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Chapter 6 - The Irrational Rationalist
Can you find the dance when the dancer has gone? Or can you call a person a "dancer"
when he is not dancing? They are always together; the dance and the dancer are together. They are two aspects of one energy. Creation and creator are together.
In fact, my own choice is that I don't like calling God a "creator". I call God "creativity". k is an ongoing process. Not that one day God created the world. The creation continues. It is moment to moment, moving, it is a process, it is dynamic, it is riverlike. And God is not separate.
But then he will say, "Then why bring God in? Why can we not simply say that 'existence'
is enough?" There is a reason. If you don't like the word "God", there is no problem with me.
You can drop the word "God". I bring the word "God" in only to indicate that existence is not just material, it has intelligence; that the existence is not just the outer periphery, it has an interiority; that there is a great intention moving, that it is not without a soul.
If you want some other word you can use one, Dr. Kovoor. I am not a fanatic about words; any word will do. You can call it "X energy". If you are so obsessed with the idea of being anti-God, drop that word; that doesn't matter. Buddha never used it, Mahavir never used it.
There is no need; it can be dropped. If you accept that the existence is intelligent, drop the word "God". We are not worried about it. But if you accept intelligence in existence, you have accepted God. That's all we mean by "God". It is a way of saying that things have not just happened accidentally.
What do I mean when I say there is "intention"? If I give you a wristwatch and you open it, you will immediately say, "Somebody has done a beautiful job." If I say to you, "Nobody has done this. It is just out of existence, out of millions of years of existence, just accidents.
Things got together; somehow it turned out to be a watch," you will laugh at me. You have already laughed! You will not even believe a small wristwatch can turn out without anybody making it, without any intelligence functioning behind it. That will be a great miracle. You cannot believe even a small wristwatch can come out of accidents, and you can believe that the whole existence -- so delicate, so subtle, so complex that we have not yet been able to know its mystery -- has come just out of accidents?
It is as if you give a typewriter to a monkey and he goes on typing at random, and one day suddenly a great book like the Bible happens. Out of accidents. The monkey goes on typing, goes on typing. Something will happen. And you see the Sermon on the Mount is being typed!
Just accidentally? It is not probable. It is impossible. No possibility of it ever happening.
That's what I mean when I say "intelligence", "intention". The existence is functioning so together, so beautifully, and the evolution is moving to higher peaks. All this shows that existence is full of intelligence.
To remain confined to your intelligence is to remain confined in an imprisonment. To get out of this limitation and to look into the intelligence of the universal, of the universal intelligence, to have a feel for it, that's what religion is. But one needs to go crazy over it.
Dr. Kovoor says, "Life must have originated on different planets at different times by chemical evolution first and then by biological evolution ..." But it makes no difference. If it started on some other planet, how did it start? Whether it started here on the earth or on some other planet, how did it start? The atheist, the materialist has to agree with one thing: that it started suddenly for no reason at all; it was not there and it started. It was not hidden, it was not latent, it was not in a seed form. If you say it was hidden, it was latent, it was in a seed Osho - The First Principle
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