God has no fixed address
31 October 1977 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
Prem means love, lolita means moved by, swayed by, possessed by, swinging, rocking: rocking and swinging in love. And let that become your very life-style. Remain in movement, remain in a kind of dance, and be swayed by the small things of life. They are not small! If we can be swayed by them, they are all extraordinary. Because we are insensitive they look ordinary, small.
Just a bird singing alone in the morning... be swayed by it, be possessed by it, dance with it. A lonely star just going to disappear early in the morning... be possessed by it, be connected with it... and not only as an onlooker. If you look as an onlooker you cannot be possessed, you cannot be moved. You may even say that this is beautiful but you are not moved, not really moved. You have not entered into dialogue with this disappearing star; there is no communion. You are not a participant in this beauty; you are a spectator.
That is the difference between the ordinary person and the religious person. The ordinary person is never swayed by anything. Even if god comes and stands in front of him, he will say, ‘So what?’ He will even take god for granted. nothing surprises him, nothing stirs his heart. Nothing moves him, so it is natural that he has become stagnant. He is a dirty pool.
A person who can be moved by things – by the trees and the wind and the rain, by the music of life and the silence of it, by the sounds of people, children giggling, laughing... by ordinary things: the smell that comes from the kitchen, the freshly baked food, the fragrance of wet earth; there are a thousand and one things! They always come, every moment they are there. If one can be swayed and moved by them, then one flows, one becomes a river. and only a river can reach to the ocean.
So one who is a lolita, possessed, swayed, moved, only that one can reach to god.…
[A sannyasin says that so many things are happening to her, especially in her relationship where her partner was becoming aggressive, which she does not understand. Osho checks her energy.]
Just wait; it will come, mm? There is no hurry; it will come on its own. Things are going so beautifully that there is no need to make any haste, mm? You are flowing so beautifully and things are happening on their own. There is no need to push and force. Force always makes things ugly. Yes, understanding can be forced but it will be premature, it is always good to wait for the right moment and trust that t will come when it is needed. If it is not coming, that simply means it is not needed. This is what trust is: if it is not happening, not coming, then it is not needed right now. Its coming and happening may be a disturbance rather than a help. So when it comes, if it ever comes, one is ready to receive it. If it doesn’t come, then it is not needed at all. This is what I call trust – trusting in life, trusting in god. Learn that! That is the only thing that is needed right now.
And you are flowing so beautifully. If trust can become total, then there is no problem left. You can disappear any moment.
Deva means god, pranama means salutation: salutation to god. And let that become your very approach towards life. Salute the trees and the rocks and people, because god is everywhere. To ask the question, ‘Where is god?’, is stupid, because he is everywhere so he cannot be pointed out. He has no address and he cannot be addressed in a particular way. whosoever addresses god in a particular way commits a sacrilege.
Somebody thinks Krishna is god and somebody else thinks Buddha is god and somebody else that Jesus is god, but these are all sacrileges. They are god because everybody is god. They are not god as distinct, separate from others, higher than others. They are god because everybody is god. they participate in godliness because everybody does. The difference between a Buddha and an ordinary person is not that Buddha is a god and the ordinary person is not a god. The only difference is that Buddha knows he is and the ordinary person does not know that he is. So each temple is his and each house is his.