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Chapter title: None
4 May 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
Archive code: 8005045 ShortTitle: ISLAND04 Audio:
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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy-typed. It is for reference purposes only.]
(To Iris) -- Your name: Ma Iris. Iris is a beautiful Name; it means rainbow. In Greek mythology
The rainbow represents the messenger of gods Because it is a bridge between man and god.
It joins the earth and heaven And it is seven-colored.
Man also has seven planes of being. Existence is seven-layered and the rainbow Connects existence in every dimension.
My sannyasin has to be a multi-colored
Multi-dimensional person -- not one-dimensional.
The ancient idea of monks and nuns Was one-dimensional.
they were escapists, they were avoiding life. My sannyasin has to live in the life
With all its sweetness and bitterness With all its days and nights
With all its summers and winters. My sannyasin has to taste everything
Nothing has to be left untasted, unexperienced. Only when one experiences life in its totality One becomes aware of god; hence rainbow
Is also symbolic of my approach towards life. 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
(To Hette) -- This is your name: Swami Veet Hette. Veet means going beyond. Hette is a dangerous name. It means dispute, conflict.
And a sannyasin is to go beyond all dispute And beyond all conflict.
People are continuously in dispute About everything:
They are in dispute with others They are in dispute with themselves, Quarreling is their very style of life. They are in conflict with others
And they are in conflict with themselves. Even the so-called saints don't drop conflict. On the contrary; they escape from the world To escape from conflict with others.
That is easy -- you can escape from the world. And when there is nobody else to fight with Of course, you cannot fight with others
But then your whole energy turns upon yourself. Your whole violence turns upon yourself.
Hence the so-called saints Are more in inner conflict
Than the ordinary people because
The ordinary people have at least a division. A major part of their life
Is wasted in fighting with others.
Only a minor energy remains to fight with oneself Very little, not more than five per sent.
But the saint
Has hundred per cent energy available And what to do with that energy?
He knows only one way
And that is to put the energy into fight: He starts fighting with himself
He becomes destructive, self-destructive. He does violence to himself
He becomes a masochist, he tortures himself. And it is a very ugly fact of the history
That we have respected these pathological people For centuries.
And of we respect these people, of course We try to imitate them.
If we respect them, they become our ideals. Somehow we would like to live
Their way of life one day.
And whatsoever we can do in our own small way 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
We try to do.
My sannyasin has to drop,
Not the world, but conflict itself. He has to transform his energy From conflict into harmony From dispute into trust.
Life is too short to waste it in dispute It is too short to waste it in fighting
This small bit of energy what we have got
Has to be transformed into a celebration because Theirs is the kingdom of god.
But celebration is possible
Only when all conflict has been dropped. So don't fight with others
And don't fight with yourself -- stop fighting! Start loving! Love is my message.
(To Diethelm) -- This is your name: Swami Deva Diethelm. Deva means god or more exactly, godliness. Diethelm
Means protector.
Or if ;you really want
to be very close to the truth Then godliness is our protection.
We are continuously protected by divine energy In every possible way, because we are part of it. No man is an island -- separate, apart.
We are part of the whole, Intrinsic part of the whole. The whole takes every care Just we have to learn to trust. The more we trust
The more care flows from the whole. The more we distrust
We stop the care that was flowing towards us. Our distrust closes us, our trust opens us.
If we distrust we live in fear
And we live in darkness and we live in misery. If we trust we live in joy, we live in bliss
We live in light; life becomes
A non-serious affair, it becomes laughter.
Then it has a beauty and tremendous grandeur And utter splendor, indescribable in words Inexpressible in language --
It can only be experienced.
And the whole secret is in a single word 'trust'. Trust existence and you will be able
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
To taste the greatest joys of your life The ultimate peaks of bliss.
(To Wim) -- This is your name: Swami Dhyan Wim. Dhyan means meditation. Wim means resolution, Unwavering, absolute determination.
Meditation is possible only
When one takes a jump into absolute commitment. It is not possible
If you are only curious about it. It is possible only
If you risk everything, if you risk all.
The curious person cannot risk anything. He simply wants to know
But he does not want to get involved. He wants to know from the outside.
He does not want to become a participant Because to become a participant is risky. First he wants to become sure.
One cannot move into the world of meditation in a lukewarm way.
One has to boil at the hundred degree heat Only then there is evaporation.
And meditation is a kind of evaporation. You evaporate. What is left is totally
Something new that you had never known before That it ever existed
You had not even suspected about it. The old is gone, completely gone
And something absolutely new has arrived. There is a discontinuity.
It is not continuous with the old that's why I call Meditation is the only revolution.
All other revolutions are only called revolutions, They are reformations.
They are just renovating the old building. Meditation is dismantling the whole old building And creating a totally new house, totally new Which has no connection with the old.
It does not even resemble with the old.
For that certainly, great resolution is needed. When the intensity is total
Meditation can happen in a single moment. Sannyas means you are becoming committed 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
Your are becoming involved
You are no more a spectator now, Your are becoming a participant
In a tremendous journey of the unknown. Even the courage to become a sannyasin Is something very precious because it is
The most significant decision of one's life.
It is an effort to change the mundane into sacred. (To Ilene) -- This is your name: Ma Devagarbha. Devagarbha means pregnant with god.
Everybody is pregnant with god -- We may know, we may not know but god exists in us as a potentiality.
We can make it a reality any time we decide. It is only a question of deciding
Of being decisive.
A wavering mind can't help
Otherwise one moment one thinks one thing Another moment one thinks another thing.
A rabbi was being interviewed. The old rabbi has died
And the synagogue needed a new rabbi. The committee asked the rabbi,
'Are you capable of taking decisions?' He said, 'Sometimes yes, sometimes no.' But that's how the mind works.
Sannyas is something of the heart
Not of the mind.
When it is of the mind it is of no value When it is of the heart
It is the most valuable thing in life Because when it is of the heart
You start moving towards transforming Your potential into the actual
You start becoming more and more aware Of what you are and what you can be.
Every being, howsoever fast asleep and snoring Is a god incarnate:
He needs only a little awakening Just a little shaking
A little cold water thrown into his eyes. But the ultimate decision is always yours. 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
I can throw cold water in your eyes -- That's what I go on doing.
And in a winter morning it hurts
And nobody want to get up: One wants to have A little more sleep, just few minutes,
And the mind goes on postponing.
Few minutes more -- that's how we have lived For many lives -- postponing, postponing.
We have not lived
We have been only postponing life.
By becoming a sannyasins one is taking a decision That 'Now no more postponement.
We want to live right now.
We want to transform our being this very moment And we are bent upon it. And this can happen
Only though your own decision. Outer help is possible
But without inner decision, no help is of any help Because a person may be awake
And still may continue to hide behind the blanket Keep his eyes closed.
And it is easy to wake up a man who is asleep It is very difficult to wake up a man
Who is awake and pretending to be asleep. It is almost impossible.
And this happens many time to sannyasins: when they wake up for the first time
They don't want to recognize the fact So they go on keeping their eyes closed. They go on hoping that those dreams
That have disappeared, may come back again. They were beautiful dreams, sweet dreams.
They toss and turn, they pull the blanket They go underneath the blanket
They pretend that they are fast asleep They pretend to snore.
But once you are a sannyasin I am really after you.
So be aware of it from the very beginning.
(To Angelo) -- This is your name: Swami Deva Punito. Deva means divine; Punito means purity -- divine purity. It is achieved when you have accepted
The failure of all human effort. 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
When you have accepted that
'There is no way for me to know the truth, ' that 'Whatsoever I do is bound to go wrong,' Because the doer itself is the greatest fallacy And anything that comes out of the ego --
And that is our doer --
Leads into more and more fallacies. When this is recognized
When this is clearly seen, one stops all efforts One becomes still, effortless
One stops all searching, all seeking And when everything is still
Something from the beyond descends in our being Floods our being.
That is divine purity, that is divine bliss. There are thousand and one names for it You can call it enlightenment, salvation God realization, self-realization
But one thing is absolutely certain That man has to accept his total failure Only then surrender happens.
In that surrender the ego disappears. And out of that surrender is victory.
(To Roberto) -- This is your name: Swami Deva Sagaro. Deva means divine. Sagaro means ocean.
Man appears from the outside Just like a small drop
but from the inside he is totally different. The inside view is that of an ocean.
From the outside we appear like small dewdrops Because only our body is visible.
But from the inside when one is rooted And centered into one's being
When in deep silence the clarity happens When in deep meditation
One is able to seek uncloudedly
When all smoke of desires and thoughts disappears When the mirror is absolutely clean
And it reflects that ;which is, then suddenly
One becomes aware of one's consciousness Not of one's body.
In fact one forgets one's body in that moment. Not only the body, but the mind is also forgotten. In that moment one comes to know
The unbounded consciousness. That unbounded consciousness 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
That oceanic consciousness, is our true being That's what we are. We are not what we appear. So don't be deceived by the appearance
Don't decide by looking in the mirror who you are Because the mirror can only reflect the physical.
You will have to cleanse the inner mirror
And then only you will know how vast you are. You are as vast as the universe itself.
That's why Jesus says, 'I and my father are one.' That is a very old way of saying.
In the East mystics have used
Far more contemporary language. The Upanishadas say, 'Thou art that.'
Mansoor says, 'I am the truth, I am God.' And he does not mean the ordinary I. That I is left behind, log before; in fact
Mansoor is not saying anything on his own. It is god himself declaring through him
It is the ocean itself roaring.
Of course the ocean roars though the waves There is no other way for the ocean
To express itself.
All the mystics are just waves in the ocean Different waves, different expressions
But the message is the same.
That is the meaning of your name.
You have to make it also your experience.
No Man is an Island
Chapter #5
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