody – if you look with love, a chunk of energy is thrown from your eyes onto the object of your love. The object of your love receives your juice, and a great process sets in.
When you give love to somebody, an emptiness is created in you. That part, that chunk of love that you have shared with somebody, creates an emptiness in you, a void. And in this existence, voids are not possible. Once there is a void, from the whole universe energy flows into you and fulfills that void.
So whenever you love somebody, you will feel energy flowing into you from unknown sources. You will feel refreshed, renewed, rejuvenated. A lover is always young – that is the secret of a lover. If you don’t love, there is no need for God to flow into you, for the universe to flow into you. You don’t have any space inside; you are a hoarder, a miser, who goes on hoarding the small amount of energy that you have. That energy goes on becoming stale, stagnant; it starts stinking. It becomes hatred, jealousy, possessiveness, anger. It becomes violence, destructiveness. And energy, to remain creative, needs to flow. If it is not flowing, it will become a cancerous thing inside you.
People are suffering because they have love to share and they don’t know how to share it. They have completely forgotten the language of sharing, and they are afraid that if they share they will be losing something. But the moment you share energy, suddenly from all over the universe, energy starts flowing in you – you have created a situation.
And once you know this secret, then you know that in giving you get, in sharing you become richer. Then you start sharing unconditionally. It is not a question then of whom to share with – with the trees, with the sky, with the clouds – you start sharing with everybody. If there is nobody and you are sitting in your room, you share it with the emptiness of the room. But you fill the whole room with energy because you know that this is the only way to renew your own energy and to go on getting it from God.
Become empty and God will fulfill you. Become a void, and God will rush into you – and that is eternal juice. So go on sharing – that’s why I am giving you that name.
Deva means divine and tassita means thirsty: thirsty for the divine.
That’s what you have been for your whole life. You have been thirsty and thirsty and thirsty. But now there is no need to remain thirsty... you can drink out of me.
[The new sannyasin said she worked in a psychiatric hospital. She added that she felt she could introduce Osho’s work there.]
You can help people there but first you will have to be here for a few days. First something has to be done within you. First I have to change you and then you will become capable of helping people and changing people.
You are going to create a revolution in that psychiatric hospital. First we will try to change the doctors and then the patients.
[The new sannyasin says that she was doing revolution – but only political.]
Now you have come to the real revolution. Political revolution is nothing but reform. You just change the form and you call it revolution – it is not. The real problem remains the same.
Unless a man changes from within, nothing changes. You can change the social structure, you can change the economic structure, but if the man remains the same nothing is going to change, because man is the basic reality.
Things are wrong in the society because something is wrong in man – it is not vice versa. There is so much wrong in the society because so many people are projecting their inner wrong on the society. The society has no soul, only man, the individual man, has a soul. And the real revolution can only happen in the soul.
But now the real revolution is happening!
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