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Chapter 6 - The Irrational Rationalist
And the mystics are the voyeurs par excellence. They penetrate to the very mystery of God.
You can ask Sigmund Freud. He says that the male energy starts seeking the female energy. That is natural. That's why the woman waits and the man takes the initiative. Even small children will play the game of doctor. And the woman will be the patient and the boy will be the doctor -- the voyeur! He wants to see how this girl clicks, what makes her click, what is inside her. Now the scientist is born -- and the mystic too.
Out of this sexual curiosity, all curiosity is born. All curiosity basically is sexual. But nothing is wrong. I love to see a beautiful woman as much as I love to see a beautiful rose. I love to see a beautiful face as much as I like to see a beautiful sunrise. I love to see a beautiful body as much as I love to see a beautiful bird on the wing. I love beauty. I am a voyeur. And I love beauty so much that I want to find out how this whole existence clicks. In that very search, one stumbles upon God.
And I want to know how I click, what is this intelligence in me. And only because of that search does one come to one's own being.
Nothing is wrong in being a voyeur. And I would have thought that Dr. Kovoor was a voyeur. His name fits with the sound of "voyeur" -- "Kovoor". It must be accidental, because he believes in accidents. But it rhymes well. But according to himself, it seems that he is an exhibitionist. That's not very good. You are in bad shape, Dr. Voyeur. I had always thought you were a man! Now you have created suspicion in me.
The quality of voyeurism is the quality of inquiry. Nothing is wrong in it. Everybody should be a voyeur. And I would like even women to become voyeurs; only then will they be able to become more creative; only then will they be able to penetrate into the mysteries of life. We should try to know what it is! The very curiosity helps you to grow towards higher peaks of intelligence.
The sixth compliment: Rajneesh is a sexual pervert. That is wonderful. To go beyond sex is certainly a perversion. It is not natural. So it is a perversion! It is
not part of unconscious evolution. It is conscious revolution. It happens only through transforming the unconscious into the conscious. When not even a trace of unconsciousness remains one is free from all desire. This is real BRAHMACHARYA. But to have eyes in the valley of the blind is certainly a perversion. Dr. Kovoor, who is not a voyeur, simply shows his obsession with sex.
Just a nice old dirty man!
And the last compliment: Rajneesh is absurd. I am really at a loss how to thank Dr.
Voyeur. These are the words I love! I am the genius of the absurd, and that is the highest that one can attain. Tertullian, a mystic, a Christian mystic, is reported to have said, "I believe in God because God is absurd." I also believe in God because God is absurd. I believe in existence because this existence is really absurd. It is incredible. It is so beautiful. It is so wonderful. It is so fantastic. It is so psychedelic. And it comprehends all contradictions. It is so tremendously in harmony that even contradictions don't contradict! The night and the day, and the summer and the winter, and life and death -- what more contradictions can you find and what more absurdities? But somehow everything fits together. The absurdity makes life more fun.
If God was just an Aristotelian, life would have been without fun. It would have been too serious -- and dull and boring. God is not dull, not boring. Life is full of joy and delight. There is love and there is song and there is celebration.
Osho - The First Principle 101
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