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31 May 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Archive code: 8005315 ShortTitle: ISLAND31 Audio:

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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy-typed. It is for reference purposes only.]

(To Paola) -- This is your name: Ma Deva Paola. Deva means divine. Paola means rest.

Relaxation, rest is the door to the divine. Action leads you into the world


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


Rest leads you inwards.

In total rest you sink within yourself You can't go anywhere else;

To go anywhere you will need action. Hence meditation basically is total rest Total relaxation -- not of the body

But of the mind too, then it is total.

We can act physically, we can act mentally The body can be at rest but the mind

Can go on through thousand and one activities: Desiring, imagining, remembering,

The past, the future.

There is a constant traffic of dreams. Total rest means

The body is at rest, the mind is at rest, as if The body and the mind both have disappeared, All activity has ceased

Then you cannot go anywhere except To your own center

You will naturally sink into your own center You will disappear from the circumference And you will appear at the center

And the center of your being Is the door to the divine.

The circumference is the bridge with the world And the center is the bridge with god.

And the only problem for a real seeker of truth Is how to shift your energy

From the circumference to the center -- That's the whole art of religion

Or you can call it the science of religion; It is the same (inaudible)

That's what I teach you here. I am not against action;

Action is good if it arises out of rest. Words are beautiful if they come Out of silence.

Then they have some fragrance of truth in them, Then they have meaning, otherwise

They are just empty shells. Action is also meaningful

When it comes out of a deep rest.

Then you bring something of god into the world; You become a passage, you become a vehicle, And that's what sannyas is all about

Becoming vehicles for god. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


(To Ellen) -- This is our name: Ma Dhyan Ellen. Dhyan means meditation. Ellen means light. It also Means the bright one.

Meditation brings you

A tremendous explosion of light. It is just like atomic explosion;

It is not of atomic, it is of consciousness. It is not material, it is not outer

It is inner. But meditation is the key.

And once your inner consciousness explodes Your life radiates bliss, radiates intelligence Radiates creativity, love, compassion.

Thousand and one flowers bloom suddenly. Before that person lives

A life of utter emptiness

A life which has no meaning, no significance

A life which is impotent, which creates nothing which cannot be creative.

Meditation makes you aware

Of your great potential; makes you aware Of the kingdom of god what is within you. Sannyas and meditation are synonymous. Sannyas is only a declaration

That from now onwards

Your life will be devoted to meditation That everything else will secondary That everything else will be used

As a means to meditation -- Even love will be secondary

Even love will be used as a means for meditation. Unless meditation becomes your only one goal

It is impossible to attain it. It needs your total energy

One cannot go halfheartedly on the path. It is not for people

Who are wavering, ambiguous, uncertain.

It is only for those who know what commitment is

Who are courageous enough To commit themselves totally

Whose surrender is not pseudo, of the mind. Whose surrender is that of love and the heart. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


Then meditation is a very simple process But you have to make it

The centering fact of your life.

It can not be just one of the things Amongst many things.

It cannot be just one of the items

On the big shopping list of your life. It has to be the only one target

And you have to go like an arrow, unwavering, Persistently towards it, patiently

With your total energy. Whatsoever you can put into it You have to put into it.

The moment you are hundred per cent devoted A sudden flash of light

And your life is transformed:

You are no more the old one,

The old one is gone and the new is born. And then only one knows what life is

Then only one tastes the immortality of life The tremendous joy of it,

The moment to moment ecstasy of it all.

(To Masafumi) -- This is your name: Swami Anand Virago. Anand means bliss. Virago means non-attachment.

For centuries it has been told That non-attachment brings bliss. My teaching is just the opposite; I say bliss brings non-attachment.

The old teaching made non-attachment The basic phenomenon of a religious life, Hence it taught escapism, renunciation,

Dropping out of life -- but it was all repressive. You can escape from the world

But where will you escape from yourself?

And the world

Is not the problem in the first place. You are the problem.

One can renounce money But by renouncing money

The greed does not disappear.

Even a beggar is as much greedy as an emperor. So whether you have money

Or you don't have money, does not matter. In fact a beggar will be more greedy 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


Because we hanker for that which we don't have. You can renounce your wife

Your children, your family

But what are you going to do with your sexuality? Just by renouncing your wife

You cannot drop your sexuality -- It will go with you

And you will be continuously repressing it.

It will not create a healthy being in you, It will create pathology. Hence my teaching is: first become blissful...

And bliss comes through meditation

It has nothing to do with non-attachment. Non-attachment is not a condition

For being blissful.

Become blissful and then many things Will disappear from you life

On their own accord because It is misery that creates greed;

If you are blissful you will be non-greedy And non-greed will come naturally,

As a by-product.

If you are blissful sex will become Automatically less and less significant Because you will know

Something higher, something deeper Than sex can ever give to you.

Sex can give only moments of joy

But meditation can make that joy something

Like a constant undercurrent in your life.

Sex can give you a momentary orgasmic experience But meditation can give you an orgasmic being -- You are twenty-four hours in ecstasy, drunk.

Then slowly slowly as a consequence Sex disappears.

And when it disappears on its own accord There is beauty because

There is no presentation at all. Hence my approach is totally new,

It is diametrically opposite to the old approach. Bliss is a precondition for non-attachment

Not vice versa.

Become blissful through meditation

And then all that is meaningless will drop And all that is meaningful will (can't get it) You need not bother about that.


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


My sannyasins have to live life, have to live life in its totality I don't teach escapism. Escapism is cowardly.

It is not the way of the courageous And it is not the way of the sane.

(To Grant) -- This is your name: Swami Anand Svarupo. Anand means bliss. Svarupo means self-nature.

Bliss is not something that comes from the outside. It grows within you, it is your self-nature. You are born with it. Of course it is only a potential, but it is within you and it can be actualized.

Sannyas is a process of self-actualization. It simply means to make you that which you are potentially capable of becoming. Nothing has to be imposed upon you from the outside; hence I don't give you any discipline. I simply share my insight with you, then it is up to you to create your discipline. That has to be your own choice.

The old idea of sannyas was that a certain fixed routine, a certain static discipline has to be given, and one has to follow it mechanically. Of course, they used to call it "religiously," but it simply means mechanically. Religiously means, you are not allowed any freedom; you have to do it and you are not to ask why, because that is showing intelligence. You are supposed -- according to the old traditions all over the world -- to be obedient not intelligent. And remember, the intelligent person cannot be obedient in the ordinary sense, and the obedient person cannot be intelligent in the ordinary sense. The intelligent person can be obedient only to his intelligence.

So the real master helps you to become intelligent, and then you follow according to your light, you move according to your light. And each individual is so unique that no fixed pattern can be given. All fixed patterns are crippling, paralyzing, and there is no need in fact.

I give you freedom, I help you to be intelligent, alert, aware, silent and to discover your potential and then go accordingly.

You have to be yourself. You are not to be Jesus, you are not to be Buddha, you

are not to be me. You have to be just yourself, you are not to be an imitator.

Thomas a Kempis has written one of the most famous Christian treatises, The Imitation of Christ. The very title is ugly. As far as imitation is concerned it can create only pseudo people, hypocrites. About that, Friedrich Nietzsche is far more right than Kempis. Nietzsche says that the only Christian died on the cross two thousand years ago. He says the only Christian -- and he is right. Nobody else can be a Jesus. Nobody else was before him, nobody else will be again. And that is beautiful, that each individual has such uniqueness; nobody else has to be imitated by you.

That is the meaning of self-nature. Bliss is your nature, intelligence is your nature. Meditation is only a way to discover it, to uncover it. Once you have found it you become free from all imposed patterns --

Christian, Hindu, Mohammedan. You become free from all ideologies. You start living moment to moment, responding to the challenges of life according to your light. And then there is no repentance, no guilt. Then whatsoever you do is right. Not that you are following a certain pattern which says, "This is right and this is wrong." You are not following those ten commandments, you are simply following your own consciousness, your own awareness.

So I give you the eleventh commandment, the only one commandment really, your consciousness: Be a light unto yourself.

(To Ralf) -- This is your name: Swami Anand Parivartan Anand means bliss. Parivartan means constant change.

Misery arises because we don't allow change to happen. We cling, we want things to be static. If you love a woman you want her tomorrow too, the same way as she is yours today. That's how misery arises.


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


Nobody can be certain about the next moment -- what to say about tomorrow?

A man of awareness knows that life is constantly changing. Life is change. There is only one thing permanent, and that is change. Everything else except change, changes. To accept this nature of life, to accept this changing existence with all its seasons and moods, this constant flow which never stops for a single moment, is to be blissful. Then nobody can disturb your bliss. It is your hankering for permanency that creates troubles for you. You want to live in a life with no change, and that is not possible -- you are asking the impossible.

The child will become young, the young man will become old, the one who was alive yesterday will be dead today. If you accept all this change, this suchness of things, and you allow it to happen joyously --

knowing that's how life is -- then nobody can distract you from your bliss. Nobody can disturb your bliss.

Then you move each moment with the flow of life.

Otherwise, people are always lagging behind. Life is always running ahead and they are far, far behind.

They are simply dragging themselves. And they are so far behind that they are bound to be miserable --

because they will be almost dead, and by the time they reach to where life is right now, life has moved again. It is like a river: it is not stagnant, it is dynamic.

A sannyasin has to see it clearly that everything changes, nothing remains the same, even for two consecutive moments. Then the whole desire for keeping things as they are forever drops. And in that dropping you are free. Suddenly, a great freedom is felt. Then you are no longer disturbed by anything, nothing can disturb you.

Things disturb you because you were hoping for something else and it is not happening that way. Things frustrate you because you were expecting something else and it has not happened the way that you were expecting, it is happening in some other way. It is not fulfilling your desire; it is going on its own. It is not listening to you.

In almost all the languages of the world such proverbs exist: "Man proposes and God disposes." That is sheer nonsense. The moment you propose something you yourself are getting into trouble. Nobody is there to dispose it! But your very proposition creates trouble, because life is unpredictable; one never knows what is going to happen. And it is beautiful that one never knows what is going to happen. That's the excitement and the ecstasy of life, that it is a constant surprise. If it was predictable it would be mechanical. It is not predictable, there are always surprises in store. And the more alert you are the more surprises there are; hence people avoid being aware -- they become insensitive to protect themselves against this change.

Scientists say we allow only two per cent of life to enter into us; ninety-eight per cent we keep outside.

We exclude it so that we can go on living in our dreams, in our hopes, in our expectations. But how long can you live in a dream? It is going to be shattered sooner or later, and it is good that it is shattered sooner.

A man of awareness becomes courageous enough to accept the changing phenomena. In that very acceptance is bliss; then all is good, then you are never frustrated because in the first place you never asked anything. Jesus says, "Ask and it shall be given to you." He must be talking to very immature people; people were immature in those days. I say to you, "Ask and it shall never be given to you. Ask and you are asking for trouble. Don't ask and it shall be given to you."

Great blessings come to people who don't ask, because then everything is a blessing. If some stranger on the street gives you a rose flower -- a stranger you have never known before, you have never even been introduced... he simply smiles and gives a rose flower to you and walks on, not even waiting for a thank you

-- how much joy that simple rose flower brings to you! But you will not be surprised if your wife gives you a rose flower -- you will not, because you were expecting. If your friend gives you a rose flower you will not be surprised, you will not feel thankful; you will say, "So what?" It is the expectation that destroys your gratitude. But with a stranger, because you were not expecting, a simple rose flower becomes such a beautiful gift.


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


The moment you drop all your expectations, the whole of life becomes a gift of God.

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