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Chapter 6 - The Irrational Rationalist
form, that's what religions say. They say, "God is hidden and is getting more and more expressed."
Man is yet the highest expression of that intelligence. The tree is a lower expression; the rock a still lower expression. But all are expressions of the same intelligence. Man, as far as we know on this earth, is the highest expression of that intelligence. There are higher possibilities, because man is not the end. And the highest possibility that we have seen is what we call "enlightenment". A man comes to such a peak that all thoughts disappear and only pure awareness remains -- no clouds, only pure sky of being; no smoke of thoughts, only the flame burning bright, of pure life and awareness, of pure energy.
We have seen in Buddha the ultimate expression of that intelligence. That's why we call Buddha "Bhagwan", because he comes closest to the ultimate intelligence. Maybe there are higher possibilities. One can never be closed to the possibility; maybe there are higher possibilities. It is impossible to conceive of, but maybe. It is impossible to conceive of it because when all thoughts have been dropped there is no longer anything contaminating consciousness, so what more can be possible? That's why we have called Buddha "Bhagwan".
"Bhagwan" simply means that he has become the vehicle of the intelligence, and now the vehicle does not interfere at all.
When I say "God is" I do not mean God is the creator. I mean God is the hidden energy of existence. Matter is visible God, and soul is invisible God.
He does not believe in God, but he believes in four gods instead. Those four gods are matter, energy, space, and time. Now, he seems to be completely unaware. Since he left school -- he is eighty, so he must have left school somewhere sixty years back -- it seems since he left school he has not been in touch with what has been happening in science, in the world of science. Dr. Kovoor, much water has flowed down the Ganges. Now matter exists not! And you talk about matter. Friedrich Nietzsche declared, "God is dead," and God is not dead. He is still alive and kicking. But matter, on the contrary, is dead. Matter has been found not to exist.
When the physicists went deeper into the constituents of matter, they found there is no matter at all; there is only energy. Then what is the "matter" we see in a rock? It is just condensed energy. Matter is appearance. It only appears. There is no solidity. Solidity is just an appearance. Hindus have the right word for it; they call it "maya". Maya means that which only appears and is not. Matter has been proved maya! And that's what Shankara has been saying in India and Buddha has been saying and Nagarjuna has been saying: that matter is illusory. Science has absolutely proved it, that matter is illusory.
When you go deeper into matter and when you come to the electrons, matter is not. Those are nonmaterial energy phenomena. But the energy moves so fast that it creates the illusion of stability, solidity. It is as if you run an electric fan very fast, so fast that you cannot see the blades separately and you cannot see the gaps between two blades. Now scientists say if the fan runs with the same speed as electrons run, you can sit on the fan and you will not feel the blades moving. They will be moving so fast. Sunrays move, in one second, 186,000 miles -- in one second -- and that is the speed of electric energy. That is the speed of electrons. Now, in a small space the electron is moving with such great speed that you cannot see the gaps. That's why the wall seems to be solid and you cannot pass through it. In fact, it is not solid. In fact, the wall can be reduced to such a small size that it will become invisible -- it has much space in it.
Osho - The First Principle 98
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