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Chapter 6 - The Irrational Rationalist

the effect. We cannot see them, but we can see their effect." The same say the mystics: "God is not observed objectively, but we can see the effect."

Can't you see the universe running so intelligently? Can't you see tremendous intelligence permeating the whole?

And it is not only the mystics who say the universe is full of intelligence. Just the other day I was reading and I came across one of Albert Einstein's quotes. He says, "The scientist's religious feeling takes the form of a rapturous amazement at the harmony of the natural law which reveals an intelligence of such superiority that compared with it, all the systematic thinking and acting of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection."

"Intelligence of such superiority"! And this is not Jakob Bohme, Ramkrishna, or Rajneesh.

This is Albert Einstein saying so. Intelligence of such superiority that human intelligence is reduced to utterly insignificant status! The world is running in such a deep harmony; that harmony shows that there is a unity in it, that it is not a dead universe, that it is not a "stupid"

universe, that it is intelligent.

Physics has become metaphysics again. Physicists even talk about atoms having free will.

Albert Einstein has said that no event can be postulated without the presence of a witnessing observer. And Eddington says: "Religion first became possible for a reasonable scientific man about the year 1927." But Dr. Kovoor seems to have not lived since then! Eddington also says:

"We begin to suspect that the stuff of the world is mind-stuff. The universe looks more like a thought than like a thing." And that is what I mean when I say that there is intelligence, great intelligence in existence or God. Recently a new branch of science, molecular biology, has conclusively proved that the "matter" of organic life, our very flesh, really is mind-stuff.

Eddington, Jeans, Einstein, Schrodinger all agree in this. But the problem with the learned Dr.

Kovoor is that he goes on fighting against out-of-date religion with the aid of his out-of-date, so-called science!

You can ask what is the purpose of this intelligent universe. The scientist David Foster says: "To become more intelligent." I love this answer. This is what the mystics have always been propounding. From unawareness to awareness ... from unintelligence to intelligence ...

there is the way and there is the goal. The Upanishads say: "TAMSOMA JYOTINGAMAY"

-- "O Master of the Universe, take me from darkness to light."

What do we mean when we say "God is"? We only mean that the world is intelligent, nothing else.

Now, Dr. Kovoor has a very childish idea of God, and he goes on demolishing that idea --

and without ever bothering about the fact that that is not MY idea. It seems he has not read anything of whatsoever I have been saying. Through his article I could not gather that he has read anything. What type of rationalist is he? He is ready to condemn me and criticize me, and without ever having read anything. At the most, it seems that he has read a few reports of journalists in the newspapers -- and that too it seems was many years ago because for years I have not been conducting meditation sessions and he says I conduct meditation sessions and I hypnotize people! He is not aware of what I am doing here. This is not a rationalistic approach.

And he says he believes only that which is proved objectively. In the article, he mentions that fifty years ago, his wife conceived a son from him, and now that son is still alive and still healthy and "still growing and proliferating independently as Dr. Aries Kovoor". Now, he says he believes only in the objective truth. The mother knows; the father only believes. The son is Osho - The First Principle




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