The Great Nothing
Talks given from 19/9/76 to 11/10/76 Darshan Diary
Talks given from 19/9/76 to 11/10/76 Darshan Diary
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 1 19 September 1976 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium [A sannyasin who is leaving says: I am facing new things which I have not faced before.] Very good. This new space is your reality. Whatsoever you have known up to now was not really you. It was the identity given by others – the parents, the society, the world. Now you are coming to encounter yourself....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 10 28 September 1976 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium [A visitor, motioned forward to take sannyas, asked first if he could say something: I have a very strong faith in Jesus Christ and this strength brought me out of a very deep bondage. I haven’t been able to discharge this help, so what I wanted to do was to build this love up more....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 11 29 September 1976 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium [To a visitor] One thing has always to be remembered – that we are not to control the energy. We are just to help it wherever it is moving. We are not to direct it into a certain direction. We are just to help it wherever it is going. We have to go with it....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 12 30 September 1976 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Deva means divine and naveen means new. The divine is never old, and that which is old is never divine. The divine is eternally new – it is divine because of its eternal newness. So the whole effort, the whole purpose of sannyas, is to make you unconditionally new. It is not something that happens once and forever – it is something that is going to happen every moment of your life....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 13 1 October 1976 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium [A visiting journalist asked Osho if he could suggest a meditation technique or some hypnosis that would help a person who was conditioned against success, who would do everything to thwart any likelihood of succeeding. Osho asked him if he had ever meditated, to which he replied that he was a Freemason and was currently involved in writing a treatise on a system of meditations for the organisation to which he belonged....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 14 2 October 1976 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Deva means divine and prasadam means a gift, a divine gift.And one should learn to treat one’s life as a divine gift. It is of immense value and one should not waste it. Because it has been given free we should not waste it. It has been given free because it is beyond value – but ordinarily people think it is valueless, as if there is no value to it....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 15 3 October 1976 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium [A sannyasin said she went back to the West because her fifty-five-year-old father was dying of cancer.] Not very old... but death makes no distinctions between the old and the young. Whenever it has to come, it comes. We are helpless against death, and that helplessness has been the very source of all religion....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 16 4 October 1976 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium [A sannyasin says: I wrote you a letter about doing the healing during the camp. (See ‘Get Out of Your Own Way’ April 22nd, 1976, where Osho talks about healing, and a description of healing during the meditation camps.) I found out that it was not only giving to others, but that it also helped my need too....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 17 5 October 1976 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Deva means divine and vineet means humbleness. Humbleness is going to be your work. And when I say humbleness, I don’t mean what the word ordinarily means. Ordinarily it means a person who tries to subdue his ego, who tries to control his egoistic mind, who tries never to assert himself – a non-assertive person....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 18 6 October 1976 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium The inner growth is not something that you can do anything about. At the most you can stop obstructing it, that’s all. Positively, nothing can be done. But if you stop hindering it, it goes on its own accord. It is as if there is a small plant and you put a certain pressure on it....