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Chapter 2 - Just see it

"Legs," the boy replied.

"What is a four-letter word meaning intercourse?" she continued. "Talk," he answered.

The teacher turned to the principal. "Well, what should I do?"

He drew her aside and whispered, "Better promote him to the fourth grade. I missed all three questions!"

The last question Question 4


Prem Brita, this is really a difficult question! I don't know what seriousness is. I can try, but I don't think I will succeed. I have never been serious -- the more serious I look, the less I am! But let us try a few things for Prem Brita. Who knows? She may get something serious out of it. People get all kinds of things which I have not said, which I have not meant, which I have not even dreamt of. And she may even understand something!

In the old days it was the custom in the old Jewish villages that the night after someone got married the rabbi would come and inspect the bedsheets to see that the bride had still been a virgin.

The young bride knew this and also knew she would not pass the test. So she got up in the middle of the night and put some spots of ink on the bedsheet, but as it was dark she grabbed the wrong bottle and got green ink.

The next morning, the rabbi came as expected and did his inspection. Suddenly he shouted, "What a monster! He poked her through the gallbladder!"

No, it was not serious! Let us try again.

An old gentleman and an old lady have a conversation. They talk about the good old times and he asks her, "Excuse me, did you ever blush?"

"Oh yes, she says, "and that four times. The first time when I undressed in front of my husband. The second time when I undressed in front of my lover. The third time when I took money for it. And the fourth time when I paid someone for it. And you?"

The man is silent for a moment and then says, "I blushed twice. The first time when I couldn't do it the second time. And the second time when I couldn't do it the first time."

Osho - The Goose is Out 30



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