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In the hands of love even a rock starts throbbing

18 January 1977 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Prem sandesh means message of love... and when you are really in the right space, you become the message of love. Your whole being flowers like love. Your whole life is nothing but love energy then, and whatsoever you touch becomes gold.

With hate, whatsoever you touch becomes poison – hate is a poisoning element. Love is the only elixir, the only nectar. Love is the philosopher’s stone – touch the baser metal and it becomes gold.

And remember one thing – that one can carry this love energy inside oneself without expressing it, but if one doesn’t express it, one will miss it. Without expressing it you will not be able to know it. It is known only when it is shared. It is known only when it is given – there is no other way to know it.

Unless you become a message of love you don’t understand what love is. In loving, love is known. Only in loving is love known. And those moments when you are loving are very rare. Ninety-nine percent of the time you only pretend that you love – you simply make the empty gestures. You say, ‘I love,’ you hug a person, you hold the hand, but you know that there is nothing – the message is not there. The envelope is there but the letter is missing – it is an empty gesture. So remember – never make empty gestures. It is better not to make any gesture rather than making empty gestures.

Never say, ‘I love you,’ without meaning it, otherwise those words will become ugly on your lips. By and by those words will become rotten and you will forget what they mean. People go on talking about love and they have forgotten what love is. So never make empty gestures – be authentically true about it.


When you are really in the loving space, then on1y be in it. Then by and by you will know the reality of love, and more and more moments will be coming, because you will enjoy it tremendously – it is the only delight there is. I hen you will be sharing it more and more.

And it is not a question of relationship – remember! Love is not relationship. Love is a state of consciousness. When love is there many relationships happen, but love does not happen because of relationship – relationships happen because of love.

It is not that when you are in relationship, suddenly love happens – no, just the contrary. When you are in a love-consciousness, relationship grows. And a man who loves will be loving even when he is in no relationship. Even when he is sitting alone and there is nobody, he will be loving.

It is just as when a flower has bloomed in the forest and there is nobody to appreciate it – but that doesn’t matter. It has not flowered for somebody in particular – it has simply flowered. If some passerby appreciates it, good! It will go on spreading its fragranceMaybe nobody comes to know

about it, but that is irrelevant. If somebody comes and smells and feels good, good – the flower will be happy – but the fragrance is not addressed... it is unaddressed. So is love – it is a state of consciousness.

You are loving, and then with whomsoever you come in contact you are loving. Even if you take a rock in your hand, you are loving. And in the hands of love even the rock starts breathing... throbbing.

Prem yamini... It means a love night. Yamini means night, and prem means love. And there are a few things about love which are in tune with the night and not in tune with the day.

For example, love needs privacy. Its very nature is intimacy. The night is more intimate than the day. Darkness is more intimate than light. Light separates – darkness joins together. If you come into this garden in the night, trees are not separate. You simply feel trees are there – the fragrance, the coolness – but there is no separation, because darkness joins everything together

In the morning when the sun has risen, every tree is separate. The light makes egos, separation... demarks people, defines. The light is very defining. Darkness is indefinable, indefining. It simply envelops you. Light is always shallow. Howsoever great it is, it is shallow. There is a limit to it. Darkness is unlimited. It is depth. Light has no depth.

And these are the qualities of love – depth, joining together, melting, going beyond the ego, forgetting the limitations of your body-mind, forgetting yourself, drowning yourself in the infinity. So it is not coincidental that people make love in the night except Americans! (laughter)

When you make love in the day, something is ugly about it. And you must have watched – whenever a woman makes love she closes her eyes. She knows better than the man.because it is something

inner – it is not something outer that you have to look at. It is something inner, where you have to drop, disappear. Yes, the woman knows better than man – at least she knows better about love. She closes her eyes, because when love is happening, darkness is needed. In the day better to close the eyescreate darkness.

When you look at the other, the other is separate, you are separate. With closed eyes it is easier to melt into each other and become parts of each other. But because man is a voyeur and he wants to look, that’s why ‘Playboy’ and magazines like that exist. Man is a voyeur.

The woman is not a voyeur, and certainly her love experience goes deeper than the man. And man will be very much benefited the day he understands that making love is something like meditation. You close your eyes... you go deeper into your own innermost core, because from there orgasm arises. The other is just a help to bring you to your own self.

Love is coming to your own self via the other, that’s all. It is meditation. In meditation one goes directly. In love one goes via the other – and of course love is more interesting. It is a pilgrimage and the other enriches it. But love is more like darkness – it has depth it has intimacy.

And remember always that light has a cause – darkness has no cause. You cannot cause darkness. If you need the room dark, what can you do? You can put the light off, but you are doing something to the light – not to the darkness. You cannot do anything to darkness directly. You can bring the light in, you can take the light out, but you cannot bring darkness in and you cannot take darkness out – that is impossible.

Darkness is primitive. Darkness is eternal. Darkness is uncaused. You cannot cause it to be there or to disappear.

And love is also darkness – you cannot cause it. Either it is there or it is not there – you cannot cause it. You cannot order somebody to love. You cannot make it a dictum, a commandment, to love. You cannot make a’should’ out of it. It is an uncaused experience. If you try to cause it, then you will pretend. It will be false, it will be pseudo – and it is better to live without love than to live with a pseudo-love. That’s why I have given you that name.…



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