Om Mani Padme Hum
The Sound of Silence: The Diamond in the Lotus
Talks given from 07/12/87 am to 17/01/88 am English Discourse series
1 The music of OM2 A very simple and humble affair3 This place is for innocence4 Never meditate over something5 Just to relax on the river6 Don't just accept: rejoice!7 Time to be completely disillusioned8 Aha!9 These games keep you retarded10 We disown our past11 The very nature of things12 Existence has its own ways13 Reality is indivisible14 A rock among the waves15 For no reason at all16 The psychology of the buddhas17 Immediate and ultimate ordinariness18 Personality: the false disease19 Simply singing my own song20 Life has no boundaries21 The twain are already meeting22 This is my secret: this silence23 I stand for the whole man24 Nirvana means nothingness25 Nowhere to fall to26 Not a `work' but a celebration27 Unhinge yourself28 Start with meditation29 Just be a little saner30 The greatest synthesis ever