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Chapter title: None

30 July 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Archive code: 8007295 ShortTitle: GWIND30 Audio:

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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been scanned and cleaned up. It is for reference purposes only.]

One of the meanings of Myriam is the exalted. The moment a person becomes blissful he is exalted to the highest peak of consciousness, victory. He may live on the earth but he is no more part of the earth, he belongs to the beyond. He may be still in the body but he is no more the body; he is a Buddha, he is pure awareness. Now he knows his immortality, now he knows that he was never born and will never die; bodies come and go, but the innermost core remains, abides. Knowing this all fear disappears, all anxiety drops away, all anguish, all despair withers away. For the first time you start experiencing life at its highest crescendo. For the first time you blossom, for the first time Spring is experienced. That is the goal of sannyas.

And the second meaning is also beautiful; the second meaning is living fragrance.


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


Man is born as a seed and unfortunately millions die as seeds. They never find the right soil, they never make any effort to find a gardener. They take themselves for granted. They think that whatsoever they are, this is the end -- and this is not the end, this is only the beginning. And to think of the beginning as the end is the utmost stupidity. But ninety-nine point nine per cent of people live in this idiotic way. They never search for their potential, they never become explorers of their inner world. And there are infinite possibilities.

The seed can become a tree. The tree will have great foliage, beauty, form, joy. It will dance in the wind, in the rain, in the sun. Birds will sing, birds will make their nest in it; people will rest underneath its shade; flowers will come, fruits will come. And when a tree is full of flowers there is great contentment in the very being of the tree. It has arrived, it has fulfilled its mission.

The same experience happens to man when he becomes a Buddha or a Christ. He is just all flowers and at the deepest core of his being there is only hallelujah, there is only joy, tremendous bliss, inexhaustible bliss. He becomes a living fragrance.

My sannyasins have to become living fragrances. But the journey is an inward journey. The exploration is not scientific but mystic, it is not extrovert but introvert.

The Indian word 'babu' was invented by the Britishers. When they came to India their first capital was Calcutta; Delhi became their next capital. Only afterwards did they move to Delhi, otherwise the first capital was Calcutta. And Bengalis, the people who live around Calcutta, oat rice and fish, and fish smells badly.

bu moans bad smell and ba means... 'ba' means with and 'bu' means bad smell.

They had to give employment to Bengalis and they invented the word 'babu'. They started calling the Bengalis, babus: with bad smell. But because these Bengalis, these babus, became important people -- they became the via-media between the Indian society and the rulers -- the word 'babu' slowly became important.

It lost its original meaning. Now to call somebody babu means he is an important person.

Now it has become very honourable. So whenever somebody has to be honoured they call him 'babu', for example, Babu Jayprakash Narayan. The first President of India was called Babu Rajendra Prasad.

These people were utterly ignorant of the meaning, just because every parent wants a child also to be very important some day, parents started calling their little boys babus, important people; hence it became associated with the child. Then babu became equivalent to a child.

So I will give you the name: Swami Atit Babu. Atit means one who has gone beyond... bad smells'

(much laughter). Otherwise everybody stinks'. And my whole purpose is to help you to go beyond all kinds of smells.

Do you know why you are checked at the gate? It is a very esoteric thing -- because your smell gives indications of your spiritual growth, of what centre you are at. If your smell is foul that means you are just at the lowest centre. As you start rising the bad smell starts changing into a beautiful fragrance.

And it is just a coincidence that just now the first person, Myriam ... her name meant living fragrance.

And suddenly you come here... (much laughter). But every mountain is followed by a valley!

If you can go beyond the meaning there is no need to worry.

So remember that one has to go beyond all that stinks. Mind stings, ego stinks, jealousy stinks, possessiveness stinks, hatred, anger, greed -- these are all stinking things and if you cling to them you remain stinking. And people cling! People cling to everything, whatsoever it is. Even if they are drowning in an ocean they will cling to a straw -- and they know the stupidity of it, that by clinging to a straw you cannot be saved. But man goes on hoping against hope.

The idea is that something is better than nothing -- and that is a whole wrong approach. Nothing is always better than anything because nothing means purity, unadulterated purity. Nothing means silence, no noise, no mind. Only nothing can give you fragrance. It arises only when one has moved from the mind towards no-mind. But people go on clinging to each block which is hampering

their growth. They hold on to it; they will fight if you try to take away their support, although it may be only supporting their misery. And whatsoever belongs to them they become proud of. Even if it is hell they will be proud of it because 'It is my hell.'

I have heard about a Jewish couple. They were sitting in a movie-house. A very beautiful woman came by and hugged and kissed the man. The wife was very angry and the husband was at a loss as to how to explain who she was. But Jews are Jews clever, cunning, calculating. He immediately invented. He said

'Don't be disturbed. In our business life everybody has to have a girlfriend. And you can enquire of other people also who are in my business. Look -- that woman sitting there is my partner's girlfriend, and that 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


woman on the other side is my ex-partner's girlfriend.' He told her about many of the other women and then he asked 'What do you think? Which one is the best?' And the wife says ' ours is the best.'

"Ours" -- now the whole thing has changed, now it is a question of pride.

A psychoanalyst was going into an elevator with a young woman, his patient, and he farted so loudly and the smell was so foul that the woman said 'Was it you?' And the man said 'What do you think? Do I smell like that the whole time? It is only once in a while.'

People defend everything! And the sannyasin has to learn not to defend stupidities. He has to drop them, he has to go beyond them. He has to become aware that 'Nothing belongs to me,' that 'Nothing is mine,' that

'In fact I don't exist. There is no such entity as I. There is a consciousness inside but it has no idea of I at all.'

When you become silent and meditative you simply know you are but there is no notion of I, not at all.

You have an existential feeling, but there is no ego at all. That is the moment when one transcends all kinds of stupidities and then great fragrance is released. And that fragrance is not only a blessing to you, it becomes a blessing to the whole existence.

Whenever there is a man like Buddha or Jesus, the whole existence takes a tremendous leap towards the heights. Just a single man becoming a Buddha takes the whole humanity upwards. People may not be aware of it at all, but whatsoever humanity is now, whatever it is today, it is only because of a dozen people -- not more than that.

Those dozen people are the very salt of the earth. Remove them and man will be hanging from the trees, he will be a monkey again; all evolution will disappear. Even Charles Darwin will be hanging from the trees. It is because of Buddha, Lao Tzu, Bahauddin, Basho, these few people, that humanity has slowly slowly come to a point of growth. But it is still individual effort that can make you a Buddha; it has not become a universal phenomenon.

Of course, we are more fortunate, because the pioneers were in more difficulty. And if we miss, then it is really unfortunate.

My observation is that each of my sannyasins can become a Buddha. Just a little effort and just a little understanding and we can fill the whole earth with people aflame with love and joy, aflame with godliness.

These two words, experience and belief, have to be very well understood. Ordinarily people think to believe is religious. It is not, not at all; it is just the opposite. To believe is to miss religion because belief means covering your ignorance, not transforming your being. You remain the same, you just change something superficial. You start believing in god knowing perfectly well that you don't know.

How can you deceive yourself? Then you don't know you don't know. You may enforce your belief, you say auto-hypnotise yourself by repeating it every day, praying in the morning and evening or five times a day and going to the church or the mosque or the temple, but still, somewhere you will know that it is only a belief; you don't know. And without knowing there is no transformation. Belief simply helps people to deceive themselves. And all so-called religions are based in belief.

Hence the world is full of religious people and yet there seems to be no religious flavour at all. These are pseudo-religious people -- Christians, Hindus, Mohammedans, Buddhists.

Christians believe, Christ knew -- and the difference is tremendous. The Buddhists believe, the Buddha experienced. And you cannot quench your thirst by believing in water. You may go on writing 'H2O, H2O, H2O...' in your book like a mantra and you may start doing transcendental meditation, sitting with closed eyes and repeating 'H2O, H2O, H2O.…' That is not going to help, your thirst will remain there. You need real water. Whether you know about H2O or not doesn't matter: you need real living water to quench your thirst.

You cannot go on reading a book on food recipes. For how long can you? It cannot fulfil your needs.

You will remain hungry. You may have a whole library of books on food, exotic foods, you may have pictures in your room of beautiful food, colourful. That too is not going to help. You go on worshipping those beautiful pictures, but you will remain hungry and you will starve and you will die. You need real food.

And that is exactly the case with religion: you need real religion, and real religion comes through meditation. Meditation is an experience.

So I don't say to you believe in anything. There is no need to believe in anything at all. In fact it is good to drop all beliefs so the your slate is clean, so that your heart is no more full of stupid theories and ideologies, so that you are completely free from all dogmas and creeds and able to enter into a personal experience of existence Meditation is a personal experience. Meditation simply means becoming silent, 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


watching your thoughts, because through watching, thoughts disappear. And the day comes when there are no thoughts but only the watcher and nothing to watch.

In that very moment the conversion, the transformation, the revolution... In that very moment you become light, you become god. That is our birthright, and only when we become it do we know it. Then it is not a belief.

I don't believe in god. I simply know -- there is no need to believe. My knowing is not based on any arguments or proofs, it is simply based on my own experience. So even if the whole world says there is no god it is not going to affect me, because I know.

Even if the whole world is blind and says there is no light, a man who has seen light will simply smile.

He will say 'Okay. Go on believing in your darkness, but I know -- what can I do? I know light is and you are simply blind.' And a blind person can believe in light but that is not going to help him to see.

Meditation gives you the eyes to see, the heart to feel, perspective, clarity, understanding, awareness. It opens the doors of great mysteries and treasures. Hence I say to my sannyasins only one thing: meditate.

Nothing else is needed, everything else follows in its own time. Simply prepare yourself through meditation.

A blissful person is inevitably good, inevitably virtuous, and a miserable person is bound to be evil. A miserable person may try to do something good but he cannot.

You cannot give to people what you have not already got within you; you can give only that which you have. So the miserable person many times thinks to be good to people, he intends to be good but the outcome is always bad because he will act out of his confusion, darkness, misery; his action will be full of his darkness. Notwithstanding his intentions he will create more and more hell in the world.

In the past in almost all societies man has been told by all the priests 'If you want to be blissful, be good.' That is patent nonsense. I say just the opposite: 'if you want to do good, be blissful.'

If you are blissful it is impossible, categorically impossible, to harm anybody. Your very bliss will prevent you. You will feel sympathy, compassion, love. You

would like everybody to be blissful, because if you are blissful you will know clearly that if everybody else is also blissful your bliss will be multiplied a thousandfold.

It is as if you are clean but everybody else is dirty. How long can you remain clean? You are healthy but everybody else is ill. How long can you remain healthy? You have made a beautiful house, a garden, a swimming pool, a fountain, but the whole neighbourhood is dirty. How long can your garden be in existence? It cannot survive. We live in a world together with others.

So the blissful person becomes aware that it is good to help people to be blissful. It is not only altruistic, it is selfish too, because he knows 'If more people around me are blissful, then my bliss will be multiplied, naturally.'

Remember the mathematics of bliss ... and the same is true about misery: when you put two miserable persons together their miseries are not doubled, they are multiplied. Hence every Buddha has tried to create a sangha, a commune, where thousands of blissful people can be together. Then everyone's bliss will be a millionfold, it will become almost immeasurable.

This is one of the fundamentals of my sannyas: be blissful and you will be virtuous. Forget all about virtue, character, morality. They will all come with your blissfulness, they are bound to follow like shadows following you.

Love is the highest form of poetry -- and by poetry I don't mean anything literal. To me poetry is far more than just composing poems. Poems can be composed even by someone who has no poetic life, who has no poetic grace. He can compose poems because to compose poems you only need a certain technique.

He will be a technician, not a poet; and out of one hundred poets ninety-nine are technicians. And the same is true about every art: out of one hundred musicians there is only one who is a musician, ninety-nine are technicians. Out of one hundred scientists there is only one who is a real scientist, ninety-nine are just technicians. And it is so about sculpture, painting, architecture, about every dimension The real poet has of necessity to compose poetry -- he may, he may not. A real painter may paint, may not paint, but his life will be very colourful, his life will have a proportion, a symmetry, a balance. He himself will be his painting, he himself will be his poetry, he himself will be his sculpture.

That's why I mean when I say love is poetry. it gives you a new dimension; it

makes you more aesthetic.

It makes you aware of many things of which you were not aware before. It makes you aware of the stars and the flowers and the green and the red and the gold of the trees. It makes you aware of people, their eyes, 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


their faces, their lives. Each person is a tremendous phenomenon with infinite possibilities. Each person is an incredible story, each person is a living novel. Each person is a world unto himself.

If you have the eyes to see you will be surprised, even a beggar is not just a beggar, he is also a human being. He has experienced love, he has experienced anger, he has experienced a thousand and one things which even emperors may be jealous of. His life is worth reading, worth observation, worth understanding, because his life is also a possibility of your life. Each person is living a possibility, transforming a single possibility into actuality. And all those possibilities are yours too. You can be an Adolf Hitler and you can be a Jesus Christ -- both doors are open. One has entered through one door, the other has entered from another door; both doors are open for you. Hence I have been as interested in Gautam Buddha as I have been interested in Adolf Hitler. I have been interested in Jesus but I have always been as interested in Judas too, because each human being is also my possibility.

One has to understand this, then the whole universe becomes a university. That's exactly the meaning of university; it comes from the same word 'universe'. Then all situations become learning situations and all challenges become growth challenges. And it is slowly slowly that one creates oneself.

We are born only as opportunities, then everything depends on us, what we are going to become, what the end result of it all is going to be.

By being a sannyasin you are choosing a certain possibility against other possibilities. You are choosing to become a Buddha, a Christ, a Lao Tzu. You are moving in the most exalted dimension; everything else is superficial compared

to this dimension, mundane. This dimension is sacred.

The Golden Wind

Chapter #31



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