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Chapter 4 - Transcendence brings buddhahood

to humanity are basically cutting the very roots of humanity. If they were to be followed literally there would be no humanity left.

There would have been no Mahavira, no Buddha, no Krishna, there would have been no Mohammed, no Kabir, no Nanak, if their parents had followed the idea of celibacy. It is good, it is fortunate that Buddha's father did not follow the stupid idea of celibacy, otherwise the world would have missed one of the greatest flowerings.

If celibacy is perpetuated, then humanity will disappear. It is a very egoistic idea, egoistic in the sense that you only care about yourself. Indians go on talking about spirituality, selflessness, and at the same time, with the same face, they go on talking about celibacy.

Celibacy is selfishness, absolute selfishness. Your parents and their parents and their parents have all joined together to give birth to you. Now, trying to be celibate, forcing celibacy, simply means you are closing the doors to future humanity. And you call it selflessness? You call it spirituality?

This is pure egoism -- as if you were the center of the whole existence, as if the whole existence existed only for you: because you have been produced, now there is no need for anything; the whole can disappear.

But although the teaching continues, nobody follows it. Unnatural teachings cannot be followed. That is one good thing about them. Only a few fools, maniacs, obsessed people, may try to follow them, but any man of intelligence will not follow such ideas.

Such ideas create two kinds of difficulties. One: those who are cunning, they become hypocrites. And those who are innocent, they become guilty. That's what has happened in India, and the same has happened on a wider scale all over the world. The disease is contagious. It must have started in India; its origin seems to be Indian. That is the only contribution that India has made to the world -- a contagious disease which creates hypocrites and guilty people. Both are ugly

specimens. The world needs neither the hypocrites nor the guilty.

But the hypocrites become priests, monks, mahatmas, sages, saints, and the guilty become the followers. This is the game that is going on.

You ask me, Mukesh Bharti:


Because their needs are not fulfilled. They are in all kinds of need -- to them sex is also a need. A needy person has an eye which projects his needs everywhere. You see only that which you can see, you hear only that which you can hear: you are continuously choosing according to your needs. To a hungry person a beautiful woman simply looks like a delicious dish. The very idea shows where the man stands.

There are expressions in all the languages of the world for love. People have started using words like "eating." -- "I would like to eat you," the lover says to the woman. What kind of love is this? Lovers bite each other, lovers chew each other -- as if they are chewing gum.

Lovers leave tooth marks on each other. What kind of poetry is this? They scratch each other with their nails... Is this love or is something else masquerading behind it?

Osho - The Goose is Out 48



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