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Love utterly, totally... Love madly.

6 June 1977 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

[A newly arrived sannyasin says she did encounter group in Germany and felt she was on the point of exploding but kept control, she held back from the point of total let-go. Osho checks her energy and says that she is controlling a lot, but reassures her that something can be done; it is not a problem.]

You have lived a very controlled life, knowingly, unknowingly. You have tried to be wise, you have always tried to be on the safer side. You have never taken any risk; maybe sannyas was your first risk.

And without risk. Life happens not. Without risk there is only death and nothing else. Only with risk one is born: the greater the risk, the greater will be the birth. The greater the risk, the greater is the possibility to live.

But down the ages we have been taught to live a controlled life, a very disciplined life – always manipulating from the head.never allowing the body to have its say, never trusting the body, never

trusting the instinctive. And if you don’t trust the instinctive, you cannot trust the intuitive either, because they are both alike; this has to be understood.

The reason is just in the middle: below it is instinct, above is intuition. If you don’t allow the instinctive, which is below it – you have to lose control in the instinctive also – then you cannot allow the intuitive either. It is above, but in the same way you have to lose control.

Samadhi and sex are similar in that way: in both you have to lose control. Sex is lower than reason, samadhi is higher than reason, but in both directions your reason has to be dropped.

Reason is as destructive to sex as it is to samadhi. It does not allow your body, it does not allow your soul. The mind is just in between: below it, body, above it is soul, and the mind is just between the two. It is a holy ghost.

And you have lived too much in the mind so your body feels static – non-dynamic, not moving, not dancing – like a statue. That has to be changed; you have to bring more dance to your body. It is your body. You have to bring more movement, more dynamism, otherwise the body will become more and more lethargic, sleepy. And our contact with life is through the body. With nature we are joined through the body: with the trees and with the mountains and with the ocean and with the stars.

If your body remains lethargic, unmoving, then you are no more in contact with the stars, you are no more in contact even with the earth, you are no more in contact with the air. You become separate, you become an island, and you suffer unnecessarily... because joy is being in contact. Joy is with the trees and with the wind and with the rains. Joy is with other bodies; joy is in love, in song, in dance, in celebration. Joy is in sensitivity, and that you have missed in your past.

And because of this, the other possibility, the higher possibility, remains closed. If you cannot allow even the lower, how will you allow the higher? Now this is one of the basic things that I want to bring to everybody’s notice. In the past the religious people have taught: don’t allow the lower so that the higher can be allowed. They were absolutely wrong... and human history has proved that they were wrong.

If you don’t allow the lower you will not be able to allow the higher because they both come in the same way: they are both irrational and they both need a state of chaos, not a controlled state. They both exist in freedom. Nature and god both exist in freedom, and all control is of the mind.

You have lived a very very controlled life, a life of character. Mm? – you have armour. I can almost see it around your body like a shell – just like a soldier in the past used to wear armour to protect himself. You have been protecting yourself against life. God is nature multiplied a thousandfold, a millionfold.

One learns through the instinct how to be natural and spontaneous. Once you have learned that, the same has to be applied to the higher. And the higher and lower are not higher and lower in any evaluatory sense. I am not condemning the lower; it is not low. I am not saying it is bad; I am simply indicating the position, the physical position – just as feet are lower and head is higher, that’s all. I don’t mean that the head is better, good, moral and that the feet are immoral or bad. It is just in a physical sense-that the head is higher than the feet, that’s all – not high, just higher; the feet are not low, just lower.

So allow the body to have more say, mm? And in these three months that you will be here, take a jump. I will help you. These groups will bring you out of your shell. The armour has to be broken. Once it is, you will feel so free and so alive... and that’s all sannyas is about.

... Be more loving; that is your prayer. Forget everything else, just be loving. Love utterly, totally... love madly and the thing that you want to happen will start happening.…

[A participant in the tao group. He discovered much fear: fear of anger, fear of women, fear of people bigger than him, fear of risk-taking. Osho says in fact you are afraid of life. You are afraid of women because they are life. Life is through the polar opposite. This is why in the east bramacharya is used as a means to disappear from life. Fear of anger is fear of love. You only get angry when love is there, otherwise you remain indifferent. Reduce all these fears to fear of life and see that it is just a habit you have got into, and destroy this habit by moving into the opposite of it.]

... And start one small meditation which will help you to change your balance – from fear to love.

You can sit in your chair or you can sit in whatsoever posture you feel to be comfortable. This way is perfectly good (his legs are folded under him). Then keep your hands (Osho demonstrates) like this: the right hand has to be underneath the left hand, mm? – because the right hand is joined with the left brain, and fear always comes from the left brain. The left hand is joined with the right brain, and courage comes from the right side.

The left brain is the seat of reason, and reason is a coward. That’s why you will not find a man brave and intellectual together. And whenever you find a brave man you will not find an intellectual. He will be irrational, bound to be so. The right brain is intuitive... so this is just symbolic, and not only symbolic: it puts the energy into a certain posture, into a certain relationship.

So the right hand goes underneath the left hand and both the. thumbs join each other. Then you relax, close your eyes, and let your lower jaw be relaxed just a little – not that you force it... just relaxed so that you start breathing by the mouth. Don’t breathe by the nose, just start breathing by the mouth; it is very relaxing. And when you don’t breathe by the nose the old pattern of the mind does not function any more. This will be a new thing, and in a new breathing system a new habit can be formed more easily.

Secondly, when you don’t breathe by the nose it does not stimulate your brain. It simply does not go to the brain: it goes directly to the chest. Otherwise a constant stimulation and massage goes on. That’s why breathing changes in our nostrils again and again. Breathing through one nostril massages one side of the brain, through another, the other side of the brain. After each forty minutes they change.

So simply sit in this posture, breathing by the mouth. The nose is dual, the mouth is non-dual. There is no change when you breathe through the mouth: if you sit for one hour you will be breathing the same way. There will be no change; you will remain in one state. Breathing through the nose you cannot remain in one state. The state changes automatically; without your knowing it changes.

So this will create a very very silent, non-dual, new state of relaxation, and your energies will start flowing in a new way. Simply sit silently doing nothing for at least forty minutes. If it can be done for one hour that will be a great help. So forty minutes to one hour, mm? – forty to sixty minutes: start with forty minutes then by and by reach sixty. Do this every day for one hour, and then tell me after three weeks how you are feeling.

And meanwhile don’t miss any opportunity; whatsoever opportunity comes, go into it. Always choose life and always choose doing; never withdraw, never escape. Enjoy any opportunity that comes on your way to do something, to be creative... and after three weeks tell me. Good!



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