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Chapter title: None

23 July 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Archive code: 8007235 ShortTitle: GWIND23 Audio:

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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been scanned and cleaned up. It is for reference purposes only.]

One can help others only if one has come to realize one's ultimate nature; otherwise oneself remains in darkness. He cannot help anybody. He can wish to but his wishes will remain unfulfilled. He can intend to but all his intentions will be just an utterly futile exercise. He will not help others, on the contrary he will 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


harm them. It is not a question of good wishes, it is a question of being fully alert, conscious. When you are conscious you cannot harm even if you want to; it is impossible. And the same is true if you are unconscious; you cannot help even if you want to.

The unconscious mind goes on harming because it is unconscious. Whatsoever it does comes out of darkness, confusion, unclarity. How can it be a help?

So the first thing is to be a meditator because it is through meditation that your inner being will become full of light, full of bliss, full of peace. You will attain to clarity, and out of that clarity whatsoever comes is virtue, is service, is love, is compassion.

Hence I don't tell my sannyasins to be servants of the people. I don't want them to become helpers of mankind. That kind of religious person has existed for at least five thousand years on the earth; he has not helped anybody -- he has not helped even himself. In fact, so much mischief has happened through these religious missionaries, helpers of mankind, public servants, that it is impossible to conceive any other source which has been more poisoning, more mischievous than religion. More wars have happened through it, more murder, more perversion, insanity. The whole history is full of the nuisance that the benefactors of mankind have forcibly imposed upon it. And the root cause was simple; the root cause was they were trying to do something of which they were not capable.

If you want to fly in the sky you will need wings, and just to provoke you to fly without creating wings is dangerous. You will kill yourself. The greater danger is that you may kill others -- you may fall upon somebody! The roads are crowded; everywhere people are moving. You have the right to kill yourself but you have no right to kill anybody else.

It happens sometimes when people take LSD or marihuana that they start feeling they can fly. One woman did it from a thirty-five story building -- she just flew out! She killed at least eight persons. Because of her there was an accident; the whole of the traffic was jammed. She killed herself, but that was her right.

But these eight persons were unnecessarily killed just because some stupid person got the idea to fly.

That's what has been happening to religious missionaries. Religion can function like an opium, it can give you great dreams, desires, ambitions to do this, to do that, without being aware whether you are capable of doing them. Do you have the wings?

My effort here is just to give you wings; then it is up to you. If you want to fly, fly; if you don't want to fly then there is no need.

So let meditation be the whole center of your sannyas. And out of it everything

beautiful comes for you, for others. Through meditation one can really become Alexander the Great. The only thing that was missing in him was meditation; hence he was not great, and he was not Alexander either. So don't repeat that old, foolish man's pattern. He was one of the great leaders of your so-called humanity. History is full of such fools! They tried their best, but because basically they were unconscious they created more misery in the world than there was already. They only helped man to become more miserable.

It is time that we be finished with all that nonsense. Nobody needs to be a public servant or a helper; those are all ego trips. If you are silent, peaceful, blissful, loving, then it is a natural outcome; you need not make any effort for it. It is just a fragrance.

Your flower has blossomed, mm? -- there is going to be fragrance. And whosoever is capable, sensitive enough, will be benefited.

Mind is incapable of knowing the truth. It can gather all kinds of information about truth, but to know about truth is not to know truth. To know about love is not to know love.

To know love one needs to be a lover. No information can be of any help; one has to go into the experience itself. And the same is true about truth. You can know all the great philosophers of the world, you can accumulate great words, theories, hypotheses and you can come to certain arbitrary conclusions of your own. But remember, they are arbitrary because they are not rooted in your experience. So whatsoever you know will really hinder your search.

That is the greatest danger in knowledge: it can give you a false notion that you know. And once that wrong idea enters in you that "I know," then the inquiry stops.

One has to know that one knows not.

One has to put aside all information for and against, theistic, atheistic, Christian, Hindu, Mohammedan, religious, philosophical.

One has to put aside every kind of knowledge -- knowledge as such. Then the inquiry begins. Then one becomes a true seeker of truth because then one is open. Out of that state of not-knowing, one day the great 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


blessing happens that one comes to experience truth, to live it; one becomes it.

That is the state called enlightenment, nirvana. In the West they have called it the state of Christ-consciousness, in the East we have called it the state of Buddha- consciousness, but it is the same.

By becoming a sannyasin you are taking a jump from mind to no-mind, from knowledge to innocence.

And once innocence is there everything else follows.

Any coward can be miserable, Misery needs no courage, it needs no risk. It is cheap, easily available; even if you don't seek it, it will seek you. And it is everywhere, all around; you can just kick it up from any place. It is not like diamonds, that you have to go to certain mines and dig it out. The whole earth is covered with it because every human being is carrying such a load of misery that you can get it from anybody.

But bliss needs courage, great courage. The first courage is not to follow the crowd, otherwise you will remain miserable because they are all miserable. But they have a certain power, the power of numbers. They are many millions; they can crush you, they can kill you. And they don't like anybody being an individual; they want you to be just like a sheep. They want you to follow their ideology, their conventions, their religion, their culture. They don't leave the decision to you, they decide it for you. Every crowd is dictatorial, totalitarian. Every crowd is against freedom, against individuality, against truth, against everything that is valuable.

So the first courage is to be an individual, not to follow the fools. Just because there are millions of them does not mean that they are right; in fact, they cannot be right because there of millions of them.

Truth is a rare experience; it has happened only to a few people in the whole history of humanity. God has been experienced only by a few people; they can

be counted on one's fingers.

The second courage is to drop all that creates misery in you, It may be that we have become very much accustomed to it and we may not be aware that it is the cause of our misery. Sometimes we even now that this is the cause of our misery, but we are not courageous enough to drop it because we have lived so long with it that it has become almost our identity.

For example, everybody knows jealousy is a cause of great misery but nobody seems to be able to drop it. Everybody suffers again and again but still learns no lesson. Every person is trying to do the impossible: they are trying to be blissful with their jealous mind, with their possessiveness. Now that is impossible, that cannot happen in the nature of things, nobody can make it happen. It has never happened and it is never going to happen. And the sooner a person realises it, the better, otherwise his whole life will be wasted. And millions of people are wasting their life: they go on remaining jealous, possessive, dominant, and they go on suffering, but they never look at the causes. Even if you tell them to look at the causes they may nod their heads, but not really. They may say 'Yes' we know, but that is superficial; at the next opportunity they are jealous again. They don't see the connection between the cause and the effect; they think it is something else that is causing misery.

If somebody insults you and you suffer you think it is because he insulted you. 'If he had not insulted me I would have been perfectly happy, so he is the cause -

- he should not have insulted me.' But now you are in an impossible cul-de-sac. You cannot move a single inch this way; there is no go because how can you manage it so that the whole world decides never to insult you. It is not that he is causing your misery, it is your ego, and ego is very touchy. Ego may not have meant to insult you, he may not even be aware that he has insulted you. He may be just joking or he may have just made an innocent remark not in any deliberate way to hurt you. But your ego is touchy; it feels hurt by anything. Unless one drops the ego one will remain miserable.

So one has to look for causes inside oneself. That is very basic if one really wants to go through a revolution. If one really wants to be blissful one day, these are the basics. The first: always remember that somehow or other you must be responsible. Whatsoever happens to you, you are responsible. If this basic truth is remembered you will be able to find the cause. Never throw the responsibility on anybody else. The others may just have caused a situation in which your

inner misery was triggered; they were just excuses. If A was not going to be the excuse then B would have been, C would have been. This world is big enough: if you are carrying the cause within you then something or other is going to happen which will help you to become miserable. Better to drop the cause and then there is nobody who can create misery for you.

Jean-Paul Sartre has a very famous statement: 'The other is hell.' That's the idea of almost everybody in the world, except for a few Buddhas: 'The other is hell.' I cannot agree with him, although it is the experience of millions of people. It looks absolutely right but it is not right, not at all, not even an iota of truth in it. It is always you. You can be hell, you can be heaven -- it is always you, it is your decision.


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


Sannyas moans a decision that 'Now I am going to create my own heaven.' And heaven is not somewhere else; you have to create it just as you create hell. It is a psychological state. And once you know that you are the creator there is great freedom; immediately you are free. If the other is responsible you are not free; you are always in bondage because the other can always create misery for you or can create happiness for you. In both ways you are dependent, and nobody likes dependence.

You have a beautiful name. How long are you going to stay?

If sometime you decide to stay forever I will have to change your name because in India it is a dangerous word. Gunda means hooligan.

What do you call it? 'Hooligan' in German? All Germans are hooligans! Adolf Hitler is a gunda!

So if some day you decide to stay then tell me -- I will have to change your name. Otherwise you will say to somebody 'My name is Gunda' and they will start laughing. But for a few days it is okay And think of coming forever'

One can live in misery and one can have all the wealth of the world, all the power that the world can confer upon one, but still one will not be victorious. There is only one victory and that is attaining inner bliss. Even our so-called great conquerors are just fools who have wasted their lives and other people's lives.

The wise man will not waste a single moment in anything else. His whole life will be a concentrated effort to attain blissfulness. And there are many things behind it. Unless you attain bliss you will have to come back again and again to the body; you will have to be born, you will have to go through the whole of life and death. Life is like a school: if you fail you have to go back to the same school again; if you pass then there is no need to. That's why buddhas never come back. Once a man has become awakened he never comes back to the world. Then he lives in eternity, in a bodiless immortality. He becomes part of the whole; he becomes oceanic, vast.

The body is a confinement, it is an imprisonment. I am not against the body, but it has a limitation. It is a beautiful house but very small -- cosy because it is small! It is so small really that nobody else can enter.

You cannot invite anybody 'Sometime come inside me' -- impossible. People try... and they all fail. That's what lovers go on doing all over the world: try to enter each other, but it never succeeds. Soon they have to recognise that this is not possible; then there is frustration. The whole effort of lovers is to become part of each other, and because it fails they feel frustrated and angry. But they are trying to do something stupid.

The house is so small, it is a miracle how it contains even a single person. That's why everybody feels suffocated; to be in the body is a kind of suffocation. And a thousand and one problems ... and then old age comes. If you want to know all the problems, read Buddha -- he is an expert in describing all the problems of the body' He starts from the very beginning in the womb, with those nine months that he thinks are a great confinement. In a way he is right. To live in a woman's womb cannot be much of a paradise! It can only be compared with hell, with all the urine and the shit and everything (much laughter) ... and one has to live in it for nine months! Buddha calls it a great suffering. So ho starts from there, saying that birth is a suffering.

To be in a womb is a suffering. Then birth is a suffering because to pass from the

birth canal is really a suffering because the canal is too small and the child has to come out somehow; it is like a tunnel. The child suffers and the mother suffers. And growing is not very beautiful either... and then the frustrations of life, and then old age and diseases and illnesses... And they go on and on till you die; then there is the last misery.

It is good that in India people thought of rebirth. If you are born in a Christian country or a Mohammedan or a Jewish country then you have to live in the grave for eternity. Then the last day of judgement will come. Just think of that: living in a grave and waiting for the judgement! If Buddha had known about Christianity and Judaism and Mohammedanism ... he was not aware of them at all, otherwise he would have said that this is the last misery. Even death doesn't end your misery; it is the beginning of a new misery. Now living in the grave, tossing and turning and nothing to do.…

The body is a confinement, hence the whole effort of meditation is to give you an experience of bodilessness, of going beyond the body, of feeling your consciousness, of knowing it. To know consciousness is to know something 'limited' unbounded, the infinite.

And with that comes bliss, with that comes benediction. That is the only victory; everything else is a fool's paradise.

So make it a point that this life you have to learn the lesson so there will be no need to come back again.


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


And if my sannyasins are really trying to understand and live what I am saying to them, not a single sannyasin need come back. And the moment you become part of eternity, deathlessness, timelessness, you are victorious.

Lorraine (her name) has another meaning also: immortality. It is a beautiful word. It represents two things -- victory and immortality. They are synonymous:

to know that one is immortal is to be victorious.

Man tries to be famous, but that is not true fame. True fame comes not by man's effort to be famous, it comes through surrendering oneself totally to the whole. Then man is no more there; then man becomes just a hollow bamboo and god starts flowing through it. Then the hollow bamboo is turned into a flute. Great song is born, great music, but it is not human -- it is divine.

All bliss is divine. And when one is full of bliss, when bliss is pouring out from every nook and corner of existence, when you are showered with bliss, when you are no more; then only can it be possible. You are a block; the ego is like a rock. Remove the rock, and the doors of the temple of god are open.

Then one shines with fame, but it is a totally different kind of fame. A Christ is famous, but in a different way than Adolf Hitler, A Buddha is famous, but in a different way than Alexander. Alexander, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, their fame is nothing but ego pretending to be very significant and important. The ego glitters, but all that glitters is not gold. The real god has nothing to do with gold.

The real gold is created in you when you are capable of dropping the ego, dying to the ego. When you start feeling a nobody, a nothingness, then you start shining with fame. But that is god's fame, god's glory. Then it has tremendous beauty.

Love makes everybody a great poet, and if love cannot make you a poet then nothing can make you a poet. Love opens a totally different dimension in your being. Without love you remain confined to the world of logic. Once love starts happening in your life, logic starts disappearing; a transcendence of logic happens.

That's why the logical mind will always call love a madness, a blindness. Logic has always condemned love as blind, mad. It has called it all kinds of names for the simple reason that intellect is incapable of conceiving it.

It is a totally different world. It has nothing to do with arithmetic, with logic, with science. It is immeasurable, uncharted. Nobody knows exactly, precisely what it is. Even those who have gone deepest into it have found themselves almost dumb -- it is inexpressible.

But the experience is so great, so ecstatic that it explodes in many ways. It may explode in dancing, in music, in poetry, in painting, in any kind of creativity. Love is always creative. And the world has been so destructive for the simple reason that we have taught people to repress their love energy. Love repressed becomes destructive; love expressed becomes creativity.

My sannyas believes in creativity, in love, in that almost transcendental world where mind is of no use and no help, where only heart can enter. So my sannyasin shave to move from the head to the heart -- that is true initiation.

The Golden Wind

Chapter #24



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