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Flying soul-o
15 October 1977 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
Anand means bliss, ramraj means the kingdom of god: bliss, the kingdom of god. It is within you. The sky that I was talking about just now is within you. And the eagle I was telling you to become is your very soul. The soul is really confined, very much confined because the body is very earthbound. The soul is a bird of the sky; the body is like a burden around it. It goes on gravitating it towards the earth, it does not allow it wings. The body functions like a cage... but the soul can be free of it.
Just a little more awareness and you can spread your wings. Then the body is no more like a prison. It becomes like a resting place when you are tired of the sky. And naturally, one tires. The excitement of it is exhausting. One cannot bear the ecstasy of it for long; even for moments it is too much. Then you can come back to the earth, rest in your body. It becomes a shrine, a nest.
But right now, the way people live, the body has become a cage, an imprisonment, a kind of bondage. It should not be so. And remember, the body is not at fault; it is our consciousness that is at fault. It is we who have not understood the whole situation, who have not faced the whole situation, who have not looked into all the possibilities and potentialities of our being. The responsibility is not of the body. I am not anti-body I am all for the body – it is a beautiful nest – but if you are unconscious it becomes a prison. Because of your unconsciousness it becomes a prison. Then you don’t know where to go, how to go, how to fly.
Have you not observed it? – that many times in dreams you start flying ? It is very rare to find a person who has not been flying in his dream some time or other. If you ask the freudians they will attach some sexual meaning to it; they will say that flying is phallic. That is nonsense! Flying is a very very natural desire in the innermost core of humanity... because we don’t belong to this earth.
We are strangers here, outsiders. We have made our nest here but it is only an overnight’s stay; in the morning we go.
So the dream of flying is not phallic: it is not a kind of thirst to enter the woman. The sky is the woman, the vagina, for the freudian, and flying and entering the sky is nothing but a sexual penetration. This is nonsense, just absurdity! Yes, sometimes it can have that meaning but it is not necessarily always so. A very very sexually perverted person, a very very sexually repressed person may use this symbol in a sexual way, but the symbol itself is absolutely spiritual; it has nothing to do with sex. It can be used.For example, anything can be used for anything else. I can hit you
on your head with this mike and I can kill you, but the purpose of the mike was not that. It was not meant for that purpose; it was not made for that purpose. The people who manufactured it had not even thought that a man can be killed by it.
The symbol is purely spiritual. It simply says again and again through the unconscious to learn flying. Become an astronaut, become a soul-traveller. In the interpretation of this dream it is not only freudians who are in the wrong, many other people are too. For example, this reaching to the moon or to mars and other planets in the future, that too is a misinterpretation of the human desire to go there, above the clouds. Even a small child starts asking for the moon, wants to reach the moon. Those small hands reaching for the moon are really a symbolic desire inside to go beyond, to go on to the transcendental.
So become an eagle, a seagull... and you can do it. Let this be your meditation, your special meditation. Do other meditations but make this your special meditation, especially for you. Whenever you are sitting, become a seagull or an eagle or whatsoever you want to become, and start flying. Soon you will see that you are really passing the clouds. You will feel the wetnessyou
will see the sun, you will feel the rays falling on you. You can go on and on.and get absorbed in it
as much as possible. This is going to open the door of your inner being!
[The sannyasin says he has done many years of primal screaming, creative movement, gestalt, psychotherapy, massage.]
Mm! you have really done a lot; that’s why you look prepared. That screaming and gestalt and the massage – everything has helped; it has brought you to me. You have come very much prepared. Just a little push and you will be lost forever!
[A sannyasin says that he has very low energy, he has shattered his energy with academic work, and through concentrating on things. Osho checks his energy.]
Good... very good. Yes, it is shattered, but nothing to be worried about; it can be put together. The centre is intact; just the periphery is shattered. If the centre is shattered then it becomes very difficult; then it takes a long process. But if only the periphery is shattered there is not much of a problem. Within months it will be settled. Your centre is perfectly intact and you have come at the right time.
The so-called academic work can be very destructive because it gives no nourishment to the heart. The heart is the centre and the so-called academic work revolves in the head. The head can become too heavy. The head has its place but it is not the whole; it is just a tiny part. It is not the master; it is the servant. When the servant becomes the master there are going to be difficulties.
The heart is completely by-passed by the universities and the colleges and the schools. The heart is ignored, knowingly, because the heart is illogical. The heart is dangerous; no university can contain it. The heart has its own way of looking at things. It is very individual, and the so-called knowledge depends on the collective, not on the individual. Love is individual; law is collective. Consciousness is individual; things are collective. You can see my body but you cannot see me. You can see this chair but you cannot see who is sitting on the chair. Logic avoids the heart; it is too much for it. Logic cannot touch it, cannot tackle it.
But once the heart is denied, once the heart is neglected, then you start becoming lopsided; you start losing contact with your being. Fortunately it is not destroyed at all. It is there, ready to take the throne back: it can again become the master. And that’s my whole work here: to deprive the head, because it possesses something that it should not possess.
The head is not the true owner of your being. Only the heart can be the master. And when the head follows the heart it is a beautiful servant, tremendously efficient. When it becomes the master and tries to overrule the heart, then it is a very dangerous thing. But it will happen; nothing to be worried about.
[The sannyasin says he has done many groups, but so far nothing has really worked.]
Now I will work... I am going to work! Don’t be worried, mm? Methods don’t work without a master... because methods are not so important. In the hands of a master an ordinary method becomes immensely important. A great painter can paint even by fingers; the brush is not needed. His very touch is creative. When buddha was here vipassana used to work. It was not the method really, it was his presence. But people can’t see his presence; they only see the method.
Just the other night one australian sannyasin was saying to me that she is here only to see how my commune functions and how my new commune is going to grow, because she wants to create a commune in Australia. Now, she is going to be in trouble. This is a crazy place! You cannot learn anything, and even if you do... She is collecting: she says she is looking everywhere and collecting data about how things are working, etc. She will collect material but it is not going to work because I will not be there. She will be a technician. She will take care of the superficial and the essential will be missing.
Just do a few groups here; within three months it will be gone. You can drop it right now; now it is my work. I will see to it that it is gone. You need not carry it, you need not think about it. Mm? that is the meaning of sannyas: you can give your troubles to me. I have none of my own so I can take everybody’s troubles. They keep me occupied!
[A visitor asks: Can you help me to love?]
Certainly! That’s the easiest thing to do, because love is so natural. Just a few rocks on the way have to be removed. Everybody brings infinite love energy into the world... it is an unending spring, but there are a few rocks which have to be removed. Those rocks are protective in the beginning – that’s why they are there – but they have to be removed. Those rocks are like the hard shell of a seed. That hard shell protects the soft element inside. It is protective, but if it becomes too protective and does not allow the sprout to come out it is dangerous.
So everybody is born with love and born with a few rocks around the love as a protection. Those rocks can be removed, will be removed. Just don’t cling to those rocks! That’s the whole crux of the matter. Cooperate with me and they will disappear... even if you cling a little bit, you can afford it. They will go!
What about your sannyas? Become a sannyasin. That will be the beginning of cooperation from your side. Mm?
Come here... come close. Close your eyes, and just become a small girl nearabout three years of age. I would like to initiate you into sannyas when you are three years of age, because that is the right time to begin anything. So go back, go back, go back... and become a small child.
Prem means love, rani means a queen: a queen of love. And that’s possible – be open to it! You are carrying great love in your heart. In fact that may be causing your problem: it is too much, and you are afraid. If you allow it, it will flood you... it can create a chaos. People who have only a small amount of love in their hearts are always able to manage easily; they look very loving. But people who have really great resources of love are always afraid. Once allowed, it can drive you mad. But here around me madness is perfectly okay! (laughter) You can go mad and I will take care. So go berserk!
[The new sannyasin asks: Is being a sannyasin a contradiction to being with Jesus Christ?]
No, not at all. In fact you cannot be with jesus christ without becoming a sannyasin! Right now that is the closest link possible with Jesus Christ! Jesus is here... all over the place! The vatican is just empty. You can go through me and find Jesus.
Good, good!
[A sannyasin couple ask about their relationship. The man had become involved with someone else and the woman was suffering from jealousy. The man says he realised he liked the power of the other feeling miserable. She said she realised she did not want to be miserable any more, she wants to be happy.]
In fact attachment is a barrier to love. People have the wrong notion: they think that attachment is love; it is not. Attachment is just the opposite of love. Attachment is fear, not love; attachment is possession, not love. Attachment is a kind of politics, diplomacy, strategy, but not love.
Love need not be attached. And if this understanding is coming to you – that you are tired of attachment – then drop attachment. That is not a step in dropping love; in fact that is a step in growing towards love. But the mind is very much confused about love and attachment. One has to be very alert, only then can one remain loving; otherwise attachment settles. And it gives trouble, it creates misery.
When attachment creates misery you start getting tired of attachment, then naturally of love too. Then one becomes afraid of love because one sees if you love, attachment comes in. They are not necessarily connected; they are only connected in our ignorance, in our unawareness. They are not connected themselves, they are poles apart. In fact it is a miracle how we manage them together
in the same bed! They are not bed-fellows; they cannot be. They are not a couple. Attachment is poison to love.
If you can drop attachment, then give it a try again. There is no need to separate. Just drop attachment, be friends, be loving. Give it two month’s more grace! But this time no jealousy, no conflict. If he goes to some other woman, say good-bye and welcome him when he comes back. Don’t ask him where he has been and what he is doing; that is none of your business! (to the man) If [she] goes to somebody else and is happy, you need not be worried about it; in fact you should be happy that she is happy. Love would like the other to be happy wherever the other is happy. Love bestows happiness on the other.
And it was a great insight that you came to last night – that deep down you somehow wanted her to be sad. That is violence – that is not love – but that’s what goes on. We go on saying that we want to be happy and that we want the other to be happy, but deep down we want the other’s happiness only in reference to us.
You would have felt happy if she were miserable because that would really give you power – that she cannot live without you, that she cannot exist without you, that you are so important, that you are so significant. But she was happy... and this was going to be the last day: I was going to separate you today! It was going to be a divorce – and she was happy. That hurts.
Two months more! But in these two months, no jealousy.…
And it is only a question of two months. If you create any trouble, divorce again!
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