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Chapter title: None

10 November 1979 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Archive code: 7911105 ShortTitle: SCRIPT10 Audio:

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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy typed. It is for reference purposes only.]

(to Susan)

Grace is a by-product; it cannot be achieved directly. It is achieved through achieving the truth. To be pseudo is to be ungraceful, to be phony is to be ugly. To be truthful is to be beautiful because truth transforms your whole being from the earthly to the heavenly. It destroys all that is poisonous in you and releases all that is worth releasing. It releases your perfume, your fragrance.

Truth is like the Spring: all the trees suddenly start blooming. As you arrive closer to truth you become more graceful, more blissful, more beautiful, more harmonious. Then life is a dance, a constant celebration.

But grace is a by-product: it comes as a shadow of the experience of truth. One cannot attain to it directly.

So the search has to be for the truth and then all else follows.

Jesus says: First seek ye the kingdom of God then all else shall follow of its own accord. What he means by the kingdom of God is exactly what I mean by truth, the ultimate truth.

(Nirupam: unique, incomparable)

Each individual is unique, no two individuals are ever alike; hence the most dangerous thing in life is to imitate somebody.

Imitation means that you will be trying to be like somebody else, which is not possible, which is impossible in the very mature of things. So all that you will attain to is a phony personality; you will become false. Imitation makes people false.

My sannyasins are not my followers. They are not to imitate me, not at all. They have to understand me and then find out for themselves who they are. You can only be yourself and nobody else. It is something of 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


great bliss, of the great benediction of God, that you can be only yourself; nobody else can do it. If you don't do it then your place will remain empty, something in existence will remain missing. Nobody can fulfill it.

Nobody can replace you, neither can you replace anybody else. Each one has his unique contribution to make. This is great dignity. But down the ages people have been told to imitate: be Christians, be Buddhists, be Hindus. They have been given dead formulas to follow.

By becoming a sannyasin you are entering into a very alive religion. No dead formulas are prescribed, no ideals are handed over to you, no blueprints, no maps, are made available. On the contrary I take all the maps away, all the blueprints away, all the scriptures away, and leave you utterly alone because that is the only way to find yourself.

Thousands of years of rubbish has to be taken away from you so that your mirror can be cleaned and cleared and you can see things as they are. And then there arises great gratitude that God has made you absoltely unique. You are not superior to anybody, neither are you inferior to anybody: you are simply yourself.

No question of superiority or inferiority is relevant. One is just one's self -- incomparable; hence, how can you call somebody inferior and somebody superior?

My effort is to help you to accept yourself as you are and to go on searching and seeking for your authentic soul. It is burdened with so many stupid ideas that you will have to unburden yourself, empty yourself. Only by emptying all the nonsense that have been given to you by others will you be able to have the first contact, the first connection, with your being.

It is a tremendous freedom. It is freedom from time, freedom from mind, freedom from death. Suddenly you enter into the dimension of eternity; suddenly you become contemporaries of God. Less than that is not worthwhile.

(to Bernard)

This is your new name: Swami Sandhan. Sandhan means an enquiry. Truth is not available ready-made, it is neither in the traditions nor in the scriptures. It has to be enquired into, explored; and everyone has to enquire into it. I may have found it but I cannot give it to you. It is not that I don't want to give it to you, but it is untransferrable, it simply can't be given. There is no way to give it. The moment you give it, it becomes a lie. You have to discover it on your own. Buddhas can show the way but you will have to travel the whole journey. It is a long, arduous jorney but tremendously beautiful. Each moment is full of surprise, each moment is so full of wonder.

A Zen Master was dying. His disciples had gathered. The chief disciple asked the old man " Master, where would you like to be buried -- in your birthplace or under the tree where you became enlightened or here in this place where are you going to leave your body?" The Master opened only one eye, winked, laughed and said "Surprise me!" Closed his eyes and was gone. (laughter) Each moment is a thrill, a surprise. The old man was right; he said "Surprise me."

How long will you be here, Sandhan? (tears muffle his reply)

Surprise me! (much laughter) Next time come for a longer period. Good Sadhan! Good, Sandhan!

This is your name: Swami Veet Roman. Veet means going beyond, surpassing. Roman means from Rome. Get rid of all small boundaries: Roman, Greek, Indian, Chinese. Just be a citizen of the earth, be a citizen of the whole universe.

My sannyasins have to be aware of it, that they don't belong to any caste, any creed, any state, any nation. They belong only to God.

Get rid of the idea of being -- that it the meaning of your name. Go beyond it, surpass it transend it. And Rome is a very dangerous place anyway. Rome has killed Jesus twice. First is was the Roman governor, Pontious Pilate, who ordered Jesus to be crucified because he was afraid of Jesus. He wanted him to be destroyed. He thought that he was trying to sabotage Rome, that he was a rebel, that all his spiritality was a camouflage, that he was really a politician, a revolutionary.

First Jesus was crucified because of Roman politics .… And the irony of history is such that finally 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


Rome became the citadel of Christianity. Then Jesus was killed again. He is being killed every day by the vatican, the pope; for two thousand years now, the murder has continued. It is a very slow murder. In that way Pontious Pilate was more kind: within hours everything was finished. But the popes and the priests and the churches have not been so kind, they have been killing Jesus very slowly, in such a small doses that nobody has become aware of it.

Get rid of being Roman so that you can be free and you can be human. And ultimately even to be human is a bondage: one has just to be a being. Then one belongs to the stars and to the clouds and to the trees and to the flowers. Then this whole vast universe is yours. Why become confined? Why create a small boundary around yourself? Go beyond all boundaries -- that's my message. Drop all boundaries, become infinite.

Think only in terms of infinity, eternity. Less than that has never satisfied anybody and is not going to satisfy anybody -- ever.

The boundary of the body has to be dropped. We are too identified with our bodies. We think that we are the body, and we are not. This is the first falsehood that has to be dropped. Out of this falsehood many other falsehoods arise. If one is identified with the body then one will be afraid of old age, disease, death.

They grow out if this identification with the body.

Think of yourself as pure consciousness. You are not the body, you are the one who is aware of the body. And you are not the mind either.

First start working with the body because it is easier to start with the gross. Then move to the subtle: look at the mind as separate from yourself. As you become aware that you are neither the body nor the mind, you will feel great freedom arising in you, unhindered. There will be no obstruction, no walls, but in all directions open space. Then the most subtle barrier has to be dropped -- that is that of feeling. That is the subtlest. First body, then mind, then heart. And to be free from the heart is to be enlightened.

(to Thomas)

Sargan means music, harmony, accord. Literally it means the seven notes of music. Just as color has seven colors, sound has seven notes. When all the seven colors are in deep harmony white is born. When all the seven notes of music are in deep harmony silence is born, and silence is the ultimate in music.

White does not look like color, neither does silence look like music. White is the ultimate color because it contains all the colors but in such harmony, in such a synthesis, that no color shows up; all disappear into each other. In exactly the same way silence is music, the ultimate music, but the harmony is so deep that nothing is heard.

Zen people call it the sound of one hand clapping. You cannot hear anything. When you don't hear anything the ultimate music is there. You just need a little more sensitivity, a little more awareness, a little more meditativeness. When one starts hearing that which cannot be heard one comes to know that which cannot be known.

God is fundamentally the unknowable, the mysterious, but God too becomes known to those who disappear in deep harmony, who are no more noisy inside. When all noise stops inside and there is absolute silence, then God is known.

The unknowable becomes known to those who disappear in deep harmony, who are no more noisy inside. When all nose stops inside and there is absolute silence, then God is known. The unknowable becomes knowable, the unseen is seen, the unheard is heard. That is the whole goal of sannyas.

All the techniques of meditation are nothing but methods to make you aware of this ultimate music which is inside you and also outside you, which fill the whole existence.

Anand means bliss. Martin means loyal spirit, obedience, total obedience, the capacity to say yes without any conditions. And that is the most fundamental quality of a sannyasin: to trust so deeply that the no simply disappears from your being. When trust overwhelms you each cell of your body pulsates with amen, with yes.

That obedience is not something forced from the outside. If it is forced from the outside it makes you a soldier, if it arises from your own inner core it makes you a sannyasin. Both are loyal, both are obedient, both know how to say yes, both are ready to sacrifice totally -- but still there is a great difference. The distance is as much as there can be. The soldier is forced, compelled, conditioned to say yes. The yes is being squeezed out of him. He has to say it otherwise he will suffer.

The sannyasin says yes of his own accord. Nobody is forcing him, nobody is imposing anything.

Nobody is threatening you with any hell; nobody is making you afraid and nobody is bribing you with 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


rewards, heavenly reawards in the other world -- nothing is promised. There is no fear, no greed. When yes comes into you without fear and without greed it has a tremendous beauty. That yes is prayer and that yes is blissfulness and that yes is God.

Scriptures in Silence and Sermons in Stones

Chapter #11



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