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Chapter 4 - Transcendence brings buddhahood
was not a meditator he could not transform his sexual energy into a playfulness, a prayerfulness, and ultimately into an orgasmic existence.
That's why he went mad. It is dangerous to play with fire. If you don't understand its nature it is better to leave it alone. Sex is fire because it is life: to play with it without understanding the whole process of its transformation is certainly dangerous. And that danger happened to him.
He was on the right lines but he was blind. He needed a grounding in meditation. He would have become a Buddha, but he became just a madman.
You say, Edward:
These are not my ideas, these are my experiences.
And a clear-cut distinction has to be remembered. For Wilhelm Reich these are ideas. A blind man can have ideas about light, but that will not help him. A deaf man can have ideas about music, but that will not make him understand music, experience music. I don't have any ideas, these are my experiences. Whatsoever I am saying to you I am not saying it as a philosopher.
I am not a thinker at all; to me thinking is a very low-quality activity. What I am saying is my experiencing. So these are not my ideas on sex, these are actual experiences. And I am not trying to indoctrinate you, I am simply inviting you to experience what I have experienced. So I don't ask you to believe in me.
Wilhelm Reich was a fanatic. He wanted his followers to believe in him, to believe in him absolutely. He was very dictatorial. He would not allow any doubt in anybody's mind, and he was constantly living in fear -- the fear of persecution, as if he were being persecuted continuously, as if somebody were after him. These are the signs of a fanatic mind.
He had a possibility of growing, but he needed the right soil. That was missing.
Had he been one of my sannyasins, there would have been a totally different kind of man born out of him.
He lived in the bottle. The goose could not come out. And he became too attached to the bottle -- his ideology, his philosophy. And this constant fear of persecution, suspicion drove him mad.
You say:
They only appear to agree.
Living in the now, how can you feel persecuted? Persecution is always going to be tomorrow. Right at this moment how can you feel persecuted? It can happen only in the next moment.
Osho - The Goose is Out 55
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