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Chapter 6 - The Irrational Rationalist
The scientists say the whole earth can be reduced to the size of one orange. It is very porous. The whole of existence -- all the matter that exists in the whole of existence -- can be reduced to such a small size that you can carry it in your suitcase. All is porous; much space exists.
And those small elements that go on running are not material either. They are just
"electrons" -- electric energy. Now, Kovoor goes on talking about matter. Matter exists not, Doctor. You'd better start looking into modern science again.
And the second thing. He goes on talking about space and time, and Albert Einstein has proved that they are not two. Time also does not exist separately from space; it is a dimension of space. So Einstein uses "spaciotime"; he never says "space and time".
Now matter has disappeared. Time has disappeared as a separate entity; it has become a dimension of space. So there are two things: energy and space.
Now, Albert Einstein also says to keep this energy and space together, intelligence is needed. Great intelligence is needed; otherwise they will fall apart. Who will keep them together? How will they be kept together? That intelligence is God.
So three things: space, intelligence, energy. Three things.
That is the Christian trinity, the very idea of the three: God the Father, Christ the Son, and the Holy Ghost. And that is the idea of the Hindu Trimurti: Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh. Three faces of one reality. These are metaphors, because mystics are not talking about mathematics.
Mystics are talking in poetry; the same truth is being expressed in poetry. This is the whole idea of the three GUNAS of the Sankhyas: SATTVA, RAJAS, TAMAS, three GUNAS, three attributes, are there, but they are faces of one reality. That reality is God.
You can call it X, Y, Z, whatsoever name you like. It doesn't matter. A rose is a rose is a rose. By what name you call it makes no difference.
But he goes on talking as if matter, energy, space, and time are four things. He is not aware of modern science.
David Foster, the cybernetic scientist, says: "Nothing whatsoever is known about the following rather basic phenomena: mass, electricity, magnetism, spaciotime, et cetera, et cetera ... Existence remains a mystery, it is not available to knowledge ... essentially it is unknowable." I call this unknowable element God.
What is matter? Physics says there is no matter as such. What we know as matter is made of waves or quanta. The quantum is a mysterious phenomenon. It is a point and a line simultaneously! Absurd. Illogical. Bizarre. And if you ask what sort of waves are these, the answer is: "waves of probability". Not even waves of "anything"! The modern understanding of science is mystery and magic.
If we think deeply into anything, we are bound to stumble upon God because God is the depth of existence. If you go deep into the rock you will come upon God. If you go deep into yourself you will come upon God. God is the depth. If we think hard enough in any single direction we always arrive at the unthinkable. If we ask enough questions along a given line of inquiry, we come in the end to an unanswerable question. That unanswerable question is
"Who am I?" That unanswerable question is the koan of the Zen people. That unanswerable question is what meditation is all about.
Osho - The First Principle 99
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