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23 May 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Deva means divine, and Hakima is a sufi name for God. It means: all-mighty, all-powerful, omnipotent. Deva Hakima will mean ‘divine power.’ Man in himself is powerless; all power is from God. Man is just a vehicle, a passage. The moment man starts thinking ‘This is my power’, he starts falling into sin. The ego is the original sin and it is the ego that separates you from reality. The ego is nothing but the claim ‘The power is mine, I am powerful.’ The ego is trying to prove only one thing, in different ways – that it is powerful... through money, through prestige, respectability, virtue, knowledge; but the goal is one. The ego wants to prove ‘I am powerful, more powerful than you.’

And it can take even religious shapes, holier-than-thou, purer-than-thou, more virtuous-than-thou; but the trip is the same: it is a power trip. Ego simply means a power trip. And the power is not ours, it can’t be ours, because the power was here when we were not and the power will be here when we again are not. We exist only for a moment, for the time we are here. We come from an unknown source and we disappear again into that unknown source.

That unknown source has power. All life comes from it. The whole existence arises out of it, and not only this existence – other existences too. All these existences are nothing compared to the source. The source is more than the sum-total of all. That source is God. To recognise that source, to remember it and not to allow the ego to arise, is all that sannyas is about. Constantly remember: you are not, God is.

Basiro. It is a sufi name for God. It means: the all-seeing one. And to remember it is a very significant method for awareness. If God is seeing you all the time then there is no point in hiding anything. When all is seen, there is no point in repressing anything. One becomes open.

This method has been used by all the religions of the world. These names of God are not just names – they contain much more. Each name is a methodology... very potential. Rightly understood it can transform your life.

This is the message in your name: remember that God is seeing you every moment. There is no way to escape, nowhere to hide, because He is watching you from your own within. So all is already known. In fact, before you know it, He knows it, because you exist only on the surface of your being and He exists at the very centre. Realising this, one relaxes, becomes open. There is no need to remain closed. Good or bad, beautiful or ugly, one is as one is and God knows it already. One is nude before reality. This makes man authentic, sincere, fearless. Otherwise man becomes a deception, pseudo and plastic, and starts living as a lie. And if one lives a lie, one cannot find truth.

Truth arrives only through authenticity.

[Osho assigns groups to a sannyasin, arriving from the west, and tells her to be as deeply involved here as possible, not to avoid.]

Sometimes it happens that on the one hand we try to go into a thing and on the other hand we try to avoid it. That creates a conflict, a contradiction. Then your own energy starts fighting with your own energy – that is a dissipation. That’s how many people destroy their life. When you are going into something, go totally, go whole-heartedly, don’t hold back, and great will be the benefit from it.

In fact the benefit does not depend on the group process; it depends on your wholeness. The group process is just an excuse, a situation. The real thing that happens is not through the group process. It happens by your cooperation. And that is not only so in the group; that is so with me too. I am just an excuse. If you can go with me the whole way, God is bound to happen to you. It always happens when you go the whole way.

But people go very reluctantly – they go on resisting and fighting. That fight and that resistance is almost unconscious, it is not that they are deliberately doing it. Otherwise why should they be here? They are here because consciously they want to cooperate with me, to go with me, to explore the unknown with me, but some unconscious fear, some unconscious habit pulls them back. So the conscious goes on moving with me and the unconscious goes on moving against me, and the unconscious is more powerful. The conscious is only one-tenth, the unconscious is nine-tenths; you cannot win against it. It has to be persuaded, seduced, so that you can go whole-heartedly – both consciously and unconsciously.

I give you these group processes just as a learning. The ultimate is to go with me. If you can allow the group process and you can go with it, slowly slowly you will know the secret of going totally into things. And the danger in a group process is not big, so you can afford it. The danger with me is great. The group process is shallow water; you can go into it. With me, it is a bottomless abyss.

So in each group you have to remember one thing: to go as deeply as possible. Avoid all resistances that arise from the unconscious, that will be coming up continuously, trying to hinder you. Just put them aside, just don’t listen to them. Say an absolute, decisive ‘no.’ Don’t put your energy in contradiction in any way. And slowly slowly the more you allow, the more you will feel blissful. Then you can allow more. And the ultimate is to allow me!

Only if you are totally with me is something going to happen, otherwise not. Even if a person is ninety-nine percent with me and one percent not with me, nothing will happen, because that is the evaporating point. Only at the one hundred degree point are you transformed, does the metamorphosis happen.

So just keep that in mind... and something is on the way. Wait for it! Wait joyously. If you allow, it is going to happen – it is destined to happen. Good.

[A sannyasin says that he is in a state of mind where he forgets everything. Every moment is forgotten as soon as it’s happened. He always had pressure on the front of his head and when sixteen had an operation on his nose, since when he has had this problem. Osho checks his energy.]

Two things you have to doThe loss of memory has something to do with your operation, but it can

be recovered. Start deep breathing – that will help immensely. More blood is needed to circulate in your brain system. Not enough blood is circulating so the energy has gone dull. The battery is not charged up enough. And sometimes operations can do that – they can become a kind of leakage of energy. And the nose is very close to the brain.

Start deep breathing, but always remember to start with exhalation, never start by inhalation. Exhale deeply and then let the inhalation come of its own accord. You need not do anything for it; just exhale deeply. Pour all the dirty air out and let fresh air rush in of its own accord. That will change your energy pattern. Your energy will start flowing more. This has to be done as many times in the day as you remember, but never more than seven times at one time. Seven exhalations at one time is enough but you can do this many times in the day.

I am saying not to do it more than seven because one enjoys doing it. One feels great power arising out of it, but too much can be harmful. And if it is done too much your headache can come back, the pressure can come back. That’s why the pressure has gone. These two things happened simultaneously: the pressure has gone because energy is not flowing enough to keep the pressure, and so the memory is also not working. If you put too much energy into it the memory will come back but the pressure will too.

So you have to go very slowly – you have to make your whole system accustomed slowly slowly, so the pressure does not come back; otherwise that will create trouble. And it is better to lose the memory than to have a constant headache.

And the second thing is: start doing a headstand, ‘sirshasana’; stand on your head. Any sannyasin can teach you. That will help immensely, but that too you have not to do more than three minutes at a time. You can do it twice – one in the morning, one in the evening. And whenever you do it you have to have an empty stomach, otherwise the headache will come back. The headache has to be avoided.

Start these two things and within two, three months things will settle – nothing to be worried about.

[The Tantra groups is present. The leader says the group was very heavy and she sometimes worried about that.]

No, worrying won’t help. Worrying will make it more heavy. Don’t worry at all. Worrying won’t help, but something can be done, something can be done to make it less heavy. Any group energy-play can be helpful, but group energy, not pairs – the whole group together. Let them hold hands, dance, sing. Just do something childish; gibberish will be helpful. Let all start ‘glossolalia’, talking in tongues

together. Anything which looks foolish, ridiculous on the surface, will release their seriousness, will make the thing playful.

People are serious about sex. It is not their fault. Centuries of condemnation have made the whole thing very heavy. Their whole energy has become too conditioned. It makes them feel guilty; it is wrong, it is sin. Even if they are modern and they have dropped all those ideas, those ideas are there; the puritan ethic is deeply implanted in human beings. It has poisoned their whole energy system.

So don’t be worried about it, because if you worry you will make them more serious; that won’t help. Just let them laugh, sing, dance. Gibberish is always good – it immediately brings the child back and one starts enjoying the childhood; then things become easier. Or tell them that they are all small kids – let them imagine that they are not more than three years of age. Let them visualise, imagine they are three years of age, all small children, just playing. And then the sex play also comes as part of it, just as happens with children. But tell them to forget that they are grown-ups.

It is somewhere around the age of three that they became serious about it. It is somewhere at the age three to four that their parents started repressing them. Take them back; deep breathing will be helpful. Something like the rebirthing process will be helpful. If you feel it is heavy, do something, but don’t be worried. If you can take them back in imagination, in fantasy towards their childhood.… Just tell them ‘Lie down, and everybody imagine that you are three or two years old.’ And they will start playing with their own bodies, feeling their own bodies again as they used to when they were children. The parental voice has not yet entered, there is no condemnation. There is no distinction between body parts, there is nothing wrong, nothing right, they are amoral. Then you will immediately see the energy changing. Then you can bring them to your techniques, to your processes. Good.

Prem means love, Adila is a sufi name for God. It means equal eye. In the eyes of God everybody is equal. Everything has equal value – rocks and animals and trees and man and woman and stars. There is no hierarchy: nothing is lower, nothing is higher. Everything is exactly equal. In God we are equal – not only with other human beings but with animals, birds and rocks and trees too. As far as being is concerned, we are equal.

Your full name will mean: love that brings equality. And man has tried all other ways to bring equality except love; love has not been tried yet. On the contrary, violence has been tried. Communism is an effort to bring equality through violence, through hatred, through anger, through rage, through destruction. And communism has utterly failed – it has not been able to bring any kind of equality. It has created a new kind of inequality, that’s all. The old pattern has changed but inequality remains. Now in Russia, the poor and the rich are no more there, but now the governed and the governor, the ruled and the ruler; the same phenomenon has come in from the back door.

There is no way to bring equality into the world except through love. Only love can have that much courage and only love can have that much openness. Why can love bring equality? Because love does not allow the ego to exist. It is ego that brings inequality. Everybody wants to be superior, higher than others; that’s the root cause. Economy is not economic, it is not political – it is spiritual. If the mind exists with a centre called ego, inequality will continue; there is no way to destroy it. But the ego can be destroyed.

Love is the alchemy. And Jesus is right when he says ‘God is love.’

[The new sannyasin had previously written to Osho about a problem with her eyes, which had started with migraines when she was sixteen. The doctors say nothing is wrong physically. Osho checks her energy.]

You do two things. One is: cold and hot bath together – start with cold and end with cold. Take a cold shower, then a hot shower, then a cold shower, then a hot shower... as many times as you want. Change it, shift it fast, so two minutes cold then two minutes hot shower... an immediate change in the whole body energy from cold to hot, from hot to cold, but begin with cold and end with cold. That will help you immensely; it will settle the whole thing inside.

The second thing: as many times as you go into the bathroom, just close your eyes and throw cold water on both eyes. And you will be surprised.

There is a certain heat around your eyes; maybe that is just a hangover from the migraine. The migraine has disappeared but not totally. Maybe it is still there a little bit, but you have dropped it from the conscious. It happens: when one has suffered from one thing long enough, slowly slowly one becomes oblivious of it, one takes it for granted. Slowly slowly it slips into the darkness of the unconscious, but it continues. It is just a hangover. The energy is there, not a very intense energy, but it is there and it is creating a certain heat inside the eyes, and that heat is creating the vibration.

So it has to be made cold.

Sometimes when you have ice, just put the ice on both the eyes. But the first thing is most important: change from cold to hot, hot to cold – cold to hot. that will change your whole body current. And if you can take a sauna bath once in a week, that will also be good, very good. But if you go for a sauna bath then don’t sit in the sauna bath with open eyes. When you are taking the heat inside, put a wet towel around your eyes so they remain cool. The whole body will start perspiring but the eyes will remain cool. Then take a cold shower, ice cold. And within two, three months it will disappear – there is no problem in it.

Good... good!



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