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Chapter title: None

6 May 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Archive code: 8005065 ShortTitle: ISLAND06 Audio:

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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy-typed. It is for reference purposes only.]

(To Grazia) -- This is your name: Ma Deva Grazia. Deva means divine. Grazia means grace.

Beauty is human, grace is divine.

Beauty is earthly, it is of the body, of the form Grace is of the spirit, of the formless

It is unearthly;; it can appear on the earth but is does not belong to the earth.

It happens only when one is ready To receive god into one's heart --

To a Jesus, to a Buddha, to a Lao Tzu. Once you become empty of yourself

God rushes in, fills you, starts overflowing Because we are too small and he is so vast. That overflowing divineness

Is felt as grace by others. Something starts radiating 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


From the person whose heart is full of god. Only those who are utterly blind

May not be able to see it, but if they have even Just a little bit of intelligence

They will be able to feel it.

And grace is not something that can be proved Because it is immaterial, immeasurable.

Science can have no approach, it is not an object. Hence if somebody wants to deny

It is very easy to deny; to say that Jesus is mad Not god-possessed, but simply insane

Is very easy; it can be proved.

But to prove that he is god-possessed

it almost impossible, because even god cannot be proved. Cannot be proved -- How a man of god can be proved?

Jesus can only be felt

And that's the function of being a disciple: Allowing yourself to feel the grace

Of the one who has tasted it.

Seeing through the eyes a the master

Feeling through his hands -- that is the only way To have an indirect proof that god exists.

Once you have fallen in love with the grace of a master Your life changes radically

but one has to be available and

One has to be courageous to die to the past So that the new can be born in you.

(To Christiano) -- Your name: Swami Christiano. It is a beautiful name but for centuries has been

Misinterpreted. It has been given a wrong meaning. Almost in all the languages

Something parallel to Christiano exists

And everywhere with the wrong meaning. The meaning given in the dictionaries is:

A follower of Christ -- which is absolutely wrong. A lover of Christ, not a follower of Christ --

That is the true meaning.

A follower is very ordinary thing. There is a grat distance

Between the follower and the followed. In politics it is okay

There are followers and the leaders. In religion

There are not leaders and no followers;

There are the awakened ones and their lovers. People who have fallen in love with them.

Following is very ordinary

Following means you are convinced logically 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


That what Christ is saying is right,

but this is only an intellectual conviction. A lover means you are convinced

Not intellectually, not through the head But through the heart.

You have felt the poetry of Jesus

You have experienced his tremendous quality That he brings to the world of the beyond.

You have tasted

Something of the farther shore in him

You have imbibed his spirit: it is not a question Of intellectual conviction at all.

Because one who is intellectually convinced Can be unconvinced very easily.

If you have few arguments Which prove that Christ is right

then those arguments can be criticized. Those arguments can be destroyed.

Logic is a double-edged sword --

It is very easy to destroy any argument And once your arguments are destroyed Your doubts will arise.

A follower can become a doubter any moment. Just a small logic is enough to create doubt.

For example, those who were followers of Jesus Were waiting that he will do some miracle When he was crucified -- it was obvious

Very obvious to the followers:

If he can raise the dead If he can cure the blind

Why he cannot do a miracle When his own life is concerned? They were there waiting

That some great miracle is going to happen -- It did not happen, all their arguments collapsed.

They became convinced

they were following a charlatan:

Jesus died and ordinary man.

They went home -- happy in a way

That a burden has fallen from their heads They are free from this man.

No need to waste any more time with this man. When the body of Jesus

Was brought down from the cross 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


All those followers were not there.

Three women were there to bring his body down. This is not just coincidence because

Those three women were not followers -- They were lovers.

It was not a question of being convinced.

It was a question of love! -- love needs no proofs. In fact they felt more love for this man because He was so humble, so simple, so ordinary

Such a non-egoist -- he died like an ordinary man. These are not followers, these are livers.

Hence my meaning of your name is A lover of Christ.

And then one more thing has to be understood: A follower of Christ

Cannot be a follower of Buddha -- obviously

Because both the philosophies Are different, totally different. A follower of Christ

Cannot be a follower of Lao Tzu -- it is impossible To make any syntheses out of these two

Unique persons.

But a lover of Christ can be a lover of Buddha Can be a lover of Zarathustra

Can be a lover of Lao Tzu.

Love is vast enough to contain contradictions Love is vast enough to contain inconsistencies. Mind is a very small phenomenon.

So be a lover of Christ

Then there is no problem -- you can also love me! But if you are a followers of Christ

If you are a Christian, then there is difficulty Then you cannot be a sannyasin.

So change the meaning, at least in your heart Drop the idea of being a follower.

You are not a follower of either, just a lover. To be a lover is beautiful

To be a follower is ugly

To be a follower is political To be a lover is religious.

(To Fritz) -- This is your name: Swami Anand Fritz. Anand means bliss; Fritz means peace - a blissful peace.

Peace alone is not enough, neither bliss alone is enough. Bliss alone can become feverish, it can lose its cool. It can become too hot, unbearably hot. That has happened to many people. Those who have tried to reach bliss without ever making any preparation for peace; a great difficulty arises later on. When bliss 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


starts happening, they fall in a kind of swoon, they fall unconscious. This used to happen even to a man like Ramakrishna; and the simple reason was that he had never prepared himself for peace. He had prepared only for bliss. He worked hard in prayer, but he never meditated. His whole effort was towards prayer. It is through prayer that he attained to bliss, but the bliss was so much, that he would fall unconscious for hours, even for days - once for thirteen days continuously. He was in an unconscious state, like a coma. The physiologists would say, "It is a coma." The doctors were absolutely certain it was a coma. It was not a coma at all; it was simply too much, and the body was not ready and the mind was not ready. It was as if a big voltage was going through a wire which was not meant for so big a voltage. It will go berserk. He had to learn the art of peace very late in his life.

Bliss alone is dangerous. It is excitement, ecstasy, but too hot; it is sun energy. Peace alone is also dangerous. There have been people who have tried for peace. They become so peaceful that they are almost cold, dead. The Jaina monks have done it for centuries in India. Their whole effort is for peace. Bliss they avoid - they think, the very desire for bliss is something lower; the desire for peace is

higher. They become peaceful, very peaceful; in fact so peaceful that they are like a corpse. Their peace is the peace of a cemetery, not the peace of a garden where flowers are blooming and birds are singing and butterflies are flying - not a peace that is alive and dancing.

My effort here is to avoid these extremes and to create a higher synthesis of both, a synchronicity between these two. One should be peaceful. And one should grow simultaneously; both the qualities in one's being. So peace will help you to contain more and more bliss, and bliss will help you to remain warm, alive, dancing, singing, celebrating.

This is going to be your work: attain to a blissful peace or a peaceful bliss. (To Regina) -- This is your name: Ma Anand Daya.

Anand means bliss. Daya means compassion. Compassion without bliss is a cultivated quality. It is a duty: We are taught

From our very childhood to be compassionate -- To the poor, to the suffering

To the ill, to the starving.

This is a morally that is taught It is a kind of conditioning.

If you don't feel compassionate towards a beggar Your own conscience starts pricking you.

In fact you are always in a double-bind: If you give something to the beggar You know, this is not right

This is helping people to beg. This is not solving their problem. If you don't give anything

Then your conscience says

You are not being compassionate. You are not being human.

So whatever you do, you are in trouble. If you give him something you feel bed

That he has exploited ;you; if you don't give A bad taste in the mouth, a bitterness is felt You start being angry at yourself

You start condemning yourself That you are a miser or something.

I don't teach this kind of compassion. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


Compassion to me arises out of bliss It is not a duty, it is bliss radiating.

It has nothing to do with the person

To who you are being compassionate.

It has something to do with your inner being. You are overflowing with love

That you want to share.

It is coincidental that the other is in need. Even if the other is not in need

Still you will be compassionate. He may not need your money

But you can hold his hand and sit by his side. You can hug him -- who is not in need of a hug? Who will not appreciate

Just a small gesture of love?

He may not be in need of money but

You can give him a rose flower -- Who is so rich That he does not need a rose flower?

So it is not a question

Whether the other needs or not.

The basic, the most fundamental thing is Whether you have more energy than you need So that you can share it.

Bliss releases tremendous energy

Inexhaustible energy -- you can go on sharing. In fact the more you share, the more you have it.

(To Klaus-Peter) -- This is your name: Swami Sahajanand. Sahajanand means spontaneous bliss.

Bliss cannot be achieved through effort. Through effort we can remove the barriers that prevent bliss from happening, but we cannot achieve bliss through efforts. That is a very significant point to be always remembered: Bliss is our self-nature; hence it cannot be achieved. It is already the case, but we are missing it because there are a few barriers which are preventing it from flowing. Those barriers have to be removed.

All spiritual work consists in removing the barriers, in removing the rocks. Once the rocks are removed, the river of bliss starts flowing. It is waiting there, just knocking on your doors: Open the doors! It is like the sun has risen but you are sitting in you room in darkness. You cannot make the sun rise - that is beyond you. But you can open your doors or you can keep you doors shut; that is within you power. If you can keep you doors shut you will remain in darkness. If you open the doors and the windows, suddenly the sun comes dancing in!

So is the case with bliss. It is something spontaneous - not a by-product of effort.

But effort is needed for something else - to open the door, to open the windows. And maybe we have not opened the doors and windows for many lives. We have even forgotten where they are. So we have to search for them. And it is not going to be easy to open them, because they have not been opened for so long.

Maybe there are locks on them, we have lost the keys. Or even if the keys are available, the locks have gathered so much rust that those keys don't work - so there is much work to be done, but it is all negative work.

As far as bliss is concerned, it is our self-nature. No positive work is needed to achieve it, only a few negative approaches. This is one of the most ancient dilemmas faced by all the mystics: how to approach bliss - via positiva or via negativa ? Those who have tried via positiva live only in imagination. They have never reached to the true bliss. They only imagine, they hallucinate, they dream. The people who have 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


achieved have found it through via negativa. Bliss cannot be achieved through positive thinking. Remember it, because positive thinking has become too influential, particularly in the West. It is very childish. Bliss is achieved through negative thinking. In fact the very idea is unheard of. Nobody has written a single book called "Negative Thinking" and there are hundreds of books written on positive thinking. They are all rubbish!

No Man is an Island

Chapter #7



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