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Chapter 4 - Transcendence brings buddhahood

His whole life he was talking about living in the now, but it was only talk, mere talk; he never lived in the now. He was thinking of himself in the old foolish pattern, as being a prophet.

This stupid Judaic idea of being a prophet has tortured many people in the West.

Christians, Mohammedans, Jews -- all the three religions which were born outside India, have revolved around the idea of the prophet. Sigmund Freud has the same attitude, and Wilhelm Reich was a disciple of Sigmund Freud. Then Carl Gustav Jung had the same idea -- he was also a follower of Sigmund Freud. Then Adler has the same idea -- he was also a follower of Sigmund Freud. All by-products of the Jewish mind. They were all thinking in terms of the salvation of the whole of humanity depending on them.

That is living somewhere else, not in the now.

Just the other day, Sheela brought a report from a Christian theologian -- a big report against me. He must have come with preconceived ideas, and got very confused. He could not manage with his preconceived ideas and he could not let go of them either. So he is wishy-washy: one thing he says against me, one thing he says for me. And he has got into such a mess. But I liked one thing that he says -- although he thinks he has made a very significant criticism.

He says: the moment Osho dies, his whole movement will disappear like a soap bubble.

I loved it! That's how it should be! Why should it continue? For what? There is no reason.

I live now, I am not interested in the future at all. How does it matter whether my movement disappears like a soap bubble or not? I love soap bubbles! They look beautiful in the sun. And they should disappear so that a few other people can make other soap bubbles. I have no monopoly over them. In fact, the world would have been better if the soap bubble that was created by Jesus had

disappeared with him. Then these Polack Popes would not be here. Now they are making much fuss about a bubble which is not there. The soap bubble that Buddha created, had it disappeared, would have been a great blessing to humanity, because all these Buddhist monks and theologians, and all kinds of stupid people... We would have been saved from them!

Just the other day I was reading a Buddhist scripture. Buddhist scriptures say that there are thirty-three thousand rules for each Buddhist monk to follow. Thirty-three thousand rules!

Even to remember them you will need a computer. And what kind of rules? I will tell you just one rule. When the Buddhist monk goes to the toilet he should remove the lid of the toilet very slowly; no noise should be made. Why? -- because there are always hungry ghosts who eat shit. And if they eat your shit, YOU are responsible; then you will suffer in your future lives. Great people! Great religious rules!

But this idea of prophets who are trying to solve everybody's misery, who come for the salvation of humanity... And you cannot see a simple fact that Jesus came and Christians still go on bragging that he came for the salvation of humanity, but the salvation of humanity has not happened yet. Two thousand years have passed. He proved a very impotent prophet. What kind of salvation has happened? Jainas say that Mahavira came to uplift humanity. Humanity is where it is. Buddha came to deliver everybody...

I want to put a full stop to all this nonsense. I am not here to deliver anybody. Why should I deliver you? Your parents have already done that! I have no responsibility. I am not responsible to anybody -- to any humanity, to any future. I am enjoying MY moment, and those who want to enjoy this moment, this beautiful soap bubble in the sun, can enjoy.

Osho - The Goose is Out 56



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