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Chapter 4 - Transcendence brings buddhahood
far behind. Once you leave the window, a miracle happens. Because your ego was framed by the window. Once you leave the window behind, your ego is also left behind. The ego needs the other: when the other is no more there, the ego is no more there.
Psychologists say the ego comes later on. First, you start feeling the presence of the other.
The child first feels the presence of the mother, father, brothers, sisters, walls, paintings --
whatsoever surrounds him. Slowly slowly he becomes aware of the fact: "I am separate from all these. Sometimes the mother is there and sometimes she is not there, but I am always here." First enters the experience of the other, and then the ego arises.
It is the same in prayer: first the disappearance of the other -- the reverse order -- and then the ego dissolves. Once you have left the frame, the small frame of the lover and the beloved, and you have taken yourself into the beyond, the dissolution happens. Buddha calls it NIRVANA. The word is beautiful: NIRVANA simply means "cessation of the flame." Just as you extinguish a lamp and suddenly the flame disappears into the whole, so it is in the ultimate state of love. Then one knows transcendence. Transcendence of the ego becomes the transcendence of sex.
But remember, it is not against sex. In fact, you have transformed your momentary sex into a cosmic sex you have become one with the orgasm of existence itself. Now it will be there each moment -- you cannot lose it. Now the goose is really out! You cannot enter the bottle again.
Transcendence of sex is a totally different phenomenon from the suppression of it. But suppression can give you the feeling that you have transcended.
The old maid rushed up the policeman. "I have been raped! I have been
attacked," she cried. "He ripped off my clothing, he smothered me with burning kisses. Then he made mad passionate love to me!"
"Calm yourself, calm yourself, madam," said the officer. "Just when did all this take place?"
"Twenty-three years ago this September," said the woman.
"Twenty-three years ago?" he exclaimed. "How do you expect me to arrest anyone for something he did twenty-three years ago?"
"Oh, I don't want you to arrest anyone, officer," said the woman. "I just like to talk about it, that's all."
You will be surprised that all your so-called saints continuously talk AGAINST sex. Why?
If they have transcended, why this obsession with sex?
In Indian scriptures you will find such obscene description of women that you will be surprised. Your PLAYBOYS and magazines like that are nothing in comparison. You can go and see Khajuraho, Konarak, Puri -- the temples -- and you will see that your so-called obscene literature is only the beginning. Khajuraho has the most obscene sculpture that has ever existed anywhere in the world. And it took hundreds of years to do because it is stone sculpture, it is not just a photograph of a nude model in a PLAYBOY magazine. Hundreds of years of work, thousands of sculptors must have worked on it. And not one temple, hundreds of temples. And why on the temples? What have temples got to do with it?
Osho - The Goose is Out 52
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