The Fish in the Sea is Not Thirsty

Next > The Fish in the Sea is Not Thirsty Talks on Kabir Talks given from 11/04/79 am to 25/04/79 am English Discourse series 15 Chapters Year published: 1980 The Fish in the Sea is Not Thirsty Chapter #1 Chapter title: But Man IsChapter title: An Alive BuddhafieldChapter title: Untimely SannyasinationChapter title: Life is a Lovesong Next >

1 min · 58 words · Osho

The Further Shore

Next > The Further Shore Talks given from 1/6/77 to 30/6/77 Darshan Diary 1 Blessings on your journey to the further shore beyond darkness2 To be with a master is just a device3 In this community everything is allowed4 Religion is a courting, not a conquering5 I accept you as you are. I love you.6 Love utterly, totally... Love madly.7 Even in your deepest sleep I am there8 You are entering a chaos9 Meditation is a way of living10 When the time is right, the fruit falls down11 Nature is the temple of god12 Each individual is a gift of god13 Unless you meet god how can you be satisfied14 Become a child, full of wonder15 To have to risk all16 There are not golden rules17 Allow nothing to happen18 In the darkest night, search for and find a star19 The courage of a madman is needed20 Become an instrument to me21 People who are full of wonder are people of god22 Walk, enter -- the way is here23 Doing is okay -- non-doing is okay24 The beginning is half the journey25 We are coming closer to a better world26 To me, this and that world are not separate27 Love is the bridge between the human and the divine28 The more you flow into existence, the more it flows into you...

2 min · 223 words · Osho

The Golden Future

Next > The Golden Future Talks given from 19/04/87 pm to 31/05/87 pm English Discourse series 40 Chapters Year published: 1988 The Golden Future Chapter #1 Chapter title: The language of the golden future 19 April 1987 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Archive code: 8704195 ShortTitle: GOLDEN01 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 91 mins Question 1 BELOVED OSHO, A WHILE AGO YOU SAID SOMETHING ABOUT SILENCE WHICH STARTLED ME. IN MY SLEEPINESS, I'D SIMPLY THOUGHT OF IT AS JUST AN ABSENCE --...

25 min · 5213 words · Osho

The Golden Wind

Next > 1/08/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994 Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- The Golden Wind Talks given from 1/7/80 to 31/1/80 Darshan Diary 31 Chapters Year published: Unpublished The Golden Wind Chapter #1 Chapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: NoneChapter title: None...

1 min · 100 words · Stephan Huck

The Goose is Out

Next > Osho The Goose is Out Responses to Disciples Questions Talks given from 01/03/81 am to 10/03/81 am English Discourse series 10 Chapters Year published: 1982 1 The goose is out! 2 2 Just see it 16 3 No peaks, no valleys 32 4 Transcendence brings buddhahood 45 5 Perfectly imperfect 59 6 I exalt the ordinary 73 7 Only one time: now 87 8 The dimension of the mysterious 102...

39 min · 8144 words · Osho

The Grass Grows by Itself

Next > OSHO The Grass Grows By Itself Talks on Zen Talks given from 21.02.1975 am to 28.02.1975 am English Discourse series 8 Chapters Year published: 1976 CHAPTER 1 - The Significance of Zen 21 February 1975 a.m. in Buddha Hall SOMEBODY ASKED THE MASTER, BOKUJU: "WE HAVE TO DRESS AND EAT EVERY DAY - HOW DO WE GET OUT OF ALL THAT?" BOKUJU ANSWERED: "WE DRESS, WE EAT." THE QUESTIONER SAID:"...

43 min · 9002 words · Osho

The Great Challenge

Next > The Great Challenge Talks given from 1970 to 1971 Miscellaneous 1 Flight of the alone to the alone2 Dynamic Meditation3 Yoga: A spontaneous happening4 LSD: A shortcut to false samadhi5 The vital balance6 Religion: The last luxury7 The secrets of discipleship8 God is existence itself9 The unknown life of Jesus10 Out of nothing11 Remaining closed to the lower: A technique for transformation12 A personal seeking, an individual quest13 Between Death and Rebirth...

1 min · 76 words · Osho

The Great Nothing

Next > The Great Nothing Talks given from 19/9/76 to 11/10/76 Darshan Diary 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Next >

1 min · 38 words · Osho

The Great Path

Next > The Great Path Talks given from 11/9/74 to 20/9/74 Original in Hindi 1 The Darkness Inside2 The Stars Mirrored3 Maxims of Yoga: A sense of wonder4 To Be Dead Do Nothing5 The Knowledge That Is Self Knowledge6 The Mad Projectionist7 Meditation is the Seed8 The Fourth State9 Right Search, Wrong Direction10 The Eternal Spring Next >

1 min · 58 words · Osho

The Great Pilgrimage From Here to Here

Next > The Great Pilgrimage: From Here to Here Talks given from 06/09/87 am to 03/10/87 pm English Discourse series 28 Chapters Year published: 1988 The Great Pilgrimage: From Here to Here Chapter #1 Chapter title: The great pilgrimage: from here to here 6 September 1987 am in Gautam the Buddha Auditorium Archive code: 8709060 ShortTitle: PILGR01 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 134 mins Question 1 BELOVED OSHO WHY AM I SUCH A BEGGAR FOR ATTENTION?...

72 min · 15239 words · Osho