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Chapter 2 - Just see it
Jesus said -- a very simple statement but very pregnant -- he said, "There shall be time no longer." Strange, unexpected. One should have expected something else from Jesus: God the Father will be there, the Holy Ghost will be there, all the saints will be there, and the angels will be playing on their harps "Alleluia" -- something like that. And what he says is totally different. He says, "There shall be time no longer," and he is right.
Eternity means timelessness, but the Judaic tradition out of which three religions were born -- the Jewish religion, the Christian religion and the Mohammedan religion -- they all live with the idea of one life. That idea of one life creates hurry, worry, a constant rush to reach, not knowing exactly where you want to reach or for what or what you will do even if you do reach. A craziness has been created because time is short and it is slipping out of your hands and soon death will knock on the doors and you are still unfulfilled -- nothing special has happened yet.
Hence as days pass your anguish becomes more and more deep, your anxiety becomes bigger and bigger, your life becomes a burden, you start dragging yourself. You are constantly trembling and afraid that you are not going to make it.
That's what Bhagawati says. She says:
There is nothing to make! All that is needed has happened; it is there from the very beginning. You have to enjoy it, not make it. You have to rejoice in it, not make it. But the idea of a small span of life, just seventy years, and a great trembling is bound to arise, because one-third of it will be lost in sleep, another third will be lost in education, schools, colleges, universities and all kinds of nonsense. The remaining third will be wasted in earning bread and butter, quarreling with the wife, taking care of the children, nagging the husband, fighting with the neighbors, competing for this and that.
In fact, if you sit down quietly one day and write down how your life has been
spent up to now, you will be shocked! What have you been doing? Even small things take much of your time -- shaving your beard and moustache every day... Look at women standing before the mirror for hours -- even the mirrors get tired! How much time are you wasting reading the same stupid newspapers every day? It is the same story; nothing new ever happens. There is no news; it is all old -- the same rape that has been happening for thousands of years...
Just the other day Sheela brought a cutting from an English newspaper. A bishop
-- who else? -- had been sentenced to twelve years' jail for raping many women. That was his only work -- he was doing it religiously. But this is not an exception; the bishop's only fault was that he was caught, otherwise all bishops are bound to do it. They are ordained to do it, disciplined to do it! Their whole structure of life is such that it has to be phony, pseudo, double. He was living a double life, and all the rapes that he committed were committed after his beautiful, spiritual sermons. First he would sermonize about the great things of life -- and celibacy must have been one of those great things of life -- and then, because of his beautiful sermons, his learned scholarship and his mask of a religious holy man, he was able to get hold of all kinds of women. And they were innocent girls -- fourteen, sixteen, eighteen years old.
He had been doing it for years, but when you do it behind a religious screen it is easier.
Osho - The Goose is Out 21
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