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Chapter title: None

31 July 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Archive code: 8007305 ShortTitle: GWIND31 Audio:

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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been scanned and cleaned up. It is for reference purposes only.]

The old idea of nobleness is based in a very false notion: it is rooted in birth, as if a person is born noble.

Nobody is born noble; nobility is something which one has to learn. It is an art, it has nothing to do with birth.

You can grow to be noble, you can die in a noble way, you can live in a noble way, but birth is bound to be the same for all; nobody is noble, nobody is ignoble. Birth is only an opportunity to grow, then everything depends on you.

And because the idea has persisted for centuries that a person is noble by birth very few people have ever tried to practise nobility as an art. What can you do about your birth? -- somebody is born as an aristocrat, and somebody is not. Now nothing can be done about it, it has already happened. You don't have any choice any more, the chapter is closed. But that is absolutely wrong.

Aristocrats all over the world have disappeared, are disappearing, kings have disappeared, queens have 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


disappeared, or if they have not disappeared they are on the way! In the end there will be only five kings: four of playing cards and one of England. And those four of playing cards are far more powerful!

But the idea of nobleness continues, the old idea is like a hangover. We have to drop it because by dropping it a tremendous openness happens. Then you start looking for ways and means to grow noble. And nobleness is something beautiful -- it is a flowering, it is fragrance.

When your life is full of light and love, awareness and truth, compassion and a sense of godliness, then you are noble. All these things happen through meditation. Meditation makes you aware of all that is potential in you and also gives you keys to materialise it, to realise it. It is the greatest art and it is the greatest science because it creates human splendour.

Love is the first experience which gives you a glimpse of the vastness of life, of its unboundedness, of its oceanicness. Without love a man remains confined in a very small capsule, like a dark prison cell --

without even a window to look at the stars, at the sun, at the moon.

A man without love is a man yet unborn, he is still in the womb. In the womb there is no sun, no moon, no stars, no wind, no rain. You are closed from everywhere. The womb is like a grave, and it is not accidental that it is like a grave.

Life is a circle. It begins in the grave, it ends in the grave -- that's how the circle becomes complete. And there are very few fortunate people who really try to get out of the womb. Even though they are physically born, they remain surrounded by subtle walls, boundaries. Somebody is a Christian, somebody is a Hindu, somebody is a Mohammedan -- these are wombs.

There is no need to be confined. Christ is beautiful, so is Buddha, so is Krishna, so is Zarathustra -- why be confined to Christ or Krishna? Why be confined at all? Why not claim the whole heritage of humanity?

Why not become oceanic? When one can absorb Krishna and Christ both, Mohammed and Mahavira both, Lao Tzu and Zarathustra both, then why choose, why choose at all? -- because they all bring tremendous richness to you. They are like beautiful rivers falling in the ocean bringing different chemicals, different colours, different fragrances, different experiences, different worlds. A man should be like an ocean, absorbing everything.

Why be Indian, Chinese, German, Italian. Why? -- there is no need. Why create these small boundaries around yourself? But everybody goes on creating more and more boundaries and then people suffer and they say they feel bored and life has no meaning: 'Why are we here? What is the purpose of it all? All these questions arise because of a basic stupidity. If you drop all the boundaries all these questions disappear because then life is so beautiful, so blissful ; one cannot ask what the purpose of it is.

This is something to be understood: you ask the purpose of life only when something is wrong, otherwise you don't ask. If you are living in a beautiful love relationship you don't ask 'What is the purpose of life? -- you know! If you are flying high in your life, if you are not feeling frustrated, you don't ask 'What is the purpose of life? ' You know.

When you are happy you never ask the purpose. It is only the unhappy people, the miserable people, who ask these questions. And they cannot be answered; they have to change their life-styles.

So this has to be your initiation into sannyas: drop all boundaries, come out of all kinds of prisons --

political, religious, ideological -- be free of all this rubbish. Just be without any definition, without any label, without any category. And you will be surprised -- life immediately becomes ecstatic.

Religion to me is a merging and meeting with bliss. It has nothing to do with your beliefs in god, heaven or hell, it is a search for bliss. Hence whether one is a theist or an atheist does not matter; what you believe in and what you do not believe in is irrelevant.

I have never come across a single human being who is not searching for bliss. Hence bliss is the universal religion. I don't teach Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, I teach the universal religion, the natural religion, the religion of


Becoming a sannyasin means that now you will be seeking only one thing and that is how to be more blissful. One has to be a little conscious, that's all. It is out of our unconsciousness that we go on creating misery. As you become conscious of your acts, of your thoughts, of your feelings, bliss starts coming of its own accord.

Man is born with a diamond within his soul, but we never dig within ourselves, we never seek and search there. Hence our life remains poor, hence we go on searching in money, in power, in prestige, in all 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


kinds of ways, running neither and thither because there is a constant inner urge to find something. But we go on searching in the wrong direction. The longing is right, the direction is wrong. And the direction is wrong because everybody else is doing the same so we imitate them.

Every child is born amidst a society in which people are already running after things and the child starts running after things. The child learns from people; whatsoever others are doing, he starts doing.

Anthropologists have discovered a few very primitive tribes in the thick forests of Africa, Burma, the Philippines and other places, small tribes which have not come in contact with the greater humanity -- and they have been puzzled, puzzled very much, shocked to see many things of which they were not aware at all.

For example, there are tribes in which violence does not exist at all. Nobody has ever been murdered, nobody has ever committed suicide. The people have not heard about these things, they don't have words for murder and suicide. Naturally, it was a shock to the anthropologists: how had these people managed it?

It is a simple phenomenon -- children learn from their elders, so whatsoever the

others are doing, children start doing. Now our children are seeing movies and TV and murder and suicide and robberies, and all kinds of things. They will learn, they are learning... they see violence everywhere, violence everywhere, rape, murder -- they start learning it and they start repeating the same pattern. Their children will learn from them. It becomes a routine phenomenon. Because we find that everybody is searching outside we start searching outside. But the treasure is within.

Jesus says again and again 'The kingdom of god is within,' but even his followers, his very close followers, never understood him. I don't think that his apostles ever understood him. Even when the last night came and Jesus was going to be caught they were asking about the kingdom of god in heaven and for his whole life the poor man was saying that the kingdom of god is within you!

This was the last conversation with the disciples and they asked 'Just tell us one thing, master: in the kingdom of god you will be sitting on the right side of god, and out of us, your twelve close disciples, who will be sitting next to you?'

You see the stupidity? -- the politics, the question of hierarchy. And the poor man had been saying for his whole life, 'Blessed are those who are capable of standing at the very back, who are not hankering to be the first, because they will be the first.'

But people go on listening to words, beautiful words, they appreciate them also but they don't understand. We have missed Buddha, we have missed Jesus, we have missed all the great masters -- that's why there is this miserable humanity.

My whole effort here is to help you to find it within yourself: it is there, it is already there. There is no need to go anywhere, one has just to go within. And the journey is not a long one at all. If it were far away the , of course, it would be a long journey and you would need all kinds of maps and guides. But there is no journey in fact. You just have to be silent, still, and it is there. And when one has found the inner diamond one's life radiates the light of god.

Man has raw energies. They have to be refined, and then the same raw energies which ordinarily create misery, darkness, despair, start creating great bliss, great celebration. They are the same energies; they have to pass through a subtle process of meditation, just a little refinement.

For example, the sun has the same light as the moon. In fact, the moon has no

light of its own -- it simply reflects the sun's light -- but you can see, the difference is tremendous. The sunlight is harsh, aggressive, hot, violent, fiery. The same light reflected by the moon suddenly becomes cool, soothing, peaceful, serene. You can look at the moon for hours but you cannot look at the sun. If you look it will burn your eyes, it will destroy the subtle nervous system of your brain. But the moon is very soothing, nourishing.

The moon's light is not basically different but it has passed through the moon. Meditation is like the moon: it transforms the energy of lust into love, anger into compassion, greed into sharing, aggressiveness into receptivity, ego into humbleness. Moonlight represents something very significant because you have to pass through the same process, from the sun to the moon, from the extrovert towards the introvert, from the out-going into in-going. And then miracles start happening, unbelievable miracles start happening. One may have never dreamt, never imagined that such beauties were possible. Then for the first time one feels thankful to god and prayer arises naturally.

Religion is not theology, it is love. Theology is nothing but logic hence it is called 'logy'. And logic has 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


nothing to do with religion, in fact it is against religion.

Logic is a mind exercise, hair-splitting, word-chopping. It can create beautiful, wordy edifices but they are just castles made in the sand; they are of no use. They can keep you occupied, they serve the same purpose as when you are sitting on a beach and you start playing with the sand and making sandcastles just because you have nothing else to do. You can enjoy the occupation but it is not beneficial at all, it is childish.

Theologians are never mature people. Jesus is not a theologian, neither is Buddha. No real master has ever been a theologian, but he is a lover, a tremendous lover, he loves the whole existence. Love is his prayer, love is his worship and through love existence can be communicated, you can have a dialogue. All that is needed is a deep love affair, a mad, mad love affair.

Sannyas has to become a love affair, only then will you know the mysteries of life and death. The mysteries are millions, in fact inexhaustible.

The people who feel bored are the people who are living in the world of logic; logic is boring. But love is never boring. Love gives you constant surprises. Love keeps your wonder alive and love keeps your poetry, your dance, your celebration nourished, otherwise all that is beautiful in you starves, dies. Avoid logic and always choose love. Love is the path of the sannyasin.

We have nothing to offer to god but we can sing, we can dance, we can play on some musical instrument. We can transform our whole life into a song, into a dance, into a festival -- and that is the only true offering to god. Plucking flowers from trees and offering them to god is stupid, because those flowers are the trees, not yours; in fact they were already offered to god by the tree. And they were alive on the tree

-- you have killed them, you have destroyed their beauty. You are offering god corpses.

You cannot offer words of Jesus to god; they are his words, his songs. They are beautiful but they are borrowed. They have not arisen in your own heart, they don't have your heartbeat, they don't have your signature on them. You can offer beautiful songs of Krishna, Buddha, but all are borrowed.

My basic approach towards god is that every person has to have his consciousness grow into a flowering tree. Each person has to come to some blossoming. And of course, man's flowers will not be like the flowers of trees; they will not be like roses or lotuses or marigolds. Man's flowers will be of a totally different category: they will be of love, they will be of freedom, they will be of joy, they will be of a higher quality.

I call them songs.

When the singer loses himself in his song, in that moment he has offered the song to god. When the dancer loses himself in the dance, the dancer has offered his dance. These are the only offerings which are accepted, these are the only prayers which are heard and fulfilled. And when you start offering your joy, your love, your songs to god, you will be surprised that the more you offer, the more goes on showering on you; a millionfold it comes back.

That is the only sign that they have reached, that your offering has been accepted, that your prayer has been heard.

[Osho gives the name Prem Amrita -- love, immortality.]

Love is the only experience in life which gives you a sense of immortality, which makes you aware that there is something which begins but never ends. It is the first lesson, it is the beginning of an incredible journey into god.

Once a man has tasted even a drop of love he cannot remain stuck: he has to go in the great exploration of god. It becomes an urgency because now he knows from his own experience that life is not the ordinary routine thing that we had always thought it was. There is something more to it, something hidden in it; the superficial is not all, the superficial is only the circumference of life and there is a centre also. In love we have only a glimpse, just like lightning: suddenly there is lightning and all darkness disappears and for a split moment you can see the trees, the flowers, the road and everything and then again there is darkness.

But now the darkness is not the same; you know that there is something tremendously beautiful hidden behind darkness.

It is love that has given the first glimpse of god and then people have felt the urge to seek and search deeply. It is through love that they discovered meditation. Love is a natural phenomenon, meditation is a deliberate science. In love you are just at the mercy of the winds: sometimes there is lightning and sometimes there is not, and you cannot do anything about it.

Meditation makes lightning controllable; you can switch it on and off. It makes electricity serve you.


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


Just as science has made electricity serve you... electricity has always existed but it was beyond our control.

Now, it is serving you in thousands of ways.

Love is like lightning, a natural phenomenon; meditation makes it a scientific understanding. Then you can turn it on and off. And in fact there is no need to turn it off; one can live in love for twenty-four hours a day. And when one can live in love for twenty-four hours a day, why should one not live in love twenty- four hours a day? Even a single moment is not worth missing.

My message is of love because I know love is the only phenomenon which can have universal appeal --

because it is natural. You may argue with Christianity, you may argue Hinduism, you may argue Buddhism, but you cannot argue against love.

And once you have felt love, meditation starts of its own accord; then you can be easily persuaded towards meditation. In fact you are already persuaded: love seduces everyone into meditation. And if love cannot seduce you into meditation, then nothing else can. That is the only hope, the only promise. But it always succeeds, it has never failed, it cannot fail. It is inevitable that after a deep experience of love meditation follows. And meditation opens the doors of the temple of god.

Hari is one of the names of god. Prem means love -- love for god. Hari is a rare name for god; nothing comparable to it exists in any language of the world. Hari means a thief. Now to call god a thief is something... something far out! But it is true. It is psychedelic but very true because god steals your heart.

And that's what I go on doing on his behalf, that's my work too, the work of a thief.

Now you have fallen into the hands of a thief, so be careful! Not that you have to protect your heart.

When I say 'be careful' I mean let me steal it. Don't be afraid, be care-full! Don't be a coward, be a brave man, a courageous man.

If one wants to love one has to surrender oneself. And to be with a master means one is ready to surrender. One is ready to lose oneself totally, with no strings attached, no conditions. The disciple cannot make any conditions because a conditional surrender is not a surrender at all. One simply has to be in a let-go

and allow the master to do the operation.

It is surgical, because to remove your heart is not going to be an easy task. And we never replace it! You can see my people: their hearts have disappeared and they are still alive, fully alive, more alive than they have ever been. But don't get too afraid. The surgery is done and without any chloroform. You are kept fully awake!

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