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Each individual is a gift of god

13 June 1977 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

[Osho gives a sannyasin a name for a centre in the West.]

This will be the name: neerava. It means such a silence that sound is not a disturbance to it.

There are two kinds of silences: one silence which can be disturbed by sound.That’s not very

deep, that’s not really silence; it is just absence of sound. It has no positive quality to it; it is just absence of sound. Mm? sometimes when there is no sound, the traffic has stopped, it is night, you suddenly feel a silence. But it is not that it is silence: it is just that you are missing the usual noise and you become aware of that missing thing. If you look deeply into it you will find the missing noise is creating this silence; it has no centre of its own.

Then there is another kind of silence – a real silence. It has nothing to do with either the presence or the absence of sound. The sound can continue, the traffic can go on, the marketplace and all sorts of things go on, but a really silent man remains silent. The noise comes, passes by him: he remains undistracted, nothing distracts him. Inside he remains untrembling.

The centre of the cyclone – that is the meaning of neerava. That is the true silence, and that is the goal of all therapies, all meditationsbecause only out of that silence does one become healthy;

only out of that silence does god start working through you. When you are full of noise you don’t allow god to function.

When you are full of silence there is no hindrance, there is no obstruction for the whole to take possession of you. Then the whole can flow through you. You don’t give any resistance; you remain open.

And all the effort that is made through therapies, meditations, is nothing but to help the person to come in contact with this innermost core of his being. Healing is through that. The healer cannot heal – the healer can only make the person aware of a healing source within himself. The physician only sends him back into his being.

The whole problem is that people have lost contact with their own soul. That soul is silence, it is utter silenceSo start a small centre.

You can continue therapies, some meditation and some work, and once you start people will start coming.

[A sannyasin has brought his girlfriend, who is not a sannyasin, to see Osho. She is too scared to take sannyas.]

That happens to every potential sannyasin. Whosoever is going to become a sannyasin, becomes afraid, mm? – so you are fortunate that you are afraid. People who are not going to become sannyasins don’t feel any fear. Why should they? They have no possibility to grow in that direction.

Fear comes because you become alert that here is something that you can get involved in. Mm? – the more you are here, the more afraid you will be. When the fear becomes too much one becomes a sannyasin! Then there is nothing else to do.

If you want to get rid of fear become a sannyasin today – otherwise you can wait but those days will be of fear.

[Another sannyasin says that he would like to have a longer relationship with a woman than he has had to date, but he finds many resistances within himself, like his immaturity, so it hasn’t happened yet.]

Mm mm.you have some wrong notions about relationships. Only immature people relate. When

you become mature (chuckling) what is the point of relating? So don’t make that a problem. Immaturity is okay, perfectly okay. And how is one going to mature? You have to relate with people; through that will come maturity. And when you have really become mature there is no need to relate or anything. Then one is perfectly happy with oneself. One can give one’s love, but there is no relationship. So relate as much as you want because soon this immaturity will go!

The second thing: a relationship has nothing to do with period, time. Whether longer or short, that is not meaningful at all. The question is of intensity and depth.

Even if the relationship only lasts for twenty-four hours, if you really go into it, it is tremendously fulfilling. And it may last for twenty-four years and nothing happens. You can see so many dead husbands and wives living together for years, for centuries it seems, and nothing has happened! Length is not the question – quality, not quantity.

So the second thing: drop the idea of longer or shorter; that is not your worry. If it stays, good; if it disappears, good.

And what can you do? Right now if you are immature, you are, so you have to relate in this immaturity. In fact the very desire to have a long relationship is part of immaturity – otherwise one moment of love is quite enough.

A mature person is independent; an. immature person is dependent. It is because of the dependency that we long for a longer relationship. We want a long relationship so that we can depend on the same person forever, so that there is no need to face new challenges, new problems. If we are with the same person, having the same problems, we can become acquainted with the relationship, skilful in it.

The right thing is to relate with many people before you start settling with someone. Know as many women as possible before you choose a woman to stay with for your whole life.

My own observation is that people should not get married before thirty-five years of age. By that time they are experienced enough: by that time they have known so many women that they can choose. And the same is true for women.

The world is big and there are so many different kinds of people. Why be in a hurry to settle for a long relationship?

And each individual is beautiful – a gift of god!

... Relate, relate with strangers, and don’t hanker for any stable relationship right now. When the right person comes along, things will settle on their own. And why be in such a hurry to settle? Remain a vagabond as long as you can afford to! Right? Good!



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