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Chapter title: None
7 May 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
Archive code: 8005075 ShortTitle: ISLAND07 Audio:
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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy-typed. It is for reference purposes only.]
(To Linda) -- This is your name: Ma Anand Linda. Anand means bliss. Linda means beautiful.
Bliss is the only real beauty in existence Everything else is superficial Everything else is phony.
Only bliss is our ultimate truth Only bliss is not false because It comes from our deepest core
From the very roots of our being. It arises out of the center.
Everything else is on the circumference
Except bliss -- hence the search for bliss:
It is really the search for one's own being, It is the search for self-knowledge
It is the search to discover one's own nature.
The moment we know who we are, bliss happens Or vice versa: The moment we are blissful
We know who we are.
Bliss is the taste of our being, the flavour The fragrance of our being.
And once the bliss has happened -- 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
And everybody is entitled for it It is everybody's birthright...
If it doesn't happen, only we are responsible: We are not searching and seeking for it
We are not really interested Involved into the search,
We are not intense enough to go into the depth.
We talk about it but we don't risk anything. Sannyas is the first step
Of risking for the search.
And the more you risk, the more you gain. When one is ready to risk all, unconditionally Immediately bliss happens.
Suddenly it starts welling up. One's whole being becomes full of
A new kind of joy, untasted before, unknown before. And it transforms everything:
It makes everything beautiful
It transforms everything into golden.
(To Elizabeth) -- This is your name: Ma Anand Elizabeth.
Anand means bliss. Elizabeth means consecrated to god, Surrendered to god. One can be surrendered to god
Out of despair or, out of bliss.
And from the outside both appear to be the same, They are not; they are diametrically opposite.
The surrender that comes out of despair Is of no value at all: It is no surrender, It is failure, it is frustration.
One is doing it as the last resort Not out of joy.
One is not going into it dancingly
One is not moving into it as a celebration. Misery is never a bridge between you and god And the strangest thing is that
People remember god only in misery.
When they are happy they forget all about god -- Who cares about god? For what?
They don't need, they are already happy Things are going perfectly well.
When things are not going well Then they start thinking of god. They want to use god as a means
And god cannot be used as a means -- that is ugly That is profane, that is very irreligious.
God is the ultimate end. 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
You can consecrate yourself
Out of joy only, out of bliss only
Then only you will not use god as a means, There is no question of using god.
You are simply surrendering to him because
He has given you so much -- it is out of gratitude It is out of thankfulness.
You are not asking anything You are not desiring anything. He has already given so much -- What can we desire?
A real religious person has no desire To be fulfilled from god: he surrenders In joy, in gratitude.
And that's my whole approach here That's why I don't want to believe in god. I want to love, to live, to laugh
To enjoy life so totally that Out of that very enjoyment You start becoming aware
Of the great gift that existence has given to you.
And then the natural outcome is that
A thankful starts arising out of your heart Out of the very depths of your being --
It is not something in the head
It is not cultivated by the priests. One cannot avoid it, it is inevitable. If you have tasted life in its totality If you are drunk with life
It is impossible not to feel thankful
It is impossible not to bow down to the ultimate Not to say yes to the ultimate.
And when yes comes out of joy It has tremendous beauty.
An sannyasin has to be blissful And out of blissfulness, prayer
And out of prayer, the experience of god.
(To Daniel) -- This is your name: Swami Anand Jayesh. Anand means bliss. Jayesh means the victorious one.
Bliss makes one victorious.
Money cannot make one victorious; at the most 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
It covers up your property
It does not make you rich, remember.
It simply helps you to forget your poverty, That's all -- poverty remains, persists
But becomes repressed.
Wealth is a way to repress poverty Power is a way
To repress your inferiority complex, But you remain inferior
Power cannot make you superior.
You can become the president of a country You can become a prime minister of a country But you remain the same person,
Only the label changes, nothing else. It changes nothing in you but
One can become hypnotised by the label. People live by labels
People become very hypnotized by labels.
Vincent Van Gogh's paintings were not sold So he used to give to his friends --
What else to do with the paintings? Not even a single painting was sold. When he died even friends
Were not ready to hang his paintings
In their sitting rooms, in their drawing rooms Because those paintings were very strange.
To hang them there
Was thought to become a laughing stock. Anybody will see and he will think,
'Have you gone mad or something? What is this? What nonsense is this?'
So they will accept
Just not to hurt the feeling of Van Gogh
But they will throw the paintings in the basement And then Van Gogh became famous when he died And then people
Started searching for his paintings and suddenly Paintings started coming into the drawing rooms Of the kings and the emperors
And the prime minister and the presidents -- Even ordinary people were not ready!
One man was hanging a painting in his bathroom Because nobody else will see except himself.
And he can tolerate it -- he is a friend of Van Gogh And the man is dead: Just in his memory
He can suffer it. 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
When Van Gogh's name started becoming famous The painting moved to the drawing room and
He was jubilant that he has a real painting.
But some critic wrote an article and proved that It is phony, it is not true, it is not authentic
So he threw it into the basement -- The same painting.
But then there was great controversy
And other critics proved that it was authentic Other scholars proved it was authentic.
When it was proved authentic
It came back again into the drawing room. People live by labels! Nobody seems
To be interested in the painting itself.
The man is more concerned what others say. And these are the power seekers:
They are always concerned what others are saying And they completely forget who they are.
These are not the victorious people.
They may have money, they may have power But they are poor people, very poor
They are beggars.
They real victorious people are very few. They are the Buddhas, the awakened ones. The are the people who have achieved bliss. And the miracle is that
If you want to conquer the world
It is a very very arduous task because There are so many competitors
And if you want to conquer yourself There is no competition at all.
You can simply go in and conquer yourself -- No fight with anybody
No competition with anybody
No jealousy, no question of any politics... But people never go inside.
Sannyas means a radical change in your life style Turning your energies inwards
A one-hundred-eighty degree turn is needed. And bliss is there, just you have to turn in.
You have to become again rooted in your being. You have become uprooted,
That's why you are miserable. Once you gain roots again 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
Into the soil of your being
There will be great greenery and great flowering And life will become a joy.
Each moment then is so lovely, is so ecstatic
That even Alexander the Great
Will find himself poorer in comparison.
He had really found him poorer in comparison When he came to India and met few mystics. He wept! -- because he could see the point That he has wasted his life
And these people have nothing, still They are so blissful, so peaceful
As if they own the whole world.
And I own the whole world and I am so miserable. So what is the point of owning the whole world?
In fact there is no point -- but it was to late.
He had gone back with a deep decision in his mind That one he is back home
He will start pondering over the matter
Of inner journey, of inner conquest because He has heard many stories here...
Buddha was still in the air --
Just three hundred years had passed: Buddha was still very much alive.
When Alexander came, Buddha's vibe
Was still very much all over the country.
Wherever he went he found many enlightened people Buddha had left a great chain
Of enlightened people.
And wherever he went he heard the name of Buddha And the bliss that he had attained
And the truth and the ultimate. He went with the decision
But he could not reach home -- he died in the middle He never reached back home, it was too late.
Otherwise this man had power, had the energy. If he could conquer the whole world
He could have conquered himself too, But nobody had told him.
He was being taught by
A stupid philosopher, Plato.
He was just a philosopher, he was not a mystic. Although he had lived with Socrates
And he had reported Socrates very authentically He was a good tape recorder, but that's all,
A good computer, but that's all. He himself was not a mystic.
He himself was in search of some mystic. When Alexander was coming to India
He had asked him that, 'At least 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
Bring one sannyasin from India for me as a gift.' But no sannyasin was ready to go.
Sannyasins are not interested in going anywhere They are interested in going only inwards Because that is where their real home is.
To go in and become victorious.
(To Elke) -- This is your name: Ma Anand Pakhi. Anand means bliss; pakhi means a bird -- a bliss bird.
And you look like a bird! -- just ready to be pushed out of the nest and you will be able to fly into the sky.
We have wings but we have not used them yet. And because we have not used them, we have become oblivious that they are there. And small wings are not that small; because they can cover the whole sky, their capacity is infinite, immense, immeasurable. There is nothing more beautiful than a bird on the wing.
That's what a buddha is: a bird on the wing -- containing the whole sky under his small wings. Moving towards the ultimate frontier of existence, always moving from the known towards the unknown, never afraid of the unknown; in fact,
always intrigued with the unknown. Always dropping the known because once you have known it, it is only for stupid people to repeat it. It is sheer stupidity to go on repeating an experience. The intelligent person would like new experiences, new vistas to open up, new visions. And that's what the bird on the wing represents.
So keep that as a symbol deep in your heart: all my sannyasins have to become birds. We are all living in cages -- Christian cages, Hindu cages, Mohammedan cages, beautifully decorated: on some cages the Koran is inscribed, on some other cages the Gita is inscribed, on some other cages there is something else...
sayings of Buddha, Confucius, Moses. And there are golden cages studded with diamonds -- but cages are cages. We are not made to live in cages.
A sannyasin has to get rid of all cages: of religion, of nation, of caste, of ideology. You have to go on dropping all cages so that one day the whole sky opens up and becomes available to you.
That's what god is all about: the whole open sky. And freedom is the only thing worth trying for.
Freedom achieved, everything follows; without freedom there is no possibility of anything.
Jesus says, "First ye seek the kingdom of god then all else shall be added unto you." That is an old type of expression, but what he means by the kingdom of god is exactly what I mean by freedom. So if I have to say, I will say, "First seek ye the ultimate freedom then all else shall be added unto you."
(To Marinus) -- This is your name: Swami Anand Vissarjan. Anand means bliss. Vissarjan means dissolved in.
Bliss is possible only
If you are ready to dissolve into it.
Just like a river dissolves into the ocean
If you are ready to dissolve into the whole
Bliss is the outcome.
If you resist dissolution
If you try to remain a separate entity -- That's what everybody is doing:
Trying to be an ego
Trying to protect oneself, defend oneself. Everybody is fencing oneself against the whole Everybody is afraid of the whole because
The whole is vast, surrounds you from everywhere And we are creating great walls, China Walls
To protect ourselves 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
Otherwise it will flood us, it will overwhelm us So we make great China Walls
And hide behind them and remain small. This is the way of the stupid man
But the majority consists of the stupid people. The intelligent person knows that
This is futile, it is an exercise In futility, utter futility.
We are not separate, no man is an island. We are part of the continent
So it is useless to fight with the continent.
There is no need to waste your energy in fighting The same energy can be used into celebrating.
Dissolve into the whole, drop the ego Forget yourself that you are separate And that is the beginning of sannyas. Feel yourself as part of the whole.
In the beginning it is only a feeling Slowly slowly it deepens.
One day it is not a feeling:
It is a truth, it is your being. That day sannyas is fulfilled
You have arrived -- you have arrived home! Then bliss is yours and eternal bliss is yours. Then there is not death because
Once ego is dropped you cannot die It is the ego that dies.
It is a false entity, it is bound to die.
You can put all your energies into saving it Still, it is going to die.
Don't try to do the impossible
See the point of it: Live the whole
And forget yourself as a separate entity And then see how beautiful it is
And how sweet it is
And how each moment becomes a benediction. (To Gerda) -- This is your name: Ma Anand Geha Anand means bliss. Geha means home.
Bliss is our true home; without bliss
We are homeless wanderers, wanderers in a desert. Without bliss we are refugees
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
We don't have a home.
And man's foolishness is such that he
Is carrying everything he needs within himself
But he does not look in.
He goes on searching everywhere else Except in his own being... and bliss is there! Hence he never finds bliss.
He will find everything else except bliss But that is the only thing worth finding.
Sannyas has to become a revolution in your life. After sannyas you have to live
In a totally new style.
Things that you were never concerned about Will become valuable now; for example Money will not be so valuable as meditation Power trips will not be valuable any more Then inner ecstasies,
Prestige will not be of your concern any more, But integrity, an inner integration.
You will become less and less interested
In the outer concerns of the day to day world And you will become more and more concerned About your subjective world,
Which has been ignored, neglected for lives
But it contains the real treasure
It contains the very kingdom of god It contains your real home.
No Man is an Island
Chapter #8
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