Eighty Four Thousand Poems

Next > 1/08/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Eighty Four Thousand Poems Talks given from 1/4/80 to 30/4/80 Darshan Diary 28 Chapters Year published: none Unpublished Eighty Four Thousand Poems Chapter #1 Chapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: None...

1 min · 99 words · Stephan Huck

Far Beyond the Stars

Next > Far Beyond the Stars Talks given from 1/7/77 to 31/7/77 Darshan Diary 1 The moment you become part of the community, you dissapear2 One needs the courage to be oneself3 Love is the natural meditation4 Will divides, awareness unites5 Sannyas is pure adventure6 Sipping tea can be prayer7 When the abyss is your home8 The victory that comes through surrender9 Every pain can become a satori10 Meditate on the early morning....

2 min · 222 words · Osho

Finger Pointing to the Moon

Next > Finger Pointing to the Moon Talks on the Adhyatma Upanishad Talks given from 13/10/72 am to 21/10/72 pm Original in Hindi 1 Don't Just Listen, Do2 We Are In It!3 The Witness and The Illusion4 Reflections In A Mirror5 Let Go and Fly6 Life Is An Opportunity7 You Are The Knot8 Realize the Fruits9 That -- The Universal Religion10 The Four Steps11 The Soul's Thirst12 Die To The Future13 Sweet Fruits14 To Fly Is Your Birthright15 Wake Up!...

1 min · 92 words · Osho

For Madmen Only (Price of Admission. Your Mind)

Next > For Madmen Only (Price of Admission: Your Mind) Talks given from 1/4/77 to 30/4/77 Darshan Diary 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Next >

1 min · 50 words · Osho

From Bondage to Freedom

Next > From Bondage to Freedom Answers to the Seekers on the Path Talks given from 15/09/85 am to 27/10/85 am English Discourse series 1 To be ordinary is the most extraordinary thing in the world2 The work of the serpent3 Learn from this experience4 Where do we go from here?5 The future is open6 The meaning of responsibility7 Love is not surrender8 Intelligence is a luxury9 Intelligence is a luxury10 Struggling for the new man11 The dewdrop has disappeared into the ocean12 Today we claim the rainbow13 The world needs to be one14 No master, no disciple15 Now meditation is needed even more16 This existence is paradise17 You just need a little courage18 Existential worship19 A mystic versus America20 The power of the mystic21 Your work should be your joy22 This whole earth belongs to us23 Religion is dead, religio is born24 Learn the art of living25 The buddhafield remains26 Truth is enough unto itself27 Close your eyes and find me28 You are eternal29 Truth -- not a highway but a hill track30 This beautiful earth31 Democracy means mediocracy32 The great accident33 Dismantle the ego34 The sound of truth: "...

2 min · 238 words · Osho

From Darkness to Light

Next > From Darkness to Light Answers to the Seekers on the Path Talks given from 28/02/85 pm to 31/03/85 pm English Discourse series 1 Who says humanity needs saving?2 Innocence: the price you pay for the failure of success3 Help your child -- protect him from yourself!4 The death penalty: not punishment but revenge5 Successful criminals and cowardly politicians6 Every child's original face is the face of god7 Time is very short but my methods are very quick8 Agony is missing yourself, ecstasy is finding yourself9 Your suffering makes you special10 Not spiritual guidance but spiritual presence11 Science and religion -- two petals of the same rose12 A single humanity rejoicing13 Truth is found in your own boutique14 The best government is no government15 The sweet taste of corruption16 Till you live life totally17 Love is a very unscientific idea18 Meditation: the door from slavery to freedom19 Where nothing is right and nothing is wrong20 Don't drop -- transform!...

2 min · 227 words · Osho

From Death to Deathlessness

Next > From Death to Deathlessness Answers to the Seekers on the Path Talks given from 02/08/85 am to 14/09/85 am English Discourse series 1 The man of compassion has to lie2 Abandon hope all those who enter here3 Belief is a barrier, trust is a bridge4 The taste of peace5 If you really love me, then wake up6 Wait and you shall find7 Doing is going to be your undoing8 No society rewards lovers9 My empire consists only of Emperors10 Become more and more sensuous11 I am not your father12 The song of the tide13 Put Mother Theresa in jail14 Get out of this sheepskin15 We are the only alternative16 This moment: The golden key17 Becoming is going away from being18 Man's monkey mind19 Belief is a dirty word20 There is a bigger universe within you21 Science has to be religious22 Tomorrow is in the womb of today23 You are born as freedom24 Blessed are those who doubt25 Cut the roots of guilt26 Your aloneness cannot be destroyed27 Anonymous graves28 Education is amoral29 Judgement Day - a very stupid idea30 A sunrise that never sets31 The art of being human32 Silence is the highest music33 This nonsense of nations34 The power of nothingness35 Too much doing36 Rise in Love37 The eternal light at your center38 Enjoy this orgasmic moment39 The journey from despair40 Your music is your madness...

2 min · 231 words · Osho

From Ignorance to Innocence

Next > From Ignorance to Innocence Answers to the Seekers on the Path Talks given from 29/11/84 pm to 29/12/84 pm English Discourse series 1 Pseudo-religion: the stick-on soul2 The other cheek: the masochist's slap-up feast3 The nuclear family -- the imminent meltdown4 Danger: truth at work5 Ecstasy is now -- why wait?6 Renunciation: mortgage today for a tomorrow that never comes7 Shame is the name of their game8 God is not a solution but a problem9 I teach a religionless religion10 God -- the nobody everybody knows11 Truth: not a dogma but a dance12 Faith: the suicide of intelligence13 Ecstasy is knowing that nobody is holding your hand14 Society crowds you out; religon outs your crowd15 They say believe; I say explore16 Let's not face it -- you're absolutely alone17 Jesus, the only forgotten son of god18 One god, one messenger, one book -- one big lie19 Religion is rebellion20 Surrender: the ego upside down21 Personality: the carbon cop-out22 The commune: the distillation of rebellious spirits23 Conscience: a coffin for consciousness24 Imitation is your cremation25 Jesus -- the only savior who nearly saved himself26 Meditation: watchfulness, awareness, alertness -- the real trinity27 Baptism: wading for godot28 Science plus religion -- the dynamic formula for the future29 Positive thinking: philosophy for phonies30 Surrender: the ego upside down...

2 min · 219 words · Osho

From Misery to Enlightenment

Next > From Misery to Enlightenment Answers to the Seekers on the Path Talks given from 29/01/85 pm to 27/02/85 pm English Discourse series 1 Your birthright: to take flight2 Meditation -- jumping board to your being3 4 Above all, the truth of man -- beyond that, nothing5 Sex to ecstasy6 From pseudo-faith to your original face7 Politics brings out the beast in you8 From idiotocracy to meritocracy9 Courage is a love affair with the unknown10 Drop god, drop guilt -- become religious11 Consciousness: the only criterion of virtue12 God: an idea whose time has come -- and gone13 Real love is real wild!...

2 min · 227 words · Osho

From Personality to Individuality

Next > From Personality to Individuality Answers to the Seekers on the Path Talks given from 30/12/84 pm to 28/01/85 pm English Discourse series 1 Man is born with a question mark in his heart2 To define is to confine -- existence has no boundaries3 Beware! I am here to destroy your dreams4 Jealousy: society's device to divide and rule5 Sannyas: the odyssey of aloneness -- a journey to the center of your being6 Anxiety: Who are you?...

2 min · 264 words · Osho