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Chapter title: None
6 November 1979 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
Archive code: 7911065 ShortTitle: SCRIPT06 Audio:
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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy typed. It is for reference purposes only.]
(to Puratan)
Love is the ancientmost religion, the original religion; all other religions are offshoots. Love is the root; all other religions are like leaves or at the most, small branches. Even the greatest religions -- Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism are big branches, but they are visible. You can see the churches and you can see the temples and you can read the scriptures.
Love has no temple and love has no scripture. It is like the roots hidden underneath: it is underground, but it is the nourishement. Without it the whole tree will die. It is love that goes on creating more and more leaves, more and more foliage, more flowers, more fruits. Love is the original religion.
My effort here is to introduce you to the original. You are all clinging to the branches. Branches are beautiful but they are not the source. A Buddha, a Jesus, a Zarathustra, goes to the very roots; it is from there that he experiences God. And the only way to experience God is to go to the roots of life, of existence.
Find the roots, be more loving and you will enter into the invisible temple. You will be able to read scriptures in silence and sermons in the stones.
(to Eileen)
Prem means love. Anu means an atom, the smallest particle that is no more divisible. It is just a dewdrop of love, but the dewdrop contains all the oceans because the dewdrop contains the secret of all water.
If we could understand the dewdrop we would understand all that is in the oceans on the earth or on some other planets. We would have understood water as such. Water cannot be anything else, anywhere it will be H2O. That secret formula is contained in the smallest particle.
Man is an atom of love. He contains God because he contains the secret formula. The secret formula that man contains is not physical, is not chemical, is not even psychological, otherwise we would have understood it. It is spiritual. Nobody else can tell you what it is; you will have to experience it on your own.
All other knowledge is transferable: physical, chemical, scientific, psychological
-- all other knowledge is easily transferable, one can educate the other. Only spiritual knowledge is untransferrable.
The Master can give you a few hints, just hints -- and they too will be very vague. Then you have to find your way very carefully, very cautiously. Love is just a hint, but if you follow love slowly slowly you will be surprised that God is becoming more and more of a reality to you -- no more a thought, no more an idea, but almost something that you can touch. The deeper you go into love, the closer you come to God. The day you dissolve into love you have arrived home.
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
Love is the secret of all religion -- and people are lost in logic, theology. Is logic about God? Theology is far away from religion, as far away as anything can be, because there can be no logic about God, only love. Yes, poetry is possible and music i1s possible, dance is possible, but not logic.
My effort here is absolutely anti-theological because God is not an idea and cannot be arrived at through logical processes. God is an interior experience, so deeply interior that you will have to go there alone, absolutely alone.
Love refined: friendship defined
Friendship is one of the most important spiritual qualities, far more important than love itself. Love is a little gross because it has some biological roots, it has a physical part to it. but friendship is totally free of the groo, it is pure fragrance: it is just spiritual, there is no physical part to it.
Be friendly to the whole existence and when you befriend existence, existence befriends you. AES
DHAMMO SANATANO: This is the ultimate law. (to Anand [?])
Bliss is possible only to those who know how to trust, who know how to be surrendered, who know how to be loyal, obedient. Bliss is possible only when your heart says yes, when the no completely disappears from your being -- because no is darkness, yes is light; no is ego, yes is egolessness. No is the way of the unconscious man; yes is the way of the awakened one.
Sannyas is nothing but a discipline of saying yes totally to all that is, forgetting the language of no. Then great harmony arises; all conflict disappears. All conflict is because of our no-saying. No is fight, war. Yes is love. Yes is deep accord with the totality. Bliss is another name of that accord, that harmony.
(to Anand Jan)
One can get bliss only if one deserves it, if one is worthy. and the way to deserve it is to disappear, not to be. To be is a hindrance.
The ego is the root of all misery. When the ego is not, from every nook and corner of existence bliss starts reaching you as if it were just waiting for the ego to disappear. Ego is a closed state of consciousness: all window, doors, are closed. You are living almost insulated, encapsulated; ego surrounds you like a capsule. Ego is like the egg: there is not even a small window to allow anything to enter. Ego is very much afraid; out of fear it closes itself, it shrinks into itself.
That is how we create misery. Bliss is to be in the flow with existence, to be totally with it.
Ego is like frozen ice and egolessness is melted ice. Then you become part of the ocean. Then you don't have any private goal, you have no destination. Then each moment is so blissful, so incredibly ecstatic, that the mind cannot comprehend it, cannot conceive it. Mind is part of the ego. It knows how to close, it does not know how to open up.
To be a sannyasin means that now your whole effort will be to open up to existence -- to the flowers and to the bees and to the stars; how to open to this beautiful music that fills the whole of existence; how to open to this beautiful music that fills the whole of existence; how to open up to this celebration that goes on and on -- flowers dancing in the wind and trees enjoying the wind and the stars, always in a state of bliss. Except for man everything is in harmony. Man falls out harmony because he has consciousness.
Consciousness can do two things: it can create ego, it can create egolessness. If it creates ego you live in hell, if it creates egolessness you are in paradise. The whole world is in paradise without knowing it. When man enter paradise he will be entering with full knowing. That is the grandeur, the beauty of man -- and that is the danger also, because out of thousands of people only once in a while does a person enter; others simply go on falling into the trap of the ego.
Be egoless and all the grace of God is yours.
Bliss is by the grace of god (to Sindhu)
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
We have forgotten who we are. We are emperors but we dream that we are beggars. We have the whole kingdom of God within our being and we go on
begging for rubbish, for junk. We go on collecting junk not knowing that we contain treasures, infinite treausures, inexhaustible treasures within our own being. We are oceans yet we are thirsty because we have become disconnected from our own selves.
Sannyas is a bridge between you as you are and you as you have become, between your real face and the unreal, between your personality and individuality.
Personality is what you have become; individuality is what you really are. We have to move from personality to individuality, from the false, the pseudo, to the real, to the authentic. The search for the authentic is what sannyas is all about. And it is possible, easily possible, because howsoever disconnected we are, howsoever we have forgotten it and for howsoever long we have forgotten it, it can be rememmbered in a single moment and immediately you become connected. The wires have just become a little loose and they have to be tightened -- a few nuts here and a few bolts there.
How long will you be here?
-- One year.
That's very good. That is enough time ... to tighten you up! (Laughter) (Veet Vishvas: Beyond belief)
Religion is faith but not belief. Ordinarily faith and belief are used as if synonymous. They are not synonyms; they are antonyms, they are just the opposite of each other. The man of belief is not a man of faith. The man of faith knows nothing of belief. Belief is borrowed, faith is your own experience. Belief is of the head, faith is of the heart. Belief is close to logic, faith is of the heart. Belief simply means that you have repressed your doubt, you have covered a dark hole of doubt with a beautiful belief; but it is still there.
This is not the way to get rid of it. In fact it is more dangerous to cover it because then you become unaware of it and it goes on spreading inside you like a hidden cancer. It is better to know it because then something can be done about it.
To forget it, to cover it up, is really dangerous, it can spread all over your being. The Christian, the Hindu, the Mohammedan -- they are all believers, and deep
down there is doubt. Their beliefs don't make them religious at all; their beliefs make them very irreligious.
Up to now this has been history, the beliefs of people have shed more blood on the earth than anything else has done: Christian destroying Mohammedans, Mohammedans killing Hindus and so on, so forth. It seems that every religious person is at somebody else, someone else's neck, ready to kill, ready to murder.
Just the other day Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran asked the Mohammedans, particularly the Iranians of America, to dismember the Shah of Iran: to kill him and cut him into pieces and to bring those pieces to Teheran, to Iran. Now this is the religious head ... . And these people are thought to be spiritual people! The most irreligious people have been the so-called religios. They are murderers ... but beautifully garbed, behind masks.
When this Ayatollah Khomeini heard that the Shah had cancer he said, inshallah, God willing, I hope it is true; I hope that he dies through cancer -- all people think these are the religious heads!
But the basic reason is theat belief never makes anybody religious. It makes Mohammedans, it makes Christians, but it makes nobody religios. It simply covers up your face with beautiful slogans and deep down you remain ugly. But the people who believe in your belief -- the fellow travelers -- they will respect you, they will worship you, because they are also in the same boat, in the same paper boat which is going to sink. But they support each other. Now millions of Christians supporting each other ... . It gives a good feeling that there are so many people who are Christians -- how can Christianity be wrong?
Once a man said to George Bernard Shaw "When there are so many Christians, millions of Christians, how can it be wrong?" He retorted that if there are so many Christians, one-third of humanity, how can they be right? -- because truth has never been a quality of the crowds. Rarely, once in a while, a man has arisen, in spite of the crowd, against the crowd, and has attained the peaks of truth. Crowds have always lived in the valleys; and they help each other, they have become props for each other.
Just today I read a statement of Idi Amin: Newspapers are very much against me; they print pictures that make me look like a monkey, although my mother, my wife, my girlfriends, all say that I am the most beautiful person in the world!
Now your mother (Laughter), you wife and your girlfriends -- they are the proofs? Then everybody is the most beautiful person in the world, everybody. Idi Amin does not look like a 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
monkey, that is true -- he looks like a gorilla! (Much Laughter).
But it helps to live with the same type of people with the same belief; it makes you feel protected, secure.
Faith is totally different. My insistence is not on belief. Don't believe in what I say -- try to live it, try to experiment with it, try to experience it. When you have experienced it then it is faith, then it is trust. And trust liberates, belief binds.
Scriptures in Silence and Sermons in Stones
Chapter #7
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