Om Shantih Shantih Shantih
The Soundless Sound: Peace Peace Peace
Talks given from 26/02/88 am to 18/03/88 pm English Discourse series
1 Sound is our mind -- silence is our being2 An open future with no reverse gear3 Love is showering on your boyfriend too!4 Life itself prepares the ground5 Love gives your legs a dance6 First find yourself7 Nothing unnatural, but something unique8 Forward to supernature9 Old stones that you used to think were diamonds10 Only reflecting, but not identifying11 Just don't be a polack!12 Camels don't like to go to the mountains13 Be, known thyself, keep the measure14 Trust life, love life.15 The three rings of love16 Having a lovely time -- but why?17 Almost drunk with emotion18 The mind goes out of employment19 You cannot avoid what you are20 Without icecream no love is complete21 Little Ernie is your brother22 The seeker was the search23 When you meet me just say good-bye24 A great waiting... a great longing for the unknown25 Greed knows no limit26 Existence does not believe in speed27 Time for silence and time for laughter