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Our home is beyond the stars
15 January 1977 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
[A sannyasin who is leaving for the west asks Osho to give her confirmation why she needs to wear orange and mala. She is afraid of her friends’ reactions. But also she is afraid if she doesn’t wear orange and mala, that Osho will not be with her... she doesn’t want to act out of fear.]
Don’t be worried about people. You need not worry about people. It is not a question of my being with you or not – whether you wear orange or not, whether you are a sannyasin or not, I will be with you. But if you don’t wear orange, you will not be with me – that is the problem. And just my being with you is of no help, because in these methods nothing can be done unless you cooperate with me. This is just a gesture of cooperation and nothing else. It is just a gesture from your side of,‘Osho, I am with you. Even if you put me in some trouble, I’m ready’
This is a trouble – going to london and then being in orange will be a little troublesome. That is done knowingly. I create many sorts of trouble – deliberately. This is a deliberate thing.
It is not a question of whether I will be with you or not – I’m with you – but the question is whether you will be with mewhether you will allow me to continue the work that has started in your being.
And this is just a gesture.…
The second thing: the positive is yours, the negative is also yours. Negative and positive are not really two contrary things – they are complementary. And everybody starts from the negative because everybody exists in the negative. You have to start from the point where you are. If you are going to walk, you will have to start from the place where you are standing. Mm? you cannot start from somewhere else.
Ordinarily the mind is at the negative stage. The positive will come. These are the three steps: the negative, the positive, and the beyond.
One ordinarily has to start from the negative because that is where humanity exists. We have been brought up and conditioned for the negative. For the whole of your life you have done things because of fear. You were a child and you were afraid the mother would not love you so you did something... the father would not be happy, so you did something. Because he would be angry and you were afraid, you did something... or didn’t do something because of fear. In school you were reading and working hard because of the fear of failure – the fear that you will be third class... and that hurts.
So from the very beginning everybody is being trained for the negative. That becomes the only motive – that’s where people are. Not a very good situation to be in, but what to do? That’s how we are... that’s where we find ourselves. Now, you are not responsible for the society, for the parents. You are not responsible for what has been done to you, so there is no need to worry about it. Now you can grow.
Know it well – that this is the situation. You have to grow towards positivity. But remember, again, that I am not teaching a positive thinking or something like that, because any positive thinking carries the negative by the side.
In america there are many thinkers who teach positive thinking – all nonsense! because every positive statement carries the shadow of the negative.
For example, the French philosopher, Emile Coue, used to teach to his disciples that every day they should repeat in the morning, in the night, as many times as possible, that they are healthy, they are perfectly healthy. This is a positive statement. But whenever you repeat that you are healthy, you know you are ill – otherwise why are you repeating it?
Now, one who is really healthy would not go to coue... for what? Ill people will go to him, and he teaches them to repeat, ‘I am healthy.’ This is positive. It looks positive, it appears positive: the formulation is positive, the grammar is positive, the linguistic form is positive. But whenever you repeat, ‘I am healthy and I am feeling very good,’ why are you repeating it? If you are really feeling healthy there is no need to repeat it; there is no need to verbalise. The very statement shows you are aware of the illness. Now you are trying to hide it, to repress it, to throw it away from your consciousness – to throw it into the unconscious.
Whenever you say anything positive it inevitably carries the negative in it. So the real thing is to go beyond both the positive and the negative. There is a state of mind where neither the positive nor the negative exists... neither the no nor the yes. Then one simply is. That is the goal.
So if it is negative, don’t be worried – use it! Use the negative too, in a positive way. The negative can be used in a positive way; the positive can be used in a negative way.
You can kill somebody by your positive love... your love can be too much. Your love can become such a possessiveness, your love can suffocate somebody. It is very positive – and it can kill! Many children are killed by the parents because they were loved too much, they were protected too much. The parents were too worried and too careful. Their very care killed the spirit of the child.
And you can use the negative also. Even no can become a step towards yes.
Jesus used to tell a parable about a father who had two sons. He called the elder one and said to him, ‘Go to the garden because much work is to be done. The season has come and the fruits are ripe. If you don’t go to work, they will start rotting.’
The eldest said, ‘Yes, father I am going... I will go. Immediately I will go’ – and he never went.
The father said the same thing to the younger one and he said, ‘No! I have other things to do and I cannot go.’ But then he thought over it, repented deep down, and went.
‘Now’, Jesus says, ‘who was positive and who was negative?’ The first said, ‘Yes, I am just going’ – and never went. He used yes to hide, as a cover for no. He was more cunning, clever. He didn’t want to say no. He said yes to be polite, to be respectful, and never went.
The other was more authentic, more true, less cunning, more real, less phoney. He said, ‘No! I have other things to do and I cannot go,’ but then he thought over it, felt that this was not good, and went. the one who said yes never went, and the one who said no went. It depends.…
So right now if you are feeling that there are only negative reasons, let that be so. Use those negative reasons to rise higher... use them as stepping-stones. Don’t look at them as blocking your path – use them as stepping-stones.
The positive will come. When the positive comes then too use it as a stepping-stone. I want you to remember it – because you seem to be too attracted towards the positive, hence you are so much against the negative. You are infatuated with the positive. The positive is as worthless as the negative! They are both two aspects of the same coin. The whole coin has to be thrown to the dogs.
But first use the negative to go to the positive, then use the positive to go beyond. One day, when my relationship and your relationship have no negative and no positive, then it is really something! Then it has incredible value. It is not of this earth... it is divine. then something transcendental has entered into your being. and I see that the day will come... it is going to happen.
And it is good that you are alert – but don’t let this alertness become a suffocation. Use it to go higher... always use everything to go higher. Whatsoever happens, always use it to go higher.
We have to go a long wayOur home is beyond the stars.
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