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Chapter 6 - The Irrational Rationalist
The Irrational Rationalist
16 April 1977 am in Buddha Hall Question
I enjoyed it. It was sheer delight. It was delicious. It was simply far out. I enjoyed it because nobody else has complimented me so highly as he has done. I could not believe that somebody would praise me so highly. Listen to his compliments.
First compliment: he says Rajneesh is crazy. True, sir. I agree absolutely. In fact, there is no way to God unless you are utterly crazy. Only those who are courageous enough to go beyond the boundaries of so-called sanity attain. Only those who are ready to put their minds aside, only those who are ready to cut their heads off completely, they attain. I am crazy. So was Buddha, so was Jesus.
There are books written against Jesus in which people have tried to prove that he was mad.
And of course when Mahavir was walking on the streets, naked, ecstatic, people must have thought him mad. He was driven out of towns, cities; shelter was not given to him. Down the centuries the man of God has always been thought of as mad. The reason is simple: if he is sane then you are all insane, then the majority is insane. The majority cannot accept the fact. It is easier, more comfortable to call him insane.
But remember something George Bernard Shaw once said. Somebody was saying,
"Millions of people believe this. How can they be wrong?" And George Bernard Shaw said,
"If millions of people believe it, how can they be right?" Millions of people and being in the right? -- impossible. The greater the crowd, the less is the possibility of truth.
Truth has been available to only a few individuals. Why? Because only a few dare to enter into that madness. Only a few dare to put their reasoning, cunningness, argument aside. Life is not logic; it goes beyond it.
And not only the mystics say so; now even the physicists -- who are not mystics at all --
what they are saying is incredible. Let me quote a few things. The physicists are now saying the same old nonsense as the mystics used to in the ancient days. The so-called rationalists have always called those mystics mad. Certainly whatsoever they say does not follow ordinary reason; it is something beyond. Now listen to what physicists are saying; they speak of a universe which is finite but unconfined. They say the universe is expanding, but expanding into nothing. They also tell us that electrons are capable of passing through space without make use of the term "quark" to describe a particle of which taking any time to do it. They are now even proposing to the essential property is that when three of them combine, their collective weight is less than that of any of them by itself, although nothing has been lost by their conjunction.
Osho - The First Principle 92
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